S&SWM PR papers L681
I can give a written garrantee [sic] that they are all real antiquities
2 Harpur Street | London W.C. | 18th August 91
Knowing that you sometimes buy curious antiquities & having two rare & curious pieces which I should like to part with I venture to send you a sketch of them
One is a scolds bridle 16th century & the other is a boar hounds collar used when hunting the boar early 16th century The scolds bridge came out of the Chateau-de-Kyhrg in Winterture & the collar came from Schloss Ungor Poland Should you care to see them I can forward them on to you
Yours very truly
S.J. Whawell
Gen'l Pitt Rivers
[2 drawings annotated 'this open on an hinge to allow water being administered to the victim']
[Genl will go to see them Oct 1/91]
2 Harpur Street W.C. | 21st Sept 91
The lowest price for the scolds bridle & the boar hounds collar is £9= I believe that you purchased some very early Swiss halbards at Christies some few months ago which were my property. I have in my house some very rare and interesting arms & weapons which did not go to Christie's to be sold but which I would part with now If you are in Town soon you might please give me a call & oblige
Yours truly
S.J. Whawell
To Genl. Pitt Rivers
These items do not appear to have been acquired by Pitt-Rivers, they are certainly not listed in the catalogue of the second collection.
Transcribed by AP May 2011 as part of the Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project.