S&SWM PR papers L282
[To be ans[wered]?
Old Charlton | Kent S.E. | 21 Jany 1887
Dear Sir
Enclosed is the reply which I received by last mail from Sierra Leone respecting the Loom will you kindly let me know if you want it. the Loom is with me it seems a very high price to me. Still it is a great curiosity in this Country. I am leaving for the Sherbro in Sierra Leone next week 29th Inst. on a flying visit. I hope to be back within two months would you like me to collect any curios for you if I get the chance of doing so while there.
Yours faithfully
J.G. Alldridge
General A. Pitt-Rivers
Enclosed letter
R. 17.1.86 | Grafton
Sierra Leone W.C. Africa | December 17/ 86
J.G. Alldridge Esqr
Dear Sir
I beg respectfully to render my most sincere thanks for your very kind letter of Nov. 19th in reference to my exhibits at the late Indian and Colonial Exhibition.
I have no objection to sell you the "country loom"; it cost me £3-15. But if you would give me £5, (five pound) I will be content. It was with great difficulty I obtained it from the weaver who was of belief that I was about putting the instrument of his living into European hands and spoil his trade; it took me several days to convince him to sell off.
If this price suit you, you would therefore hand my letter to the committee of Indian & Colonial Exhibition for Sierra Leone, and pay the same to the committee who would forward it to me in Sierra Leone.
Believe to be
Yours faithfully
A.B.C. Sipthorpe
P.S. You shall receive another letter from me concerning other matters in your letter soon after this A.B.C.S
It seems that Pitt-Rivers too felt that the cost was too high as this item does not appear in the list of items in the second collection.
Transcribed by AP May 2011 as part of the Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project.