
Total images in all categories: 1,075
Total number of hits on all images: 21,886
Total number of hits on all images: 21,886
There are 342 images in category
- Chateleine from Icy Cape, Alaska 1884.68.23
- Author: Alison Petch
- Hits: 18
- Rating: No Votes
- Comments: 0
- Carving of European, Vancouver Island, Canada. Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford 1884.65.18
- Author: Alison Petch
- Hits: 62
- Rating: No Votes
- Comments: 0
- Carved storehouse door, Maori, New Zealand 1884.62.36
- Author: Alison Petch
- Hits: 29
- Rating: No Votes
- Comments: 0
There are 342 images in category

Total images in all categories: 1,075