All known successful bidders at Cesnola sales 1871-1892
This is a list of all the known successful bidders at Cesnola and Cesnola-Lawrence sales at Sotheby's. However, this is not a complete listing as the names were taken from an incomplete set of annotated sale catalogues. If you know anything about any of the names listed below which cannot be traced, please let us know via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ashley – Cannot be traced
Babington - Possibly Churchill Babington (1821-1889). Author archaeologist and naturalist [some objects from him in PR second collection]
Banting – Cannot trace
F.H. Bath – Cannot trace
Baxter – Cannot trace
Beaumont – Cannot trace
Behrens – There is an antiquary called Gustav Behrens who might be this person
Belsher – Cannot be traced
Birch – Possibly Samuel Birch (1813-1885) Keeper of Antiquities at British Museum or Walter de Gray Birch (1842-1924) worked at the BM Dept of Manuscripts from 1864 to 1902
Bowyer - someone called Bowyer gave some Greek bronzes to BM in 1912 from Rollin & Feuardent, could be same person
Brent - Probably Cecil Brent (?1828-?). F.S.A. Gave or sold objects from Kent to Pitt-Rivers’ founding collection. Possibly lived in Kent and then in Bristol. Civil servant. [Listed on RPR People Webpage] One of the subscribers to Alessandro di Cesnola’s Salaminia 1882
A. Bright – Cannot trace
Brock - Edgar Philip Loftus Brock (?1833-1895) F.S.A. Antiquarian and architect. He is associated with objects in second collection of PR. [Listed on RPR People Webpage] one of the subscribers to Alessandro di Cesnola’s Salaminia 1882
Buchanan – Cannot trace
Buckland – Cannot trace
Buckler – Cannot trace
Butler / F.H. Butler – Cannot trace
Campbell – Cannot trace
Cash – Cannot trace
Connell – Cannot trace
Cranston – Cannot trace
Cross or Grose – Cannot trace
Currie – Cannot trace
Cust – Cannot trace
Cutter Jnr - [presumably Eva?] London based dealer, sold material to PR, but not Cesnola artefacts [listed in RPR people]
Daniell Jnr - This could possibly be Walter Vernon Daniell an author who was around at the time
Dans – could this have been Daw see below?
Daw & Co – Cannot trace
Dickinson – Cannot trace
Dobree – Cannot trace
Elias -
Ellis - Possibly Tristram James Ellis (1844-1922) London based landscape painter and watercolourist. wrote a book 13 etchings of the views and places of interest in Cyprus London 1879
Elton – Cannot trace
Fenton - presumably means someone from Fenton and Sons, dealers based in Holywell Street and New Oxford Street, London. Sold Pitt-Rivers pieces for both collections [Listed on RPR People Webpage]
Feuardent – Felix Feuardent (1819-1907), dealer, London. In partnership with Rollin [qv] until 1883
Fielding – Cannot trace
Fiveash – Cannot trace
Flower - John Wickham Flower (1807-1873) Antiquarian
Franks – Augustus Wollaston Franks
Fry – Cannot trace
Gall – Cannot trace
?Gassley – Cannot trace
Gregory - Possibly a dealer based in Covent Garden, London who also sold other objects to Pitt-Rivers?
?Grueber - probably Herbert Appold Grueber 1846-1927 Numismatist and antiquary. BM Keeper of Coins and Medals 1906-1912 [3][4]
Gulley - there was dealer called JLM Gulley dealer in mid 20th century??? Poss that is Gatley rather than Gulley
Gunn – There is a dealer called James Gunn from 49 Bedford St London who might be the right person
Haig – Cannot trace
Hall [2] - ?William Edward Hall (1835-1894) Writer and collector, certainly owned some Cyprus items. Married to a Grove so possibly related by marriage to PR
S. Harding - A S. Harding donated a coin to BM in 1907, this might be the same person
Hardy – Cannot trace
Harrison – Cannot trace
Haydon – Cannot trace
Henderson - a John Henderson gave an archaeological object to the British Museum, and a P. Henderson gave coins to the same place
Hendricks – Cannot trace
Hetherington – Cannot trace
Hoffman - there was a coin dealer called Henry or Henri Hoffman who sold coins to the British Museum who may be the right person?
Hook [or Hock] – Cannot trace
Hope – Cannot trace
Hopkins – Cannot trace
Hugshe – Cannot trace
Jackson /J. Jackson / J.C. Jackson – Could be Reverend John Edward Jackson (1805-1891) Clergyman and antiquarian, based in Wiltshire, but as he also bought in 1892 (assuming it is same Jackson) this seems unlikely. BM has items from a Reverend John Clayton Jackson which is another contender
James – Cannot trace
Kellock – Cannot trace
King – Cannot trace
Lang - Probably Robert Hamilton Lang (1836-1913) who donated Cesnola object[s] to BM Scottish collector and merchant financier who was vice-consul in Cyprus and had large collection of Cyprus antiquities. He worked at Imperial Ottoman Bank [see below!]
J. [?G.] Lawrence – Cannot trace
Lawson - Alfred J Lawson (?-1921) Numismatist, seems to have been banker from Imperial Ottoman Bank, Smyrna.
Lincoln - Possibly W.S. Lincoln and Son Dealers Numismastists and antiquaries
Loftie - Possibly William John Loftie (1839-1911) British clergyman, antiquary and writer
Lough – Cannot trace
Lyndon – Cannot trace
Mrs L [possibly Lawrence or Lyndon] – Cannot trace
Mainwaring – Cannot trace
Marks - there was a dealer called Murray Marks based in New Oxford Street London who was partner to George Durlacher and specialised in Oriental china, he may be right person? [information from British Museum database]
Mason – Cannot trace
Mayhew - Possibly Samuel Martin Mayhew, F.S.A. etc (?-1898). Associated with another object in 2nd collection which did not come directly
Minet - possibly William Minet, F.S.A. (1851-1933) an antiquarian, or possibly his father James Lewis Minet [1807-1885]. I think it more likely to be William.
McCall – Cannot trace
Millett – Cannot trace
Morgan - Possibly Charles Octavius Swinnerton Morgan(1803-1888) F.S.A.
Morris – Cannot trace
Muller - possibly Eugene Guillaume Muller of 48 Great Russell Street, London. He sold Pitt-Rivers pieces for the second collection. [Listed on RPR People Webpage]. Or Frederik Muller / F. Muller and Sons, Dealers from London [poss the same firm as above?] Or Henry Muller of Berners Street who was a curiosity dealer.
Myers - Perhaps the most likely person is John Linton Myres who was asked in 1893 by the High Commissioner for Cyprus to report on the condition of the Govt collection of antiquities from there and was therefore a prime candidate. [Karageorghis, 2009: 11] Other options might be a dealer called Myers and Co of Savile Row, London. They were associated with PR 2nd collection. Someone called Walter Myers gave archaeological objects to BM at around this time
Nash – Cannot trace
Neate - just possibly Dreweatts Neate the dealer / auction house?
Neligan - William Chadwick Neligan Irish antiquarian
Palmer – Cannot trace
Pearson / H. Pearson - possibly a dealers, as someone / some company called Pearson's were the source of 6 bronze archaeological objects from Cyprus in 1882 so the items were presumably resold them to Pitt-Rivers for second collection and may have been obtained at an earlier Cesnola-Lawrence sale [Listed on RPR People Webpage]
Pope – Cannot trace
Powell – Cannot trace
Powlesland – Cannot trace
Poynter – Could be Edward John Poynter (1836-1919) Painter and draughtsman
Price - Could be Frederick George Hilton Price (1842-1909) Antiquarian, archaeologist and banker. Associated with both PR collections
Ranelagh, Lord -
Ransom – Possibly Frank Ransome William Ransome??
Ready - William Talbot Ready (1857-1914), he worked at British Museum as restorer but also dealt in objects
F.A. Reynolds – possibly a dealer of Broad Street, Bloomsbury London who sold items to Pitt-Rivers second collection
Richards – Cannot trace
Richmond – Cannot trace
Rigg – Cannot trace
Pitt-Rivers - qv
Roberts – Cannot trace
Rollin - Claude Camille Rollin (1813-1883) from Rollin & Feuardent, French and London based dealers. Pitt-Rivers often bought from them
Rose – Cannot trace
F. Sabin - There was a dealer in late 19th century called Frank Sabin but he seems to have been an art deal
Sasson - Possibly I. Sasson and Company, dealers in Wardour Street, London
Schmidt - someone called C. Schmidt sold a coin to the British Museum in 1881 and several antiquarian amulets in 1868, this might be the same person?
Scott – Cannot trace
Smith R.W. Smith W.H. or W.A. Smith H. Smith possibly H.C. Smith; both were antiquarians who contributed to 2nd collection G. Smith – It is likely that these are different people – Cannot trace
?Staceley – Cannot trace
Starling – Cannot trace
Stevens - Probably someone from Stevens Auctions Rooms, possibly Henry Stevens (1843-1925), Pitt-Rivers obtained many objects from them
Stewart – Cannot trace
Strutt – Cannot trace
Tabor - the BM have some archaeological items from a Tabor, via Wellcome and Sothebys, it might be same person, no further information available though
Tebbs – Cannot trace
Terrell / F. Tyrrell – Cannot trace
Terry - possibly Edmund Terry a curiosity dealer of 162 Wardour Street London who sold items to Pitt-Rivers second collection
Thompson – Cannot trace
?Tran / Trau - Possibly Franz Trau? Though he seems to have been a nusmismatist and collector, based in ?Vienna
Underwood – Cannot trace
Usher – Cannot trace
Valentine possibly Jacob Vallentine and Son Dealer in the Strand, London who sold items to Pitt-Rivers second collection
Verity – Cannot trace
Wagner – Cannot trace
F. Walker – Cannot trace
Wareham - possibly William Wareham 14 Charing Cross Road London, a curiosity dealer who sold items to both Pitt-Rivers collections
Way – Cannot trace
? White / Whyte – Could be Dealer Robert Whyte and Co, 19 Bury St St Mary Axe London, sold to BM [seem to be mostly coins]
?Wigmore – Cannot trace
Williams – Cannot trace
Yardley – Cannot trace
AP May 2012.