Objects from Cyprus 1882-1900
There are a number of objects from Cyprus listed in the catalogue of the second collection which were not necessarily connected to either of the Cesnola Brothers, or E.H. Lawrence, but might have been:
Add.9455vol1_p15 /7: 25 March 1882 Two pots from Cyprus
Add.9455vol1_p29 /1-6: 1882 6 Bronze Objects from Cyprus (From Pearson’s) [heights given]
Add.9455vol1_p123 /17: Antiques purchased at sale at Messrs Sotheby’s Wellington Street Strand 4th Dec. 1882 ...Lot 142 Iconic Male Bust laureated, near Nicosia, Cyprus, life size Greek type, 11 inches high £4.10.0
Add.9455vol1_p228 /2: [Antiquities purchased at sale, 28 May 1883, Messrs Sotheby’s Wellington St Strand] ... Antiquities (cont’d) ... Lot 154 £2.6.0 Bronze Mason’s Chisel, Nicosia very rare
Add.9455vol2_p438 /10-12: 23 March 1888 Pots from Bryce Wright’s sale Mar: 23, 1888 ... 596 Bought at Bryce Wrights sale ... 3 glass bottles Cyprus
Add.9455vol2_p472 /5-8: 2 May 1889 Cyprian Glass
Add.9455vol2_p526 /1: July 13th 1889 From Rollin & Feuardent Stone statuette 20 ins Cyprus
Add.9455vol3_p754 /3: 15 July 1891 2 Terra cotta figures on wooden plinths From Salaminia Cyprus
Add.9455vol3_p756 /1: September 1891 Bought of Evelyn Wright 144 Wardour Street ... Fragment of Ancient Greek Fresco Extreme length 10 1/2 in Width 6 1/2” Found at Larnaca Cyprus Formerly in the collection of M. Dupont Auberville
Add.9455vol3_p800 /3: 13 April 1892 (c) Cover of a pot from Cyprus Length 4 1/2 inches Two women kneading
Add.9455vol3_p869 /4: 11 November 1892 Bought of W. Talbot Ready 55 Rathbone Place, London ... (b) A grotesque figure Cyprus Eretria Height 6 inches
Add.9455vol3_p869 /6: 11 November 1892 Bought of W. Talbot Ready 55 Rathbone Place, London ... (c) Figure of Hypros sleeping on poppy head Cyprus Height 4 7/8 inches
Add.9455vol3_p870 /1: 11 November 1892 Bought of W. Talbot Ready 55 Rathbone Place, London ... Venus standing beside a column Cyprus Height 8 1/2 inches
Add.9455vol3_p870 /2: 11 November 1892 Bought of W. Talbot Ready 55 Rathbone Place, London ... Sleeping Eros terra-cotta Cyprus Length 3 3/4 inches
Add.9455vol3_p876 /1-2: 28 December 1892 Bought of Rollin & Feuardent, 19 Bloomsbury Street, London ... Two portions of a gold mortuary wreath from Cyprus (a) is much damaged (b) is ornamented with 3 green enamelled buds Length of (a) 4 3/4 ins
Add.9455vol4_p1379 /1: December 1896 Bought of Lawrence ... Bronze Spear head. Cyprus. Bronze Age.
Add.9455vol4_p1401 /2: December 1896 Bought of Lawrence ... Handmade vase with handle, Cyprus.
Add.9455vol4_p1401 /3: December 1896 Bought of Lawrence ... [Vase], Cyprus.
Add.9455vol4_p1402 /1: December 1896 Bought of Lawrence ... Cyprian pot, ornamented with chevrons filled with parallel lines and zigzags.
Add.9455vol4_p1402 /2: December 1896 Bought of Lawrence ... [Vase], Cyprus.
Add.9455vol4_p1404 /2: 12 January 1897 Bought of Lawrence ... Painted Cypriote Vase, Trist collection.
Add.9455vol4_p1405 /1: January 1897 Bought of Lawrence ...Cyprus [vessel] From the Brock coll: [NB Brock purchased many objects from the Cesnola-Lawrence sales so this could easily be one of them][Also NB: According to page 2116 this was obtained in 1896 and was in case 118]
Add.9455vol4_p1447 /1: 10 March 1897 Bought of W.D. Webster Bicester Oxon ... Cyprus figure
Add.9455vol4_p1479 /1, 3: April 1897 Early Incised Pottery from Cyprus. Obtained and presented by Professor Geddes
Add.9455vol4_p1479 /2: April 1897 Bronze Spearhead. [Insert] Presented by Professor Geddes 1897
Add.9455vol4_p1479 /4: April 1897 Presented by Professor Geddes Cyprus Bronze Dagger
Add.9455vol4_p1479 /5: April 1897 Early Incised Pottery spindlewhorl from Cyprus. Obtained and presented by Professor Geddes
Add.9455vol4_p1480 /2: 10 March 1897 Bought of Lawrence, Wandsworth ... Pottery bottle from Cyprus, ornamented with chevrons filled with parallel lines
Add.9455vol4_p1481 /1-2: 10 March 1897 Bought of Lawrence, Wandsworth ... 2 Pottery bottles from Cyprus, ornamented with chevrons filled with cross-lines
Add.9455vol4_p1482 /1: 1 March 1897 Bought of Lawrence, Wandsworth ... Flat pottery bowl from Cyprus, from the Brock coll: [see note about Brock above]
Add.9455vol4_p1482 /2: 10 March 1897 Bought of Lawrence (cont’d) ... Pottery vase, Cyprus, with fylfot
Add.9455vol4_p1494 /1-2: 1897 Presented by Mr G. Lawrence, Wandsworth ... 2 Pottery figures; Cyprus
Add.9455vol7_p2060 /2 and on: Lamps Bt [bought] Lawrence 1898-9 [And 98 other lamps not drawn as follows] ... Cyprus - 1
Add.9455vol7_p2084 /5: Cyprus [pottery vessel] Bt of Lawrence 1898
Add.9455vol7_p2090 /5: Prochous with trifoliated lip, red terra cotta 5 1/2” high Graeco Phoenician found at Amathus, Cyprus Lawrence 1898
Add.9455vol7_p2091 /1-2, Add.9455vol7_p2092 /1-2, Add.9455vol7_p2093 /2, Add.9455vol7_p2094 /1: Cyprus [pottery vessels] Bt of Lawrence
Add.9455vol7_p2115 /1: Cyprus from the Trist collection Bt of Lawrence
Add.9455vol7_p2116 /1: Cyprus Brock collection Bt of Lawrence 1896 also on p.1405 [see note about Brock above]
Add.9455vol7_p2121 /1-2: Cyprus [terracotta figures] Law’ce 1899
Add.9455vol7_p2125 /1: Cyprus [terracotta figure of dolphin]
Add.9455vol7_p2125 /2: Cyprus [terracotta figure of pig] Law'ce 1899
Add.9455vol7_p2125 /3: Cyprus Law'ce [terracotta figure of pig] Mar 1898
Add.9455vol7_p2126 /2: Cyprus [terracotta figure]
Add.9455vol7_p2127 /1-2: Cyprus Lawce [Terracotta figure, terracotta figure of pig] Feb 1899
Add.9455vol7_p2134 /3: Cyprus Law’ce [Pottery bird figure] Dec 1898
Add.9455vol7_p2135 /1-2, 4: Cyprus Law’ce [Pottery vessels] Ap: 1899
Add.9455vol7_p2135 /5: Cyprus Law’ce [Pottery vessels] Dec 1898
Add.9455vol8_p2210 /16: Cyprus [gold ornament] Bt of Lawrence June 1899
Add.9455vol8_p2210 /17-19: Gold ornament found in Cyprus Three of these Bt of Lawrence June 1899
Add.9455vol8_p2210 /23-26: 4 gold rings Found in Cyprus Bt of Lawrence1898
Add.9455vol8_p2211 /1-23: 23 rings &c Found in Cyprus Bt of Lawrence 1898
Add.9455vol8_p2212 /8: Necklet found in Cyprus Bt of Lawrence
Add.9455vol8_p2212 /10: Ring found in Cyprus
Add.9455vol9_p2260 /2-3 Two of these [glass vessels] Cyprus
Add.9455vol9_p2261 /1-2; Add.9455vol9_p2265 /7; Add.9455vol9_p2267 /6; Add.9455vol9_p2268 /2, 4; Add.9455vol9_p2291 /3-4; Add.9455vol9_p2295 /2 : Cyprus glass vessels [these may in fact have been found by Andrew Scott Stephenson]
Add.9455vol9_p2315 /13: Alabaster pestal [sic] 3 1/4” long from Cyprus ... Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2324 /24: 2 Armlets from Cyprus serpent shaped 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2324 /29: Finger Ring Cyprus Lawrence April 1899
Add.9455vol9_p2325 /16: 3 Signet Rings from Cyprus Lawrence April 1899
Add.9455vol9_p2325 /17: 5 Rings from Cyprus Lawrence April 1899
Add.9455vol9_p2325 /18: 4 Ear Rings from Cyprus Lawrence April 1899
Add.9455vol9_p2325 /20: 5 Rings from Cyprus
Add.9455vol9_p2325 /25: Ring brooch Cyprus Lawrence April 1899
Add.9455vol9_p2326 /10: Small handle of bucket Cyprus 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2326 /21: Small bone charm Cyprus 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2326 /22: Spindle whorl Salamis Cyprus 1899 Percy Christian
Add.9455vol9_p2326 /23-24: 7 Toilet knives for the nails or Styluses Cyprus Lawrence April 1899
Add.9455vol9_p2327 /24-25: 2 Axes Cyprus March 1898 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2328 /20-21: Bronze arrowheads Cyprus March 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2329 /1-6: Bronze spearheads from Cyprus April 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2329 /15: Bronze awl with ivory handle Cyprus
Add.9455vol9_p2330 /29-30: 2 Scarabs Cyprus April 1898 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2331 /3: Bronze figure of woman kneeling (Cyprus) April 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2331 /10 Bronze Plate Cyprus Pearce coll. April 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2331 /11 Bronze Circular piece with slight projection on border Cyprus Salamis
Add.9455vol9_p2331 /15: Bronze Small Plate Cyprus Pearce coll. December 1898 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2331 /22: Bronze Vase with 2 handles Cyprus . February 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2332 /14: Nail with chisel Cyprus March 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2335 /1-2: Bronze bowls from Salamis 1898 Percy Christian
Add.9455vol9_p2347 /20-24, Add.9455vol9_p2348 /1: 10 Glass, terracotta and stone spindlewhorls from Cyprus April 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2348 /2: Arrowhead from Cyprus June 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2348 /5-6: 2 Stone beads Cyprus June 1899 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2355 /5: Egyptian Bead found in Cyprus March 1898 Lawrence
Add.9455vol9_p2260 /3-4 Two of these [glass vessels] Cyprus
Add.9455vol8_p2210 /27: [1 of] 4 gold rings Found in Cyprus Bt of Lawrence 1898
There are also several Cypriote items from a sale at Sotheby's of Robert Philips Greg's collections, and items from Percy Christian from Cyprus which might also be related to the Cesnola Lawrence collections, though they could easily have come from another source, particularly the Christian material as he was a resident of Cyprus and involved in excavations.
The items marked Bt. Lawrence or Lawrence above probably were acquired from George Fabian Lawrence a Wandsworth based dealer, but they could in fact be marked Lawrence meaning Lawrence-Cesnola collection and have come from an unrecorded source. This uncertainty is fueled by the absence of much reliable information for objects recorded in the later volumes of the catalogue of the second collection when the backlog was being recorded at haste, and bias was given to recording the object accurately in drawing rather than recorded information details.
AP May 2012.