Items bought on 14.3.1888
Lot no. |
Sale Catalogue Description |
No. of objects |
Price paid £.s.d |
Notes |
114 |
607 |
Archaic Pottery of various styles obtained in the oldest cemeteries of Cyprus. They are of different forms, all choice, and valuable examples for Museums and Collectors’ cabinets. Very few now remain in the Collection Wine Jugs or Oenochoe of early and various styles 6 in 4 1/4 in |
2 |
0.8.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /1-2 |
115 |
608 |
Archaic Pottery … Rhyton or animal headed drinking horn with plaited handle a curious prototype of the later rhyton imperfect 9 in high |
1 |
See above |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
116 |
615 |
Archaic Pottery … Cylix of fine shape and dimensions, red glazed ware of bright colour with black circular bands of ornamentation 7 1/2 in diam a fine example of this class |
1 |
1.11.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p411 /8 |
117 |
616 |
Archaic Pottery … Oenochoe or wine-jug of the red glazed ware globular body broad lips 6 1/2 in diam |
1 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p414 /2 |
118 |
639 |
Archaic Pottery … Tetine or perfume sprinkler buff with deep red lines; and a barrel shapedvase |
2 |
0.15.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /3-4 |
119 |
640 |
Archaic Pottery … Barrel-shaped Oenochoe or Askos and a small Phoenico-Cypriote jug with deep red glaze and black bands |
2 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /5-6 |
120 |
641 |
Archaic Pottery … Globular bottle with long neck, red glaze, with elaborate patterns of zigzags and lozenges incised 7 1/4 in long |
1 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /7 |
121 |
642 |
Archaic Pottery … Pale red highly glazed Phoenico-Cypriote vase, ornamented with black bands and circles and an elegant diminutive oenochoe of black ware and incised zigzags and other ornaments |
1 |
?1.10/0 |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /8-9 |
122 |
643 |
Archaic Pottery … Ancient Vase of remarkable style, with bull’s head in front and pattern of snakes and branches down the body lower part broken off |
1 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /10 |
123 |
650 |
Archaic Pottery … Archaic jug buff and black important shape 7 in high |
1 |
0.16.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /11 |
124 |
651 |
Archaic Pottery … Aryballos in form of a duck, buff coloured ware ornamented with deep red and black colouring a remarkable relic of considerable artistic merit, handles wanting 8 3/4 in high |
1 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /12 |
125 |
731 |
Gold Objects Golden Fillet or wreath for the forehead composed of 57 leaves of lanceolate form from the grave of an ancient hero |
1 |
3.3.0 |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
126 |
743 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Child seated, resting the head on the right hand, on a pedestal olive wood plinth 5 1/2 in high |
1 |
1.11.0 |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
127 |
744 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Caricatures of a drunken Actor reclining on an amphora and wearing a comic mask olive wood plinth 5 3/4 in high |
1 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p415 /6 |
128 |
748 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Lower part of a figure of Apollo with a lyre, seated on a rock olive wood plinth 5 1/2 in high |
1 |
2.2.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p416 /2 |
129 |
749 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Youth, probably Eros, riding on a cock, olive wood plinth 7 1/2 in high |
1 |
See above |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
130 |
751 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Female figure, seated, reading a scroll, nice work olive wood plinth 6 1/2 in high |
1 |
1.4.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p416 /1 |
131 |
752 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Woman holding an infant in her arms olive wood plinth 7 1/2 in high |
1 |
See above |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
132 |
755 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Fine Statuette of a Goddess or Lady holding an offering traces of colouring olive wood plinth 9 1/4 in high |
1 |
3.0.0 |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
133 |
756 |
Terra Cotta Statuettes Elegantly designed statuette of a draped female, olive wood plinth 10 in high |
1 |
See above |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
134 |
765 |
Graeco-Roman and other lamps Lamp for two wicks with barb shaped handle oak wreath and ornament and a circular lamp |
2 |
0.16.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p406 /9-10 |
135 |
766 |
Graeco-Roman and other lamps Lamp with barb shaped handle the voyages of Ulysses (?) and a lamp for two wicks or dimyzos of elegant shape |
2 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p406 /11-12 |
136 |
769 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds A greyhound seizing a hare carved in calcareous stone a seated dog terra cotta |
2 |
0.13.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p407 /1-2 |
137 |
770 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds A greyhound seizing a hare calcareous stone two primitive animals in terra cotta |
2 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p407 /3-5 |
138 |
771 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds Statuette of a man seated, calcareous stone |
1 |
1.1.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p407 /6 [but says lot 777] |
139 |
772 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds A beast of burden with two panniers a carved dog good work and a head terracotta |
3 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p407 /7-9 [but says lot 778] |
140 |
785 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds Ancient Chariot painted terra cotta with pair of Wheels to match pieces |
3 |
0.12.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p408 /1 |
141 |
786 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds Another, three wheels, various |
4 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p408 /2-5 |
142 |
787 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds A pair of wheels from an ancient chariot |
2 |
1.2.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p408 /6-7 |
143 |
788 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds Another pair |
2 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p408 /8 |
144 |
789 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds A Chariot wheel finely painted in red and black archaic style and two with spokes marked in relief |
3 |
0.11.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p408 /9-11 |
145 |
790 |
Toys and figures or animals and birds Tray shaped vase or stand two chariot wheels two bell shaped toys |
5 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p409 /1-5 |
830 |
Ancient Glass Vessels Unguentarium or Lachrymatory of the Phoenician style long neck iridescence of fine quality 5 3/4 in high |
1 |
0.9.0 |
Said in sale catalogue to have been sold to Behrensbut Add.9455vol2_p417 /16 |
146 |
831 |
Ancient Glass Vessels Another [Unguentarium or lachrymatory] thick substance metallic lustre 5 3/4 in high |
1 |
6.17.6 |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
147 |
863 |
Ancient vases of larger size Red ware spouted jug or sprinkler incised and relief pattern 9 in high |
1 |
0.19.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p414 /3 |
148 |
864 |
Ancient vases of larger size Lantern of remarkable character pierced to receive a small lamp and a small lamp within it |
2 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p411 /3-4 |
149 |
867 |
Ancient vases of larger size Highly glazed red ware vase globular body broad handle 8 in high |
1 |
1.6.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p411 /1 |
150 |
868 |
Ancient vases of larger size Another of the same style pyriform body 9 1/2 in high |
1 |
1.6.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p411 /2 |
151 |
871 |
Ancient vases of larger size Ancient dish or phiale with two handles the under part elaborately ornamented for suspending to a wall in black and red 12 in diam rare |
1 |
0.8.0 |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
152 |
872 |
Ancient vases of larger size Another [dish] black ornaments on under side 11 1/2 in high rare |
1 |
See above |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /13 |
153 |
873 |
Ancient vases of larger size Very Archaic water jug or hydria of Argive style, pale cream coloured ware ornamented with patterns in black, an important specimen of the style 10 in high |
1 |
2.2.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p411 /17 |
154 |
874 |
Ancient vases of larger size Oenochoe pale cream coloured ware pattern incised and painted with eyes fylfots chequers and bands in black and red 7 3/4 in high |
1 |
3.4.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p410 /14 |
155 |
875 |
Ancient vases of larger size Crater on three loop shaped feet, two handles in form of long horned bull, cream coloured glazed ware, ornamented with black and red colours in bands lozenges arrow heads and other devices 8 1/2 in high |
1 |
3.1.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p413 /2 |
156 |
877 |
Ancient vases of larger size Askos of highly glazed red ware globular body, circular lip a fine large and massive vase of unique dimensions 17 in high |
1 |
0.13.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p414 /1 |
157 |
878 |
Ancient vases of larger size Oenochoe of the black ware of Cyprus, raised pattern of spiral cabled patterns 15 1/2 in high a rare specimen on account of its great size |
1 |
0.18.0 |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
158 |
879 |
Ancient vases of larger size Wine jug or Oenochoe with strainer in mouth pale buff ware painted in outline with stags or ibexes and a large bird, a valuable and choice example of the archaic art of the potter in Cyprus 11 in high |
1 |
4.6.0 |
Not listed in 2nd collection catalogue for unknown reason |
159 |
881 |
Ancient vases of larger size Barrel shaped Oenochoe broad lip, buff coloured ware ornamented with concentric circles, bands and barb shaped or fish like devices in black 11 in high a choice relic |
1 |
2.0.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p411 /12 |
160 |
888 |
Ancient vases of larger size Askos or barrel shaped Oenochoe broad lip pale cream coloured ware ornamented with concentric circles and bands in black 13 1/2 in high |
1 |
1.1.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p413 /4 |
161 |
889 |
Ancient vases of larger size Amphora of short thick body of open mouth, deep red ware with ornamentation of black colour 15 in high |
1 |
1.15.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p414 /4 |
162 |
895 |
Ancient vases of larger size Cypriote amphora of fine quality, buff and black as in previous lots, ornamented with the fylfot emblem 21 1/2 in high |
1 |
1.11.0 |
Add.9455vol2_p413 /3 |