Views of the interior of Rushmore

Billiard Room Rushmore

The Pitt-Rivers family own three albums of photographs of the Rushmore estate and its interior, showing the improvements that Pitt-Rivers carried out whilst he was its owner between 1880 and 1900. These, of course, are of great interest to people interested in Pitt-Rivers' collections as they show many of the objects he owned, and pictures, in situ. Note that the descriptions given in the captions below are those given in the albums. Two of the albums relate that the photographs were taken by Pitt-Rivers' secretary, Harold St George Gray.

Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum also hold versions of these photographs, some of which can be viewed on their website. If you wish to see them please contact them direct at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A selection of these photographs is provided here. We are very grateful to Anthony Pitt-Rivers for loaning these albums to us and allowing us to use the images.

For photogaphs of the Larmer Gardens from the albums, see here.

On 27 May 2012 the Friends of the Pitt Rivers Museum arranged a tour of the Pitt-Rivers' related places in Dorset and Wiltshire. During the visit to Sandroyd School (previously known as Rushmore) the following colour photographs of the interior were taken, it is interesting to compare them with the ones taken in 1900. Obviously none of the collections (or furniture) from Pitt-Rivers' day remains at the school, but the room layout and walls, fireplaces etc can still be recognized.

AP May 2012.

Rushmore from Pitt-Rivers' family album, before 1900

Rushmore from Pitt-Rivers' family album, before 1900

Rushmore from Pitt-Rivers' family album, before 1900

Dining Room Rushmore

Drawing Room Rushmore

Dining Room Rushmore

Hall, Rushmore

Rushmore Stairs

Rushmore Staircase


Corridor Rushmore

Gallery, Rushmore

General Pitt-Rivers' bedroom, Rushmore

Inner hall, Rushmore

Inner hall from corridor showing arch, Rushmore

Inner hall, Rushmore


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