Pitt-Rivers and the Anthropological Institute Museum
Pitt-Rivers acquired many items from the museum amassed by the Anthropological Institute. In 1880 it was recorded
The Library and Museum Committee was instructed to take into consideration the disposal of the accumulation of ethnological objects in the possession of the Institute'; AI Council minutes, 10 Feb. 1880, f. 354
In 1881 it was recorded:
'... while the Institute has a most valuable collection of skulls and skeletons, it has on the other hand never succeeded in collecting an ethnographical museum of any educational value. A few articles, not unfamiliar to the visitors of any large ethnographical museum, such as weapons, dresses, models &c., have been presented to the Society at various times, but while they have occupied much wall space in the rooms of the Institute, and thus cramped the library, they are neither sufficient in number nor capable of arrangement in any order complete enough to serve the purpose intended. Upon a careful review of the whole of the circumstances, therefore, the Council have resolved that it would be the wisest course for the Institute to devote all spare funds to the enlargement of the Library, and to maintain the collection of skulls and skeletons, but to give up the attempt, which they are convinced would be a hopeless one, to establish any sufficiently large and comprehensive ethnographical museum. Their view was confirmed by the independent professional opinion of a valuer nominated by an eminent firm, who estimated the value of all the ethnographical specimens referred to at only £45. ... The Council resolved, therefore, subject to the approval of this meeting, to accept two offers, amounting together to £54, or £9 more than the valuer's estimate, viz: one of £14 from Mr Franks, curator of the Christy Collection, for the Burmese gong, and one of £40 from Major-General Pitt Rivers for the other objects, with the view of their being ultimately deposited at South Kensington. ...' [Report of the Council of the Anthropological Institute ...' [JAI, vol 10 (1881) 438-9]
AP, February 2012, updated with first quotation kindly provided by Dan Hicks in September 2012.