Purchasing from the Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886
This page transcribes several pages from the National Archives workbook 39/16 which appear to list the items purchased from the 1886 Colonial and Indian Exhibition in London. The list appears to be in handwriting similar to Pitt-Rivers' but it could be an assistant's, and most pages are crossed through with note 'Packed' which suggest that they are either a packing list, or a list made while viewing the exhibition which was later used as an aide-memoire when collecting purchases. The costs given here are, by and large, not included in the entries for the objects written in the catalogue of the second collection held by Cambridge University Library. Where it was possible to link the entries to entries from that catalogue a note has been made below.
Page 186
This section may be notes that relate to the Cape Court at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886 where at least one of the objects was obtained.
Cape Court
West African Section
1 Large Bride water pot Brass [this is Add.9455vol2_p296 /3]
2 smaller calabashes [illegible] [these are Add.9455vol2_p296 /4-5]
1 Cameroon canoe with figures [this is Add.9455vol2_p299 /5]
15 figures [this is Add.9455vol2_p317 /1 and on]
variety of continuous coil as ornament
1 Chief's Gown Exhibited by Mr Alldridge [1] Gallinas country Sherbro Sierra Leone W Africa £6.6.0 [This is Add.9455vol2_p296 /6]
2 Bangles of Elephant's hoof worn by Kroobars or Head [?] warriors belonging to the Great Chiefs Sherbro Gallinas country West Africa £1.0.0 [these are Add.9455vol2_p295 /2-3]
Page 187
pair brass tongs Sierra Leone [this is Add.9455vol2_p294 /1]
2 small whips £1.1.0 [these are Add.9455vol2_p294 /5-6]
Bespoke mat loom Sierra Leone [this does not appear to be listed in the CUL catalogue]
2 [illegible] baskets [these are Add.9455vol2_p296 /1-2]
3 Dish covers [these are Add.9455vol2_p295 /14-16]
7 table mats [these are Add.9455vol2_p295 /7-13]
1 sun hat £1.11.6 [this is Add.9455vol2_p295 /6]
1 Country Cloth Gallinas Country Sierra Leone £6.6.0 patch work or shops [this is Add.9455vol2_p296 /6]
1 Drinking cup [possibly Add.9455vol2_p292 /8]
2 bottles Basuto [possibly Add.9455vol2_p292 /10]
(15) 1 pipe ornamental pipe 10/-
(17) 1 pipe 10/- [there are a large number of pipes listed in the CUL catalogue, these have not been matched specifically]
Drawings [annotated (15)]
The whole of this page scored through and 'Packed' written across
Page 188
3 2 snuff boxes 10/- each made of scrapings of [illegible] Pouda hand native work Pouda tribe [these are Add.9455vol2_p293 /1-3]
Snuff box No 45 Basuto [Drawing] 5/- [this is probably Add.9455vol2_p293 /8]
Walking stick [possibly Add.9455vol2_p294 /2-4]
Pouda comb [this does not appear to be listed in the CUL catalogue]
4 Milk and Beer pots [probably Add.9455vol2_p292 /1 and on]
Basuto 10/- each
Cup and Saucer 15/- Basuto [probably Add.9455vol2_p292 /9]
Milk Pot Basuto 15/- [probably Add.9455vol2_p292 /1 and on]
beer strainer 8/- [this is probably Add.9455vol2_p295 /17]
6 pieces of stone from which [P. 189] the Bushman gets his paint red yellow &c 5/- [this is Add.9455vol2_p293 /6]
Page 189
5 sheets of copies from Bushman drawings painted with similar paint as used by Bushmen mixed with oil of olive tree 10/- each [this is Add.9455vol2_p293 /5]
Drawn Make drawing of this [2 drawings]
KRUIS Pottery eyelet hole red about half size in case of Bushmen and Hottentot stone implements Transvaal [this does not appear to be listed in the CUL catalogue]
Page 190
2 ornamental pipes with figures [there are a large number of pipes listed in the CUL catalogue, these have not been matched specifically]
1 pipe of mimosa wood £1.5 [there are a large number of pipes listed in the CUL catalogue, these have not been matched specifically]
2 knives used to make same [Add.9455vol2_p295 /4-5]
1 pipe figure 10/- [there are a large number of pipes listed in the CUL catalogue, these have not been matched specifically]
1 pipe figure 8/- [there are a large number of pipes listed in the CUL catalogue, these have not been matched specifically]
Kufir female dress bead work full dress [this is Add.9455vol2_p293 /9]
Young girl's dress of beads 6/- [this is Add.9455vol2_p293 /4]
3 pipes one with man on horse imitation of same ruins work as did [there are a large number of pipes listed in the CUL catalogue, these have not been matched specifically]
1 doll with beads used as a charm by barren women Basuto and Kufir [Add.9455vol2_p292 /11]
The whole of this page scored through and 'Packed' written across
Page 191
West African court
1 brass stand £2.10.0.
1 hunter 1.0.0
1 prisoner 1.0.0
1 chief 1.15.0
1 canoe 2.0.0
1 [illegible] 2.10.0
1 calabash 15
1 calabash 12.6
Fancy stick 10/-
Stirring spoon wood 10/-
The whole of this page scored through and 'Packed' written across
Page 192
1 pipe for smoking wild hemp Basuto [there are a large number of pipes listed in the CUL catalogue, these have not been matched specifically]
Earthenware cooking pot No 39 Class F
Total £19.14.0
E.J. Dennis collection [2]
P1 P2 P3 P4
Q1 Q4
O7 O8 O11
17 unnumbered close to
K22 K19
J81 J78 K72 J73
F2 F5 F18
R7 R9
H42 H27
Page 193
A3 C2 D3 D11
C17 C19
S2 photograph
Clay milk or Beer Pot
Ben made of millet
Drinking cup used for handing round beer from large pot above [Drawing][Add.9455vol2_p293 /7]
Fancy walking stick with figures [possibly Add.9455vol2_p294 /2-4]
Page 194
[insert] obtain photos of Cyprus [illegible]
Cyprus Court
3 earthenware vessels
2 gourds
1 basketwork serving tray
[mark] cooling water
1 roofing tile
2 pots [Drawings, annotated 'for milk' 'for fire'] these to be well packed
2 basket with olive squeezes
Small tin hanging lamp
[Note that these objects are not all listed in the catalogue of the second collection]
Page 195
Total of Cyprus Court £55.5.0
Arrows India Bhil hill tribe [Drawings, one annotated Orrissa] These are locked in upright case in office at Gros. Gardens
Page 196
Images Indian Court
left receipt at office
From Chinese Court
6 Brass locks from Chinese Court C.I. Ex 1 minus key [Add.9455vol2_p280 /1-6]
Chinese objects from Chinese court
apply to Mr Woodehouse Genl. offered £20 for collection of agricultural implements including Page 197 large mortar for pounding rice with stone [illegible] and machinery
spade with iron shoeing
Winnowing machine
Threshing machine (see if correct)
Irrigating machine
and other small objects [These appear to be models see Add.9455vol2_p313 /1 and on]
Page 198
North Borneo Call at Sup Office for information price of objects chosen by you [insert at side] Called at office [end insert]
Cases for Chinse objects
There are already cases [insert] for [end insert] these
Objects (shields &c New Guinea Court ?for sale
Page 199
Saturday Nov 19th/ 86 [date must be wrong]
Packing pottery in Imperial Court
Monday Nov 22nd / 86
Packed in large case A portion of Indian pottery &c also heavy pottery from Cyprus Court
Basket tray at top
Packed snakes from Indian Section in small box B also pieces of the more fragile pottery &c
Page 200
small objects of pottery from India Court packed in Case C [over crossing out 'Unpacked']
Objects from West Africa also hands from India Court packed in Case D [insert on side] Also brass figures Q.T.
Indian models packed small Case E [over crossing out 'Unpacked']
Nov 24th
Received cheque for
Page 201
Mr Woodhouse for £20 for agricultural implements in Hong Kong Court
Nov 23rd
Took Cyprus Court and loom to Nine Elms goods station an saw them loaded
Call at Wheatley's and see box unpacked
A B C D E cases packed
Elliott Bros 101 St [illegible] Lane
Case C B E to be
Case A D (larger) [insert at side] left at 4 G.G. [4 Grosvenor Gardens] sent to Nine Elms (24th)
Page 202
1 Plough Hoe Rake Spade &c &c
2 Irrigating machine in universal use for pumping up water from the canals for the irrigation of the Rice fields
3 Winnowing machine for rice
4 Threshing machine
5 Rice pounding machine in which the rice is made clean and white without breaking the germ
6 Specimen of bamboo bridge showing mode of throwing bridges over current and [illegible]
in use in Hong Kong
Page 203
used for rice only
37 wooden links to clean [?] of irrigating machine [Drawing] packed in case F small portions of Hong Kong agricultural implements [mark] also head of figure
Page 204
Nov'ber 26th / 86
Went to Wheatley's and opened box containing 2 paintings on [illegible] and framed from Dresden and found same in good condition and uninjured. Repacked same
Called at Partridge and Cooper's and ordered 3 tin deed boxes
Ordered 2 large albums at Parkins & Gotto's
The above to be sent to Rushmore
Page 205
[Drawing] from the C.I. Ex used in China (Hong Kong) for ironing clothes [Add.9455vol2_p279 /3]
Intervening pages do not appear to be about exhibition
Page 211
Expenses in London
Packing paper 2/-
Railway fares South Kensington and Victoria 2/8
Bus fares to City Wheatley's Partridge and Coopers and Parkins & Gotto 1/-
Men assisting in Exhibition 4/-
Transcribed by AP October 2011
[1] Alldridge must be Thomas Joshua Alldridge, (1847-1916) District Commissioner Sherbro, West Africa.
[2] I cannot trace E.J. Dennis