P141 S&SWM PR papers
The following transcription of P141 shows another of Pitt-Rivers' series of objects presumably in the founding collection. It is not clear what the document represents, except for a list of the items which were included in a display, it is headed "A catalogue of M. [sic] General Pitt Rivers Anthropological Collection" and may therefore have formed part of the catalogue that South Kensington Museum were supposed to have put together of the collection before 1884. In this case it is a real shame that the rest of it does not appear to have survived as it would have meant a clear description of the entire Pitt-Rivers' founding collection before it came to Oxford.
Michael Thompson in his catalogue of the S&SWM PR papers describes P141 as:
'7 pp. entitled 'A catalogue of M. General Pitt Rivers Anthropological Collection''Objects illustrating Animal Form conventionalised in Ornamentation from different countries' and described as Nos 1-56. The last page [insert] covering [end insert] Nos 56-82 is entitled 'Objects as catalogued or labelled in the British Museum' and has a column for case numbers but no description. The objects had a very diverse origin: Easter Island, Mexico, Tahiti, Jamaica, Eskimo ... etc. From the style of address (Major General Pitt Rivers) this very incomplete catalogue must have been completed in 1881-2 and so refer to the S. Kensington Museum, not Farnham Museum which did not yet exist.'
This part-catalogue appears to match many items which appeared in Cases 92-93 at the Bethnal Green / South Kensington Displays which are otherwise described as Illustrations of Human and Animal form Cases 92 - 93, in the Delivery Catalogue (where items transferred from London to Oxford in 1885 are listed). However, it does not include all of them. Because we do not know when this part-'catalogue' was created, or for what purpose, it is not possible to speculate what it really represents except it does link a range of objects from the founding collection together into a series.
A catalogue of M. General Pitt Rivers Anthropological Collection
Objects illustrating Animal Form conventionalised in Ornamentation from different countries
No. |
Object |
Description and Classification |
Locality &c |
1 |
Stick or staff |
Carved with two figures of men lengthwise LengthBreadth |
W. [Added in pencil ?] |
2 |
Ditto ditto |
Carved with a female figure, half length, & with five ornamented notches, the fifth at end opposite figure resembling a ferule LengthBreadth |
? |
3 |
Wooden chain |
Carved with Birds and Apes, each having links attached to body of Chain Eighteen links in all LengthBreadth |
West African |
4 |
Wooden object carved with looped coil in upper portion, the lower representing front view of an animal’s head LengthBreadth |
? |
5 |
Carved wooden object, boomerang-shaped, with half-length human figure, ornamented on body with Scrolls or Coils LB |
? |
6 |
Fiddle |
Fiddle ornamented with form of a peacock & Bow LB |
India |
7 |
Stick |
Handle round & carved with representation of a human hand in low relief, body of stick flat & ornamented with pricked representations of Animals & human figures, end opposite handle hooked & pointed LB |
? |
8 |
Sculptured stone |
A seated Female figure LB |
? Cypriote |
9 |
Wooden bird |
Carved wooden object resembling Bird with arched-beak. Bound with reed in three places, and with rope attached to body. General form, a hook LB |
Vancouver Island |
10 |
Stick |
Carved with representations of leafage In General form resembling a boomerang LB |
? |
11 |
Wooden club |
Handle flat & ornamented with floral & geometrical designs, curved at end where it becomes [insert] a [end insert] ball-shaped, in which a representation of a human face. An embroidered leather belt or band attached, having pendants of metal, and bunches of cut bone placed at intervals along its edges LB |
North American |
12 |
Wooden object resembling human figure i [sic] head [insert] round [end insert] and carved. A line across forehead & a divisional line across scalp from ear to ear. Right arm cut off above elbow Body apparently of hollowed bark LB |
Fiji Islands South Pacific |
13 |
Oar |
Ornamental with fretwork and representations of animals on blade, and with two carvings of human heads on handles |
? |
14 |
Oar |
Bearing similar ornamentation to No 13 and a representation of human figure on blade. Handle ornamented with fretwork, but with [insert] out [end insert] the carved heads |
? |
15 |
Oar |
In general form resembling Nos 13 & 14, having incised ornamentation on a small portion of handle, and carved with representations of human heads similar to those on the handle of No 13 |
? |
16 |
Horse |
Represented as fully equipped. Each flank is ornamented with a representation of a spray of leafage. A cylindrical projection on forehead, like a horse. The whole is of bronze |
? |
17 |
Box |
Of wood, inlaid with representations of foliage and grotesque figures of a man and animals. On each side of man’s head is a bird, and the representation of human figure, from the waist, terminates in the form of a fantastic animal. The sides of box are ornamented with bands of scroll-work |
? |
18 |
[in pencil] See description attached * |
A small sword or dagger, with a remarkably small handle of wood which is a rude block-shape of [illegible] in wood [in pencil] See Description |
Johore M Peninsula |
19 |
Same |
Similar in form to No 18. The animal figure, tho’ resembling in shape that on No 18, is much more developed and finished, and is wrought in ivory with elaborate scrollwork Both [in pencil] 18 & 19 resemble the Kookris of Ghourkas in the smallness of the handle |
? |
20 |
Drinking vessel |
Of Lambeth ware. Having a representation of a male figure, apparently a religious, holding a scroll which bears the inscription “W Lawson &c -----the sides incline upwards towards a narrow circular mouth |
Lambeth? |
21 |
Oar |
Blade ornamented with incised representations of grotesque human faces, slightly varying on either side. Down the greater portion of blade runs a central thin ridge, which terminates on both sides between the eyes & mouth of the human face. A portion of the handle furthest from the blade is bound with plaited straw painted [insert] or stained [end insert] red; and the whole ends in a spike like form |
? |
22 |
Bronze group |
Representing an elephant attacked by an immense bird – an eagle or a vulture |
? |
23 |
Sculptured stone |
Representing a contorted human face, the mouth of which is circular and open, and having a hole passing from [insert] front to [end insert] back. The general form is an oval. Of a dark grey stone |
? |
24 |
Knife ? |
Of ivory or bone. Representation of human head carved at one end |
Icy Cape |
25 |
? |
Representation of an animal having triangular ornamentation on part of body. Of ivory or bone |
Ditto ? |
26 |
Knife ? |
Ornamented at one end with a carving of an animal head, and on the body, with incised representation of four animals. Of bone or ivory |
Ditto ? |
27 |
? |
Object of bone or ivory having a carving of an animal head at one end. In form like a nail |
Ditto ? |
[Added on back of previous page] Objects as catalogued in Brit: Museum Nos 24 to 27 “Instrument used by the Esquimaux to fasten the cords of sinews to strengthen the back of the bows Esquimaux |
28 |
Bronze lamp |
Oil receptacle in form of female human figure, to waist, which terminates in a lozenge-shaped mouth or spout. Each hand of figure clasps a breast; and round the neck a necklet is suspended |
? |
29 |
Horn powder flask |
Ornamented with conventionalised figures of men and animals, and with three bands of inscription |
Norway |
30 |
Knife |
Handle, of ivory, carved with representations of two nude human figures, apparently Adam and Eve – the male figure holds [insert] in his hand [end insert] an apple, and both appear seeking to hide their nakedness |
? |
31 |
Knife |
Handle of ivory, carved with the representation of a grotesque bird-like animal, the back of which is ornamented with a series of incised semi-circles |
? |
32 |
Cup |
Of horn; engraved with the representation of a fox-hunt, in three bands. Near the rim on the outside an inscription: “Jo’n Long January 30, 1827” |
? |
33 |
Oar |
Handle ornamented with two rude carvings of human faces in high relief. A thin divisional ridge runs down centre of blade |
? |
34 |
Sculptured stone |
Representing human head and body, apparently a female. The general form of the head triangular, two lines or ridges are described from either towards nose, and end in a line with mouth at the side of each cheek. The shoulder and elbow of each arm form almost right angles. Round the waist is a band, above which the navel is represented, and between, centrally, are three incised lines which form a triangle with waistband |
? |
35 |
Stick |
In shape of stiletto. The handle elaborated carved with fantastic representations of human and animal figures, with two interweaving bands of fretwork terminated by two birds’ heads |
? |
36 38 39 38 3 |
Bowl |
Of wood, carved in the rude forms of a boat, rising from a fish-shaped base, inlaid at regular intervals with diamond-shaped pieces of ivory, the space between which forms a regular zigzag on a wooden band near the rim; bearing at one end the form of a bird with a carved wooden ring attached to breast. Below its head, round the edge of boat-shape, two wooden bands branch out, decorated in a manner similar to the first portion but diconected [sic] therefrom & probably intended to represent wings. At the hind portion a bird is represented as diving, or falling, with breast upwards, below beam of boat, and above the beam is a portion of the figure of a bird at rest |
? |
2 36 |
Bowl (?) |
Of wood. Upper portion similar in shape to No 37 & decorated in the same way. In the fore part of the boat a bird is represented swallowing a fish, and the bid part bear a carved representation of a bird at rest above the beam, below which is the form of a bird diving or falling with breast upwards. The whole is supported by a grotesque representation of a human figure seated on a flattened form of a fish |
? |
2 37 37 |
Bowl |
Closely resembling No 36. The hind part of boat differs therefrom only in the absence of a seated bird above the beams & in the fuller development of the diving, or falling, bird. In this object the beam terminates in a curved form. The whole is supported by a lozenge shaped form like an inverted dish. Of wood. |
? |
39 |
Drinking vessel |
Of hard, polished wood; pear-shaped. Ornamented at the narrow end with a fantastic carving of a fish’s head, having red eyes formed of a wax-like substance, and a hole through centre of mouth |
? |
40 |
Carving |
Representing a human head, apparently [insert] covered [end insert] by a cap, the left ear alone represented, in the form of a ring, prolonged in the upper part by a curve. On both sides of face three lines of inlaid pieces of pearl terminate at the side of mouth. Two curved wooden forms, probably representing arms, separately commencing from a flat band of wood below the back of head, unite under the chin. |
? |
41 |
Powder Flask |
Of horn. Ornamented with conventionalised figures of men and animals, and with bands of inscriptions [in pencil] see object & description |
? |
42 |
Stick (?) |
Handle carved with the rude figure of a man stooping & supporting three pinacles [sic] |
? |
[Added on back of previous page] Objects as catalogued in Brit: Museum No 42 (very similar figure) See Brit Mus phots Sandwich Islands |
? |
43 |
Staff (?) |
Of hard, polished wood, carved with the representation of human adult and infant figures, and of two alligator-like animals: the infant figures are clasped between the legs of the elder |
? |
44 |
Carving |
Of wood, of a human head, similar in general form to No 40. Having two lines of inlaid pieces of pearl round portion of head between the ears, and one line of like ornamentation from underneath mouth upwards close to eyes on both sides of face. The hands are represented holding a child’s head, which is attached to chin underneath |
? |
45 |
Bowl (?) |
Ornamented with carvings in low relief of animals of conventional forms in black on a warm white ground |
? |
46 |
? |
Of Bronze, bearing at one end the representation of lion’s head and fore-legs; and at the other end that of a ram’s head. The space between the two heads is round and ornamented with flutings like a Doric pillar |
? |
47 |
Knife |
The Blade ornamented [insert] near the back [end insert] with a short line of incisions, resembling chain or network, [insert] is [end insert] otherwise plain. Handle of bone or ivory, carved with grotesque human figures and animals, and with much florid ornament in high relief. The scabbard of dark, polished wood, bound with fine broad bands of brass |
? |
48 |
Sculptured stone (?) |
Of marble (?) Nearly flat, carved with the representation of a grotesque human face, the general form almost circular, much depressed above forehead |
? |
49 |
Box |
Carved with conventionalised figures of animals, at one end the heads of two fish-like animals are represented as joined by the lower [illegible]. Objects branching from their heads and resembling horns, travel halfway along the body of (?) box, which is centrally divided and ornamented with two raised, narrow bands. At the other end are an animal is represented as devouring something, and the figure [insert] head [end insert] of a much smaller animal is attached to its throat, a second and small band passes behind the ears of both heads, between which and the central band or division [insert] (?) [end insert] is the representation of a bird in low relief |
? |
50 |
Carving (?) |
Probably a portion of the prows of a canoe, ornamented with a disconected [sic] coil pattern inlaid with two pieces of pearl above which is the representation of a human figure seated, [insert] the [end insert] feet resting on a flat surface which forms almost a right angle with another [insert] illegible [end insert] flat surface, against which rests the head |
? |
51 |
Stick ? |
Pointed at one end, and at the other carved with a representation of a grotesque animal, the general form of which resembles the human figure on No 42 |
? |
52 |
Stiletto ? |
Handle of hard wood, carved, and representing a human head |
? |
53 |
Tapestry |
Ornamented with grotesque animal figures. From a tomb, Arica, opened by an earthquake |
Peru, S.A. |
54 |
Tapestry |
Ornamented with grotesque representations of birds From the same place, etc |
Peru, S.A. |
55 |
Cup |
Of Rhinoceros horn, with bands of conventional scrollwork and openwork handle of grotesque creatures |
Japan |
56 |
Cup |
Same description exactly |
Japan |
* The fuller description does not survive.
** Note that these items do not appear to have been transferred to Oxford from London with the rest of the founding collection and may have been taken back into the Pitt-Rivers private collection at some point after they were recorded on page 57 of the 'Green Book' or day book of South Kensington Museum as ''Green book' entry - South Kensington Receipts, 16 and 17 January 1878 - Brought in by hand by General Lane Fox 2 Japanese rhinoceros horn vases'.
Here is the same table with entries matched to the accession numbers that are now used at the PRM, Oxford. Not every object has been matchable but this is mostly due to the incompatibility of the descriptions between the different forms of documentation:
No. |
Object |
Description and Classification |
Locality &c |
Matching PRM accession number |
1 |
Stick or staff |
Carved with two figures of men lengthwise LengthBreadth |
W. [Added in pencil ?] |
Possibly 1884.65.7 |
2 |
Ditto ditto |
Carved with a female figure, half length, & with five ornamented notches, the fifth at end opposite figure resembling a ferule LengthBreadth |
? |
Can’t match |
3 |
Wooden chain |
Carved with Birds and Apes, each having links attached to body of Chain Eighteen links in all LengthBreadth |
West African |
1884.69.11 |
4 |
Wooden object carved with looped coil in upper portion, the lower representing front view of an animal’s head LengthBreadth |
? |
Can’t match |
5 |
Carved wooden object, boomerang-shaped, with half-length human figure, ornamented on body with Scrolls or Coils LB |
? |
Can’t match |
6 |
Fiddle |
Fiddle ornamented with form of a peacock & Bow LB |
India |
1884.113.41 |
7 |
Stick |
Handle round & carved with representation of a human hand in low relief, body of stick flat & ornamented with pricked representations of Animals & human figures, end opposite handle hooked & pointed LB |
? |
1884.13.12 |
8 |
Sculptured stone |
A seated Female figure LB |
? Cypriote |
Can’t match |
9 |
Wooden bird |
Carved wooden object resembling Bird with arched-beak. Bound with reed in three places, and with rope attached to body. General form, a hook LB |
Vancouver Island |
Probably 1884.11.48 |
10 |
Stick |
Carved with representations of leafage In General form resembling a boomerang LB |
? |
Possibly 1884.12.45 |
11 |
Wooden club |
Handle flat & ornamented with floral & geometrical designs, curved at end where it becomes [insert] a [end insert] ball-shaped, in which a representation of a human face. An embroidered leather belt or band attached, having pendants of metal, and bunches of cut bone placed at intervals along its edges LB |
North American |
1884.65.14 |
12 |
Wooden object resembling human figure i [sic] head [insert] round [end insert] and carved. A line across forehead & a divisional line across scalp from ear to ear. Right arm cut off above elbow Body apparently of hollowed bark LB |
Fiji Islands South Pacific |
Possibly 1884.6.3 |
13 |
Oar |
Ornamental with fretwork and representations of animals on blade, and with two carvings of human heads on handles |
? |
Can’t match |
14 |
Oar |
Bearing similar ornamentation to No 13 and a representation of human figure on blade. Handle ornamented with fretwork, but with [insert] out [end insert] the carved heads |
? |
Can’t match |
15 |
Oar |
In general form resembling Nos 13 & 14, having incised ornamentation on a small portion of handle, and carved with representations of human heads similar to those on the handle of No 13 |
? |
Can’t match |
16 |
Horse |
Represented as fully equipped. Each flank is ornamented with a representation of a spray of leafage. A cylindrical projection on forehead, like a horse. The whole is of bronze |
? |
Can’t match |
17 |
Box |
Of wood, inlaid with representations of foliage and grotesque figures of a man and animals. On each side of man’s head is a bird, and the representation of human figure, from the waist, terminates in the form of a fantastic animal. The sides of box are ornamented with bands of scroll-work |
? |
Possibly 1884.7.52 |
18 |
[in pencil] See description attached * |
A small sword or dagger, with a remarkably small handle of wood which is a rude block-shape of [illegible] in wood [in pencil] See Description |
Johore M Peninsula |
Probably 1884.24.224 |
19 |
Same |
Similar in form to No 18. The animal figure, tho’ resembling in shape that on No 18, is much more developed and finished, and is wrought in ivory with elaborate scrollwork Both [in pencil] 18 & 19 resemble the Kookris of Ghourkas in the smallness of the handle |
? |
Possibly 1884.24.238 |
20 |
Drinking vessel |
Of Lambeth ware. Having a representation of a male figure, apparently a religious, holding a scroll which bears the inscription “W Lawson &c -----the sides incline upwards towards a narrow circular mouth |
Lambeth? |
1884.66.7 [NB PRM records suggest figure is actually of a woman and the name Dawson] |
21 |
Oar |
Blade ornamented with incised representations of grotesque human faces, slightly varying on either side. Down the greater portion of blade runs a central thin ridge, which terminates on both sides between the eyes & mouth of the human face. A portion of the handle furthest from the blade is bound with plaited straw painted [insert] or stained [end insert] red; and the whole ends in a spike like form |
? |
Can’t match |
22 |
Bronze group |
Representing an elephant attacked by an immense bird – an eagle or a vulture |
? |
1884.68.75 |
23 |
Sculptured stone |
Representing a contorted human face, the mouth of which is circular and open, and having a hole passing from [insert] front to [end insert] back. The general form is an oval. Of a dark grey stone |
? |
Possibly 1884.126.122 |
24 |
Knife ? |
Of ivory or bone. Representation of human head carved at one end |
Icy Cape |
Possibly one of 1884.68.19-22 |
25 |
? |
Representation of an animal having triangular ornamentation on part of body. Of ivory or bone |
Ditto ? |
Possibly one of 1884.68.19-22 |
26 |
Knife ? |
Ornamented at one end with a carving of an animal head, and on the body, with incised representation of four animals. Of bone or ivory |
Ditto ? |
Possibly one of 1884.68.19-22 |
27 |
? |
Object of bone or ivory having a carving of an animal head at one end. In form like a nail |
Ditto ? |
Possibly one of 1884.68.19-22 |
[Added on back of previous page] Objects as catalogued in Brit: Museum Nos 24 to 27 “Instrument used by the Esquimaux to fasten the cords of sinews to strengthen the back of the bows Esquimaux |
28 |
Bronze lamp |
Oil receptacle in form of female human figure, to waist, which terminates in a lozenge-shaped mouth or spout. Each hand of figure clasps a breast; and round the neck a necklet is suspended |
? |
1884.116.70 |
29 |
Horn powder flask |
Ornamented with conventionalised figures of men and animals, and with three bands of inscription |
Norway |
1884.28.9 or 1884.67.119 |
30 |
Knife |
Handle, of ivory, carved with representations of two nude human figures, apparently Adam and Eve – the male figure holds [insert] in his hand [end insert] an apple, and both appear seeking to hide their nakedness |
? |
Probably 1884.67.118 |
31 |
Knife |
Handle of ivory, carved with the representation of a grotesque bird-like animal, the back of which is ornamented with a series of incised semi-circles |
? |
1884.68.77 |
32 |
Cup |
Of horn; engraved with the representation of a fox-hunt, in three bands. Near the rim on the outside an inscription: “Jo’n Long January 30, 1827” |
? |
1884.68.42 |
33 |
Oar |
Handle ornamented with two rude carvings of human faces in high relief. A thin divisional ridge runs down centre of blade |
? |
Can’t match, could be 1884.12.251 [club] |
34 |
Sculptured stone |
Representing human head and body, apparently a female. The general form of the head triangular, two lines or ridges are described from either towards nose, and end in a line with mouth at the side of each cheek. The shoulder and elbow of each arm form almost right angles. Round the waist is a band, above which the navel is represented, and between, centrally, are three incised lines which form a triangle with waistband |
? |
Can’t match |
35 |
Stick |
In shape of stiletto. The handle elaborated carved with fantastic representations of human and animal figures, with two interweaving bands of fretwork terminated by two birds’ heads |
? |
Can’t match |
36 38 39 38 3 |
Bowl |
Of wood, carved in the rude forms of a boat, rising from a fish-shaped base, inlaid at regular intervals with diamond-shaped pieces of ivory, the space between which forms a regular zigzag on a wooden band near the rim; bearing at one end the form of a bird with a carved wooden ring attached to breast. Below its head, round the edge of boat-shape, two wooden bands branch out, decorated in a manner similar to the first portion but diconected [sic] therefrom & probably intended to represent wings. At the hind portion a bird is represented as diving, or falling, with breast upwards, below beam of boat, and above the beam is a portion of the figure of a bird at rest |
? |
Possibly one of 1884.6.13, 1884.6.19 |
2 36 |
Bowl (?) |
Of wood. Upper portion similar in shape to No 37 & decorated in the same way. In the fore part of the boat a bird is represented swallowing a fish, and the bid part bear a carved representation of a bird at rest above the beam, below which is the form of a bird diving or falling with breast upwards. The whole is supported by a grotesque representation of a human figure seated on a flattened form of a fish |
? |
1884.6.25 |
2 37 37 |
Bowl |
Closely resembling No 36. The hind part of boat differs therefrom only in the absence of a seated bird above the beams & in the fuller development of the diving, or falling, bird. In this object the beam terminates in a curved form. The whole is supported by a lozenge shaped form like an inverted dish. Of wood. |
? |
Possibly one of 1884.6.13, 1884.6.19 |
39 |
Drinking vessel |
Of hard, polished wood; pear-shaped. Ornamented at the narrow end with a fantastic carving of a fish’s head, having red eyes formed of a wax-like substance, and a hole through centre of mouth |
? |
Can’t match |
40 |
Carving |
Representing a human head, apparently [insert] covered [end insert] by a cap, the left ear alone represented, in the form of a ring, prolonged in the upper part by a curve. On both sides of face three lines of inlaid pieces of pearl terminate at the side of mouth. Two curved wooden forms, probably representing arms, separately commencing from a flat band of wood below the back of head, unite under the chin. |
? |
Can’t match |
41 |
Powder Flask |
Of horn. Ornamented with conventionalised figures of men and animals, and with bands of inscriptions [in pencil] see object & description |
? |
Possibly 1884.28.9 or 1884.67.119 |
42 |
Stick (?) |
Handle carved with the rude figure of a man stooping & supporting three pinacles [sic] |
? |
Possibly 1884.65.42 |
[Added on back of previous page] Objects as catalogued in Brit: Museum No 42 (very similar figure) See Brit Mus phots Sandwich Islands |
? |
43 |
Staff (?) |
Of hard, polished wood, carved with the representation of human adult and infant figures, and of two alligator-like animals: the infant figures are clasped between the legs of the elder |
? |
Can’t match |
44 |
Carving |
Of wood, of a human head, similar in general form to No 40. Having two lines of inlaid pieces of pearl round portion of head between the ears, and one line of like ornamentation from underneath mouth upwards close to eyes on both sides of face. The hands are represented holding a child’s head, which is attached to chin underneath |
? |
Can’t match |
45 |
Bowl (?) |
Ornamented with carvings in low relief of animals of conventional forms in black on a warm white ground |
? |
Can’t match |
46 |
? |
Of Bronze, bearing at one end the representation of lion’s head and fore-legs; and at the other end that of a ram’s head. The space between the two heads is round and ornamented with flutings like a Doric pillar |
? |
1884.68.120 |
47 |
Knife |
The Blade ornamented [insert] near the back [end insert] with a short line of incisions, resembling chain or network, [insert] is [end insert] otherwise plain. Handle of bone or ivory, carved with grotesque human figures and animals, and with much florid ornament in high relief. The scabbard of dark, polished wood, bound with fine broad bands of brass |
? |
Can’t match |
48 |
Sculptured stone (?) |
Of marble (?) Nearly flat, carved with the representation of a grotesque human face, the general form almost circular, much depressed above forehead |
? |
Can’t match |
49 |
Box |
Carved with conventionalised figures of animals, at one end the heads of two fish-like animals are represented as joined by the lower [illegible]. Objects branching from their heads and resembling horns, travel halfway along the body of (?) box, which is centrally divided and ornamented with two raised, narrow bands. At the other end are an animal is represented as devouring something, and the figure [insert] head [end insert] of a much smaller animal is attached to its throat, a second and small band passes behind the ears of both heads, between which and the central band or division [insert] (?) [end insert] is the representation of a bird in low relief |
? |
Possibly 1884.68.47 |
50 |
Carving (?) |
Probably a portion of the prows of a canoe, ornamented with a disconected [sic] coil pattern inlaid with two pieces of pearl above which is the representation of a human figure seated, [insert] the [end insert] feet resting on a flat surface which forms almost a right angle with another [insert] illegible [end insert] flat surface, against which rests the head |
? |
Possibly 1884.65.39 |
51 |
Stick ? |
Pointed at one end, and at the other carved with a representation of a grotesque animal, the general form of which resembles the human figure on No 42 |
? |
Can’t match |
52 |
Stiletto ? |
Handle of hard wood, carved, and representing a human head |
? |
1884.67.102 |
53 |
Tapestry |
Ornamented with grotesque animal figures. From a tomb, Arica, opened by an earthquake |
Peru, S.A. |
One of 1884.59.1, 1884.69.22 |
54 |
Tapestry |
Ornamented with grotesque representations of birds From the same place, etc |
Peru, S.A. |
One of 1884.59.1, 1884.69.22 |
55 |
Cup |
Of Rhinoceros horn, with bands of conventional scrollwork and openwork handle of grotesque creatures |
Japan |
** |
56 |
Cup |
Same description exactly |
Japan |
** |
The final page of P141 is headed separately but with a similarly laid out table. The reason for this chart is unclear, it does not seem to list items from the founding collection - there are no figures from Kingston Jamaica, or stone figures from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in the founding collection for example
Objects as catalogued or labelled in the British Museum
No |
Object |
Case |
Locality |
57 |
Idol |
No. 61 |
Easter Island |
58 |
War Horn |
.. 30 4 [ie 34] |
Ashantis [sic] |
59 |
Idol |
.. 30 |
(near Kingston Jamaica |
60 |
Pottery also |
.. 37 .. 33 |
61 |
Idol (?) |
.. 31 |
62 |
Vases |
.. 38 |
63 |
Clubs |
.. 43 & 44 |
British Guiana |
64 |
Calabashes |
.. 44 |
ditto |
65 |
Scoops (?) |
.. 45 |
66 |
Gourds (?) |
.. 48 |
67 |
Mus. Inst’s |
.. 47 |
also |
Grotesque face |
.. .. |
68 |
Combs |
.. 48 |
69 |
Oar or staff |
.. 50 |
70 |
Wooden idol |
.. 53 |
Tahiti |
71 |
Staff |
.. 64 |
72 |
Oar |
.. 65 |
73 |
Model of canoe |
.. 67 |
74 |
Gourd |
.. 68 |
New Guinea |
75 |
Head Comb |
.. 68 |
Worn by Indians [pencil] [sic] |
ditto |
76 |
Calabashes |
.. 68 |
Read sear point [sic] |
ditto |
77 |
Ornament |
.. 69 |
(of canoe) [pencil] do do [ie ditto] |
78 |
Vase(?) |
-------- |
(In separate case, centre of room) [pencil] |
Amaro |
79 |
Vase (?) |
-------- |
do do do |
Trujillo |
80 |
Bird figure |
-------- |
do do do |
Mexico |
See also coiled loop |
-------- |
do do do |
do |
81 |
Stone fig: |
-------- |
See Phot Brit Mus No 77 |
Easter Island |
82 |
Bow straightener |
With engraved figures see ditto ditto |
Esquimaux |
Transcribed by AP for the Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project August 2011