Red book series

At the end of the Blue Book series, there are four pages of items, headed 'Bone Objects (ancient)' and 'Tools' which are so-called Red Numbers. It is not clear what this means. These series are only set out in the Blue and Red book.

Bone Objects (ancient)

Page 83

1. Bone pick, hole bored for handle (2600) 1884.122.551

2. Bone pick, found in excavation at Charing X Rail'y Station (2599) 1884.118.211

3. Bone pick, handle a [illegible] handle. Thames Southwark 1865 (2602) 1884.118.261

4. [Added] Antler [end addition] Bone axe, bored with hole. Denmark 1884.122.522

5. [Added] Antler [end addition] Bone haft, bored with hole and groove for stone implant. (2602) 2592 [sic] 1884.122.553

6. Deer horn pick, found in pit, ... for obtaining flint, called Grime Graves near Brandon (2598) 1884.118.268

Page 84

R.[eturned] 7. Deer horn pick found with No 6. (2598) Not matched

8. Deer horn pick. Found in gravel at Creetingham [sic] 1884.118.267

9. Horn of a Chetal used as a pick for various purposes. Found by a Bunnea [sic] in the Himalayas. For comparison with Grime Graves picks 1884.118.272

10. Stone haft hafted in horn, cork float for nets (2601), Bone implements (3) Swiss Lakes (2593) Not matched and 1884.11.62 1884.118.83, 89, 91

11. Bone haft chisel, bored with hole, 2 bone daggers, three bone handles from excavations Walthamstow 1884.118.187-192

12. Bone implements (6) Thames Valley, London (2594) 1884.118.209, 247, 252-4, 238

13. Bone tips (6) Probably Ireland (2590) 1884.118.180, 184, 206 Not matched

14. Bone arrow points, set on both edges with flint flakes. Denmark (2589) Not matched

15. Bone harpoon head. Queensland. Bone serrated ?lance head Denmark. Modern bone objects (2595) 1884.118.12, 1884.122.548, Not matched

16. Bone harpoon heads (5) Arrow straightener, Esquimaux (2585) 1884.68.30 or 1884.118.273

17. Bone knives (2) Bone spear points (2) Model harpoon Esquimaux (2586) 1884.118.35 1884.20.88 Not matched

18. Knitting needle, needle case, loop for fishing line, knife set with fragments of metal, knife, clog for feet, drill, drill bow, wooden tool set with fragment of metal, wooden box Esquimaux (2584) Not matched

19. Bone knife ornamented, Bone object unknown use 1833, bone measure, bone knife with seal's head, bone tools (2) bone spoon, bone measures (20 bone arm guard for bowstring Esquimaux (2583) 1884.118.6, 1884.15.110 and not matched

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20. Bone spear points (5) Probably N. America  and 21 Bone spear points (4) Probably N. America 2596 1884.118.18, 20, 21, 22, 24-28

22. Bone knives (2) Vancouver's Is Sharks tooth mounted in bone handle Sandwich Is (2587) Not matched and 1884.23.16

23. Bone harpoon heads (2) Tierra del Fuego (2588) 1884.20.1 & 2

24. Fallow deer horn with piece cut off by a flint, with flint by which it was cut for experimental purposes (2441) Not matched


25. R[eturned] 28.12.83 Clasp knives (5) various periods and countries

26. C[ase] 88 Clasp saw, Chinese Not matched

27. Kaffir needles (3) Iron woman's knives, variously ornamented (4) ibt bt Consul Petherick C. Africa 1884.63.28, 29 and Not matched

Added note: 2 knives & 1 needle rt [returned] 29.XII. 1883

28. [missed out on list]

29. Models (5) of Hindoo Agricultural tools & implements Not matched

30. and 31. Iron pieces (2) used as a medium of exchange C. Africa Not matched and 1884.99.1

32. Case 88 Firesticks (2) Extinct race of Tasmania 1884.8.3

33. Case 88 Firesticks (2) in case N. Guinea 1884.8.4

34. Case 88 Firesticks (2) of cane Locality not known Not matched

35. R[eturned] Chinese iron tool Horn handle Not matched

36. Bronze seals (5) ?Ashanti Not matched

37. Seal. Chinese, Found in a field at River's Town, Co. Cork ?1884.97.14

38. Earthenware Seal, Chinese a Knocknamouff Cork Not matched

39. Piece of seal found in constructing Brandon R'y Not matched

Page 85a

Ag 5201/ 16.6.76 Badge of office carved wood, Chinese (3155) 1884.13.48

Ag 7456D (1) Wash ball W. Africa (3356) 1884.70.7

Ag 7456D (2) Kaffir fire stick (3392) 1884.8.5

Ag 7456D (3) Cossack pouch (3353) 188.8.9

Ag 7456D (4) Japanese cockroach trap (3373) Not matched

Ag 7456D (5) Japanese strike-a-light (3355) 1884.8.8

Ag 7456D (6) Swan pan, Japan 3430 1884.98.66

Ag 7456D (7) Thong for climbing trees 3644 1884.117.33

Ag 7456D (8) Rouge, Chinese (3385) Not matched

Ag 7456D (9) Japanese pouch (3348) 1884.101.81

Ag 5594/ 5.9.76 (1) Chinese flint & steel ?1884.8.14

Ag 5594/ 5.9.76 (2) Flint & Steel, leather bag with brass mounts 1884.8.10

Ag 4062/ 7.3.86 [sic] Two sticks, carved (3153 & 3154) 1887.97.8 and 1884.13.39

Page 86

40. Bronze seal ?A deer Not matched

41. Bronze seal Chinese Not matched

42. Case 88 Wheel seal Not matched

43. Case 88 Assyrian cylinder & seals (11) 3180 Not matched

44. Case 88 Kimmeridge coal money (7 pieces) Not matched

Added note on page 86a: Kimmeridge coal money Checks or refuse pieces from the turning lathe when making jet & shale ornaments &c)

45. Carved agate buttons (6) 3180 Not matched

46. Case 88 Weights, Greek from Cyprus (3), set of Roman weights found in England, set of weights, Chinese Not matched

47. Case 88 Chinese mandarin steel yard (3180) 1884.97.4

48. Case 88 Wooden objects, use unknown. Found in a bog Augh Bulley Co.Cork (3150) 1884.117.6

Added note on page 86a: Tattooing tools (Friendly Is) at B.M. like G. P.R.'s

49. Kaffir piece used for scenting houses & clothing Not matched

50. Case 78 Leaden heart case with heart. Said to have been found beneath the crypt of a church in Cork (2414) 1884.57.18

51. Case 43 Model of a cromlech at Ardra Bear Is 1846 Not matched

52. and 53. Stones with cup holes. Found in a tumulus near Scarboro. York Not matched

54. Stone with cross on it. W. Ireland Not matched.

Page 86a

15.X.75 Two Roman lamps broken 1946 & 1948 1884.116.51, 53

2671/ 8.X.75 Perforated figure painted gold & colours horn handle (J.K. 2833) Not matched

1438/ 26.XI.74 Chinese box padlock Not matched

1848/ Feb. 75 16 Cork prehistoric monuments Not matched

AP, March 2011

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