Patterns series

This series relating to 'Patterns consisting of animal & vegetable forms conventionalized in ornamentation' is only listed in the Blue book. It was displayed in a series of cases and screens at Bethnal Green Museum and South Kensington Museum.

Blue number

PRM accession number

Blue book entry

Blue 414 - 419

1884.68.24-28, 30 1884.118.5

Case 55 414 - 19 Ivory knives and arrows (6) straightened The handles representing dog, bear, deer, seal and human face. Esquimaux Obtained by Sir E Belcher (2129 and 2130)

Blue 419a


Case 55 419a Throwing stick handle representing human head Australian (2185)

Blue 420


420 Rattle representing a duck, frog and human figure Obtained by Sir E Belcher (2169)

Blue 421


421 Dancing stick representing a crane NW Coast of America (Mr Daly)

Blue 422


Case 49 422 Dancing stick with bird and human figure NW Coast of America (2171)

Blue 423


423 Dancing stick with bird on an animal's head. The teeth of the animal's head and the bird's head and wings may be taken as the foundation of conventionalized forms represented in the following specimens from this locality viz NW Coast of America (2187)

Blue 424 - 425


424 and 425 Drumsticks with bird and animal's head NW Coast of America (2186 and 2170)

Blue 426


426 Ivory head of drum stick representing a bird with human figure in its mouth NW Coast of America (2128)

Blue 427


427 Wooden totem representing an animal's head and human figure NW Coast of America (2183)
AdditionalBlue book entry - Totem - A rude figure of beast bird etc used by the N American Indians as a symbolic name The inscriptions which are found on the Indian grave yards mark a step in advance Each warrior has his crest called his totem painted on his tombstone

Blue 428 - 429


428 and 9 Slate Totems representing human and animal figures conventionalized NW Coast of America (2119 2120)
AdditionalBlue book entry - Totem - A rude figure of beast bird etc used by the N American Indians as a symbolic name The inscriptions which are found on the Indian grave yards mark a step in advance Each warrior has his crest called his totem painted on his tombstone

Blue 430 - 433

1884.68.54 1884.101.92-94

Case 49 430 - 3 Stone pipes representing animal and human forms NW Coast of America (2121 2122 21232177)

Blue 434


434 Horn vessel a duck NW Coast of America (2158)

Blue 435


435 Horn vessel the handle an animals head NW Coast of America (2074)

Blue 436


436 Wood vessel the handle an animals head NW Coast of America (2156)

Blue 437


437 Wood vessel a beaver NW Coast of America (2073)

Blue 438


438 Cap ornament human head N W Coast of America (2155)

Blue 439


439 Box eyes mouth eyebrows etc derived from animal and human heads NW Coast of America (2084)

Blue 440


440 Box ornamented with eyes etc NW Coast of America (2153)

Blue 441


441 Fetish ivory for containing disembodied spirits ornamented with conventional faces NW Coast of America (2125)

Blue 442


442 Hat basketwork eyes teeth ears etc as ornament NW Coast of America (2175)

Blue 443


443 Canoe W coast ornament (2154)
Added Blue book entry - Bowl

Blue 444


444 Canoe W Coast ornament (2083)

Blue 445 - 454

1884.61.42 .1-7, 43 1884.55.69-70

Screen 445 - 54 Paddles (10) with representations of animals eyes beak etc (NW Coast of America) p80

Blue 455


Coffin of a N.W. coast chief, usual ornament. Painted in red, black & white

Blue 456 - 457

1884.5.13, 17

456 - 7 Spoons (2) carved with N.W. Coast patterns (2159 and 2133)

Blue 458

Not matched

Piece of bone carving representing human and animal forms

Blue 458a


458a Flute slate carved with frog's and eagle's head NW Coast of America (Broken and repaired one animal missing) 2112

Blue 459 - 461


459 - 61 Kaffir spoons (3) handles representing giraffe and birds (2090 2089 2088)

Blue 462 - 463

1884.68.130 .1-2 1884.68.131 .1-2

Case 55 462 and 463 Bechuana knives (2) handles representing giraffe and elephant (2104and 2105 = wooden sheaths 2103 = 2 knives)

Blue 464


Case 55 464 Stick handle a human figure arms carried along the stick Kaffir [sic] (2087)

Blue 465


Case 55 465 Ball club representing a human head N American Indian (2115)

Blue 466


Case 55 466 Club (model) leaf patterns N American Indians (2134)

Blue 467


Case 55 467 Stone implement representing human figure ?head Vancouver's Island (2101)

Blue 468


Case 55 468 Wooden comb with human figure Vancouver's Is (2135)

Blue 469


Case 55 469 Comb ivory nearly same form as 468 [1884.71.52] with representation of a human figure Assam (2136)

Blue 470


Case 55 470 Fish hook with bird carving Vancouver's Is (2184)

Blue 471


Case 49 471 Fish hook carved with human face Vancouver's Is (2167)
Added Blue book entry - Vancouver's Is crossed out and New Zealand inserted

Blue 472 - 474

1884.140.29 and Not matched

Case 55 472 - 4 Flasks of goat's horns (3) carved with animals (2131 2132 2151)
Delivery Catalogue I entry - Illustrations of Human and Animal form Cases 92 - 93 Carved wood figure of a parrot on stand 2131 473
Pitt Rivers Museum label [affixed to goat horn end of object] - 2131 [SM01/11/2007]
Pitt Rivers Museum label[affixed to carved wooden end of object]- 473 [SM01/11/2007]

Blue 475


Case 55 475 Head of a Chief's staff. Human face tongue out N Zealand (2150)

Blue 476


Case 55 475 Flute mouthpiece a human mouth N Zealand (2173)

Blue 477


477 Club a human face N Hebrides

Blue 478


Case 55 478 Club human face on handle Solomon Is (2096)

Blue 479


479 Club Human face on the blade Solomon Is (2094)

Blue 480


Case 55 Spear [sic] Point carved to represent a human figure Solomon Is (2146)

Blue 481


Case 55 481 Stick handle a monkey Borneo (2145)

Blue 482


Case 55 482 Dish wood. Duck with fish in its mouth on head of a Baboon the latter sitting upon a fish at foot. Inlaid with mother of pearl Solomon Is (2078)

Blue 483


Case 55 483. Bowl representing a duck sitting on a fish at foot inlaid with mother of pearl Solomon Is (2080)

Blue 484


Case 55 484 Bowl duck with fish in its mouth inlaid with mother o' pearl Solomon Is (2079)

Blue 485

1884.24.238 .1
1884.24.238 .2

Case 55 485 Malay kris handle a figure elaborately carved and conventionalized (2106)

Blue 486


Case 55 486 Fan handle carved animal and human figure conventionalized Marquesas (2098)

Blue 487


Case 55 487 Figure representing a monkey Solomon Is (2174)
Added Blue book entry - ?! [sic]

Blue 488 - 489

1884.67.1 1884.110.18

Case 55 488 and 9 Rattles earthenware human figures Peru (2160 and 2161)

Blue 490


Case 55 490 Human figure earthenware conventionalized Peru (2162)

Blue 491


Case 55 491 Priest's bowl human figures Fiji (2157)

Blue 492


492 Beam large carved with human figure Probably a deity Society Is

Blue 493

1884.24.165 .11884.24.165 .2

Case 55 Dagger handle elephant's head chape a fish. Taken at Lucknow by the 60th Rifles (2107)
Additional Blue book entry - Chape = metallic tip of a scabbard, part of a buckle

Blue 494


Case 55 494 Box top representing deities with interlaced arms and legs Indian (2110)

Blue 495

1884.68.77 .11884.68.77 .2

Case 55 495 Knife handle a bird with neck drawn down towards the feet (2099) Burmah

Blue 496

1884.66.1 .11884.66.1 .2

Case 55 496 Sword handle ornamented with figures of deities etc Burmah (2149)

Blue 497

Not matched

Muzzle of matchlock, bronze, representing a dragon's head Chinese (2140)

Blue 498


Case 55 498 Staff of Batta of Sumatra representing a succession of human and animal forms and heads (2085)
Added Blue book entry - Batta or Battak Sumatra People called Battas They are different to the rest of the Islanders Are shorter squarer [sic] and fairer than Malays

Blue 499


Case 55 499 Knife handle representing human forms Medieval (2108)

Blue 500


Case 55 500 Merovingian fibula On ends representations of human face (2144)

Blue 501


Case 55 501 Ivory carving representing birds and animals conventionalized (?2127)

Blue 502 - 504

1884.68.84-5 1884.103.12

Case 55 502 - 4 Three gourds representing animal and vegetable forms Probably from Malay Archipelago (2141 2071 2152)

Blue 505

[1884.68.100 .1] [1884.68.100 .2]

Case 55 505 Gourd representing signs of the Zodiac W Africa (2093)

Blue 506

1884.7.52 .11884.7.52 .2

Case 55 506 Bamboo Floral ornament symmetrically arranged Timor Is (2137)

Blue 507

Not matched

Medieval Powder Flask. Mouthpiece a stag's head the horns drawn along the flask

Blue 508


Case 55 508 Handle of bronze vessel with hook representing head of a swan Denmark (2143)

Blue 509


509 Bronze simpulum handle with hook representing a swan's head Roman (2113)
Added Blue book entry - Simpulum a small ladle with a long handle. Employed at the sacrifices for taking the wine in small quantities out of the crater or other large vessels to make libations

Blue 510


510 Handle of vessel bronze Ram's and lions heads Roman Said to have been found on the N Coast of Africa

Blue 510a


Case 64 510a Fragment of Egyptian mummy case Winged deity boat etc in various colours (2764)

Blue 511


Case 55 511 Iron instrument Handle a grotesque human head Use unknown Modern (2100)

Blue 512 - 524


512 - 24 Paddles. Human figure shewing the transition by which the original designs have been lost and gradually converted into a crescent form. New Ireland Part p80

Blue 525


525 Screen Paddle blade a fish Solomon Is

Blue 526 - 527


526 - 7 Paddles or clubs (2) curved blade a fish of the same form as 525 [1884.12.253] Solomon Is

Blue 528 - 532


Screen 528 - 32 Curved paddles or clubs (5) shewing gradual increases in curvature of blade and mouth of fish converted into a W

Blue 533 - 535


Carved paddles or clubs (3) Form derived from preceding specimens modified in form. Fishes mouths in these specimens have entirely disappeared Solomon Is

Blue 536


536 Curved paddle or glaive (same form as 526 and 527) [1884.12.254-255] Blade is ornamented by a succession of fishes heads converted into a geometrical pattern

Blue 537


Blue 538 - 544

1884.19.46-47 and Not matched

538 - 44 Spears (7) ornamented with various patterns in red white and black paint
Delivery Catalogue II entry - Glazed case containing 7 spears Solomon Island viz ... Spear barbed wood head bound with coloured grass or Spear wood head bound with coloured grass ... [Case or screen?] 264

Blue 544a


Screen 544a European iron axe hafted by natives Solomon or New Ireland (p80)

Blue 544b


Screen 544b Axe copied in wood ornamented representing a human face in red white and black (p80)

Blue 544c


Screen 544c Handle of axe ornamented in black red and white p80

Blue 544d


Screen 544d Paddle shaped implement with red and white ornamentation p80

AP, April 2011.

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