Hafted tools weapons series

This series is only listed in the blue book. It was displayed on Screen 10 at Bethnal Green and South Kensington Museums.

Blue Book number

PRM accession number

Blue book entry

Blue 732 - 744


732 - 744 Wood implements (13) armed with sharks' teeth shewing two modes of fastening on the teeth. King's Mill Island

Blue 745


745 Two large shark's teeth hafted in bone
Added Blue book entry - Gilbert Ids

Blue 746


746 Carved implement with groove for shark's teeth (teeth wanting) New Zealand

Blue 747


Screen 10 747 Wooden javelin (633)

Blue 748 - 752

1884.19.54-55 1884.118.67

748 - 52 Bone pointed javelins (5) Various parts of S Seas Is

Blue 753


753 Bone pointed javelin Solomon Is

Blue 754


754 Omitted [added note: Two pointed arrows, Icy Cape Sir E. Belcher (860)]

Blue 755


755 Stone flake hafted as a spear point N Australia

Blue 756 - 760 & ?Delivery Catalogue I 125

1884.19.16, 19

756 - 60 Flakes hafted on to points of javelins with gum (5) Australia

Blue 765-771


765 - 771 Lances plain points of obsidian New Guinea and Admiralty Is
Delivery Catalogue I entry - Objects illustrating the modes of hafting stone and bone implements by modern Savages Spear stone blade ?Screen 180 181

Blue 772


772 Lance, leaf-shaped green chert point Esquimaux obtained by Sir E Belcher

Blue 773


773 Arrow with red chert point Esquimaux Obtained by Sir E Belcher

Blue 774

Not matched

Stone disc hafted as a mushroom headed club Cape York N Australia

Blue 775


775 Perforated stone ball on stick Solomon Is

Blue 786 or 787

1884.33.57 & Not matched

786 or 787 Stone celt hafted in a bent withy [for 787 - with gum] Australia

Blue 788


788 Iron axe (European) hafted in native fashion in a bent withy with gum Queensland

Blue 789 - 790

1884.33.10 & Not matched

789 - 90 Knives of flint flakes stuck in gum King George's Sound W Australia
Delivery Catalogue II entry - Bone implements from various localities Knife wood edged with flint flakes (King George's Sound) 790 36 Case 293

Blue 791 - 792

Not matched

Mogo or stone axes, hafted in gum W. Australia

Blue 793

1884.140.967 .1 1884.140.967 .2

793 Stone celt with flat end hafted in a bent withy

Blue 794

Not matched

Stone celt hafted in a bent stick bound with grass Ojibbuway [sic] Indians N America

Blue 795

Not matched

Haft for stone axe bound with sennit ?Marquesas

Blue 796

Not matched

Shell adze Marquesas

Blue 797

Not matched

Stone adze marked Nootka Sound ?from Society Is

Blue 798

Not matched

Stone adze Sandwich Is

Blue 799 or 801


?799 Stone adze Society Is or 801 Small stone adze Society Is
?Delivery Catalogue I entry [p125] - Objects illustrating the modes of hafting stone and bone implements by modern Savages Adze stone head Society Is ? or [p126] Adze stone head Society Is 801Screen 180 181

Blue 800

Not matched

Haft for stone adze Nootka Sound

Blue 801

Not matched

801 Small stone adze Society Is

Blue 802

Not matched

Large stone adze Caroline Is S. Pacific

Blue 803

Not matched

Jade Axe New Caledonia

Blue 804

Not matched

Jade Axe New Caledonia

Blue 805

Not matched

Jade Axe, very fine Solomon Is

Blue 806

Not matched

R[eturned] 2/8/83 Nephrite adze Solomon Is Added note: "Nephrite (Gr Nephites = like the kidney) sub species of jade occurring in granite and gneiss green, hard, tenacious Formerly worn as a remedy for kidney diseases

Blue 807

Not matched

Haft for axe locality not known

Blue 808


808. Iron adze, Africa

Blue 809 - 801

Not matched

809& 10 Palaeolithic implements from St Acheul illustrating M Boucher de Perthe's method of hafting stone

Blue 811


811 Tray containing stone celt found in bog near Carrickfergus

AP, March 2011

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