Masks series

This series is only listed in the blue book.

Blue number

PRM accession number

Blue book entry

Blue 677


677 Mask with tusks Australian (3318)

Blue 679


679 Mask from the Jaboo country nr Lagos W Africa (3314)
Additional Blue book entry - Ijabu to the n of Lagos or Igbo on the left bank of Niger Iaboo at town on the coast

Blue 680 - 682

1884.65.4, 1884.114.110-112

680 - 2 Masks NW Coast of America (3308 3309 3312)
Delivery Catalogue II entry - Masks from different countries Large carved wood mask with hair 3308 Upper Screen 5 244 245
Pre-PRM label [stuck on object] - 3308 [MJD 24/08/2009]
Pitt Rivers Museum label - [Now in Related Documents File] N AMERICA HAIDA MASK PITT RIVERS COLL [MJD 24/08/2009]
Written on object - HAIDA mask P. R. coll [MJD 24/08/2009]

Blue book page 28a [Ag 746]

1884.57.21-24 1884.67.85-87

746 6.6.74 7 Ancient Peruvian wooden masks (2797)

Blue book page 33a [Ag 272]


Ag 272 19.4.74 [sic] Tortoise shell mask N Guinea Tribe shores of Torres Straits
Additional Blue book entry - Tortoise shell masks worn in N Guinea Tribes shores of Torres Straits wear tortoiseshell masks with border ... [sic illegible]

Blue book page 33a [Ag 7373]


Ag 7373 Mask tortoise shell carved (one arm and ear and 16 nut pendants missing) (3316)

Blue book page 33a [Ag]


Ag 14.12.75 Coloured mask African (3315)

Blue book page 33a [Ag]


Ag 5.12.73 Two masks painted wood Japanese


AP, March 2011

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