Geometric Ornament series

This series is only listed in the Blue book, the series appears to have been displayed in Case 70 at Bethnal Green and South Kensington Museums

Blue number

PRM Accession number

Blue book entry

Blue 299


Case 70 299 Australian shield ornamented with incised zigzag lines (2910)

Blue 300


Case 70 300 Club. Australian, ornamented with waved lines and zigzags (2900)

Blue 301


Case 70 301 Waddy. Australian, ornamented with sets of elongated punch marks (2825)

Blue 302 - 304


C[ase] 70, 302-4. Knives, iron, women's, ornamented with linear designs and rows of punch marks (2887). [insert] W. Africa [end insert].
Additional Blue book entry - 2887. (W.) Africa. (one) There are 2 more labelled Gaboon and numbered 3180 and 3189; ? = the other two here) [NB: do not recognize handwriting but likely to have been written by PRM staff].

Blue 305


Case 70 305 Sword blade, leaf-shaped, ornamented with lines and punch-marks (2888)

Blue 306


Case 70 306 Axe, iron, ornamented with linear design in Vandykes filled in with parallel incised lines and punch-marks Gaboon W Africa (2835)

Blue 307


Case 70 307 Bronze celts (3) in tray. Faces ornamented with herring bone pattern and elliptical punch marks. Found in Ireland, Bronze period (2877)

Blue 308

Not matched

R[eturned] 31.3.84 Lunette, gold, ornamented with vandyke filled in with incised parallel lines and zigzags . Found in a field nr Middleton Co. Cork May 1867 (3288)

Blue 309


Case 70 309 Wooden axe, Society Is. Ornamented with triangles filled with zigzags,   checker patterns, and parallel lines (2899)
Added Blue book entry - ?Tonga [BB]

Blue 310


Case 70 310 Club ornamented with incised lines and bands consisting of lozenge patterns, herring bones, zigzags, concentric circles, and rude representations of men and animals (2821)

Blue 311


Case 70 311 Club with similar ornamentation to 310 [1884.98.51] (2898)

Blue 312


Case 70 312 Spoon, elaborately carved in lozenge patterns and rows of semi-circular (crescent-shaped) lines High Island South Pacific (2902)

Blue 313


Case 70 313 Bowl, similarly carved, High Is. S. Pacific (2834)

Blue 314


Case 70 314 Pattoo pattoo ornamented with zigzag lines and coils with representation(?s) of human figure, New Zealand (2897)

Blue 315


Case 70 315 Box ornamented with parallel incised lines, New Zealand (2896)

Blue 316 - 317

1884.6.22, 1884.63.38 .1-2

Case 70 316 - 317 Wooden bottles [sic] ornamented with triangles filled with parallel incised lines, Kaffir, E Africa (?2895 2894)

Blue 318


Case 70 318 Snuff box (small) similar ornament [to 317 - 1884.63.38] ?Kaffir (2881)

Blue 319 - 321

1884.63.37, 39, 1884.98.24

Case 70 319 - 321 Three snuff boxes, rhinoceros horn, ornamented with parallel incised lines crossed and waved lines Kaffir [sic] (2853 2874 2851)

Blue 322


Case 70 322 Wooden pillow ornamented with squares, triangles, dots, and concentric circles Kaffir (2872)

Blue 323


Case 70 323 Gourd ornamented with rows of black triangles Kaffir (2873)

Blue 324


Case 70 324 Gourd ornamented with rows of black triangles and filled with white cross lines Africa (2832)

Blue 325

1884.7.20 .11884.7.20 .2

Case 70 325 Box, hide, ornamented with rows of lozenge and triangular patterns in red Niger Africa (2876)

Blue 326


Case 70 326 Lamp, black pottery, ornamented with zigzag lines and triangles filled with rows of punch marks Houssa W Africa (2883)
Added Blue book entry - Houssa or Haussa states in the interior nr Gold Coast

Blue 327


Case 70 327 Cooking pot ornamented with triangles filled with parallel and incised lines Batanga W Africa (2868)

Blue 328

1884.63.44 .1
1884.63.44 .2

Case 70 328 Gourd bowl ornamented with lozenge patterns triangles and brown bands W Africa (2890 and 2891)

Blue 329

1884.63.45 .11884.63.45 .2

Case 70 329 Bowl ornamented with rows of triangles and herringbone patterns and triangle and checker patterns with dots W African (2892)

Blue 330

1884.7.54 .11884.7.54 .2

Case 70 330 Gourd for salt box and cover ornamented with squares parallel incised lines and bands Egga tribe Niger River W Africa (2837)
AdditionalBlue book entry - Egga - Town on r bank of Niger (Nupe country) 8˚ 43' N 6˚ 10' E People manufacture a narrow cloth 3m wide generally blue

Blue 331

Not matched

Case 70 330 Gourd for salt box & cover, ornamented with squares, parallel incised lines & bands Egga tribe Niger River W. Africa (2837)

Blue 332


Case 70 332 Lamp pottery ornament with triangles and bands alternately red white and yellow Nupé W Africa (2870)

Blue 333


Case 70 333 Gourd bottle ornamented with bands of triangles lozenge patterns and concentric circles (2884)

Blue 334


Case 70 334 Foot piece of a still (sic) ornamented with linear [?sic illegible] pattern and representations of human figure Marquesas (2911)

Blue 335


Case 70 335 Gourd bottle bound with cords of sennit in a lozenge shaped pattern Marquesas (2846)
Additional Blue book entry - Sennit or better sennit (Fr seven - knit Naut) ... [sic illegible] braided cord

Blue 336


Case 70 336 Gourd bottle ornamented with lines representing the strings by which it is carried Sandwich Is (2845)
Added Blue book entry - Gourd water bottles like this kept in the office at B.G [Bethnal Green] with cords of sennit Loyalty Is. Two patterns globular and ovoid Sennit and gourd one colour nearly

Blue 337


Case 70 337 Gourd bottle ornamented with triangles and bands representing the strings by which some of them are carried (2885)

Blue 338


Case 70 338 Gourd bottle painted in red and yellow checker pattern representing the basket work in which they are carried (2848)

Blue 339


Case 70 339 Bowl red pottery ornamented with triangular and zigzag patterns Cyprus Obtained by Gen Cesnola (2867)

Blue 340


Case 70 340 Jug ornamented with lozenge shaped patterns filled in with incised parallel lines Cyprus Cesnola coll (2865)

Blue 341


Case 70 341 Black bowl ornamented with zigzag lines filled in with parallel incised lines Cyprus Cesnola coll (2866)

Blue 342


Case 70 342 Black bottle ornamented with zigzag bands Cyprus Cesnola Collection (2863)

Blue 343


Case 70 343 Bottle red ornamented with concentric circles Cyprus Cesnola collection (2862)

Blue 344


Case 70 344 Bottle red similar to 343 [1884.63.70] (2864)

Blue 345


Case 70 345 Leathern pouch ornamented with rectilineal patterns with coloured porcupine quills N American Indians (2879)

Blue 346


Case 70 346 Small case [sic] ornamented with checker pattern and coloured porcupine quills (2836)

Blue 347


Case 70 347 Bow ornamented with row of circles N America (2909)

Blue 348

1884.35.59 .1 - ?

?Ornamentation Geometrical patterns 348 - Case 70 Fragments (2) of early British pottery ornamented with bands formed by impressions of twisted thongs from the Tumulus of Carnedd Howell Wales.

Blue 349


Case 70 349 Cinerary urn ornamented with zigzag lines filled with parallel incised lines and waved lines N of Ireland (2869)

Blue 350


Case 70 350 Bracelet bronze ornamented with rows of circles (2875)

Blue 351


Case 70 351 Wooden case ornamented with rectilinear pattern Java (2872)

Blue 352

1884.63.35 .11884.63.35 .2

Case 70 352 Bamboo lime case ornamented with bands of triangular pattern Timor (2840)

Blue 353 - 358

1884.7.53 .1-2 1884.103.18, 19 1884.63.34 1884.68.83 .1-2

Case 70 353 - 8 Bamboo cases various patterns Timor (2841 - 3) 2855 2860 2882

Blue 359


Case 70 359 Paddle ornamented with concentric circles High Island (2903)

Blue 360


Case 70 360 Paddle ornamented with concentric circles and rows of lozenge and zigzag patterns High Island (2904)

Blue 361


Case 70 361 Sheath of a knife ornamented with checker pattern Akassa Nu... [sic illegible] branch of the Niger (2880)
AdditionalBlue book entry - Akassa a town on banks and near the mouth of the River Nun. Also name of a river of NW Africa which falls into the Atlantic about 30 miles SW of Cape Nun

AP, March 2011


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