Idols series

This series is only listed in the Blue Book. It appears to have been displayed in Cases 64, 78 and 80 at Bethnal Green and South Kensington Museums.

Blue book

Accession Number

Blue book description

Blue 151


Case 78 151, Wooden idol, Central Africa (2418).

Blue 152

1884.56.49 .1-9

Case 78 152 Prince Ducoqui chief on the Gaboon river a bag of charms for safety on the water (7 charms) (2538 and 2533)

Blue 153


Case 78 153 Bundle of charms including a bell feather teeth of animal goats horn etc W Africa (2529)

Blue 154


Case 78 154 Fetish consisting of iron spear point stuck through the centre of a large seed. Po-po country W Africa (2497)
AdditionalBlue book entry - Popo - a district of W Africa included in Dahomey Two towns on Slave Coast Gt Popo (6 ˚ 13' 36" N 1˚ 36' 15" E) and Little Popo

Blue 155


Case 78 155 War charm of an ivory tusk BaKali W Africa (2419)
Added Blue book entry - BaKalai - a district in Lower Guinea near Cape Lopez

Blue 156


Case 78 156 Leather amulets W Africa (2432)

Blue 157


Case 78 157 Band with large stone beads used as an amulet Africa (2433)

Blue 158

1884.140.332 and on

Case 78 158 Fragments of tree with pieces of rag attached used as votive offerings. [Also white quartz and small fragments of wood used as votive offerings at holy wells at the present time in Ireland for the cure of diseases Also white quartz & small fragments of wood used in votive offerings at Holy wells at the present time in Ireland for the cure of diseases (2532 & 2495)
Added Blue book entry - 16 votive offerings]

Blue 159


Case 78 159 Fragments of rag used as votive offerings for the cure of diseases at St Helens Well Thorp Arch Yorkshire at the present time (2496)

Blue 160 - Blue 172

1884.57.5, 9, 1884.58.59, 61, 65, 66, 74, 75, 78 1884.76.123

160 - 172 Part in Case 78 no 162 in Case 64 Egyptian idols (12) and amulets (1 broken) 2493 2425 266 2427 2534 2428 2483 2485

Blue 173 - Blue 219

1884.58.9, 15, 16, 40, 80; 1884.59.4, 11-13, 16, 18, 21, 23-24, 28, 34-36, 38, 40-43, 46-48, 51-53, 56, 60-61 89

173 - 219 Bronze Hindoo idols (47)

Blue 220

1884.59.17, 29-30, 49-50

Case 80 220 - 224 Five stone Hindoo idols (2382 2395 2396 2397 2391)
AdditionalBlue book entry - Roth photo 126 [sic]

Blue 225 – Blue 232


Case 80 225 - 232 Stone figures (8) representing Hindoo deities and illustrating Hindu legends (2440, 2439 2441 2438 2442 2443 2437 2436)

Blue 233


Case 80 233 Burmese idol stone (2385)

Blue 234


Case 78 234 Bull stone (2384)

Blue 235


Case 80 235 and 6 Hindoo idols ivory (1 broken) (2447 and 2444)

Blue 236


Case 80 235 and 6 Hindoo idols ivory (1 broken) (2447 and 2444)

Blue 237


Case 80 237 Idol a sleeping figure ivory (2474)
Added Blue book entry - sleeping crossed out and 'reclining' added.
Added Blue book entry - Buddha Ceylon [BB]

Blue 238


Idol red earthenware (broken) 2398 Added Burma

Blue 239


Case 80 139 Large bronze idol (2552)

Blue 240 - Blue 249

1884.59.3, 20, 64, 69, 102-103, 107, 114, 124, 132, 1884.68.70, 1884.140.185

Case 80 240 - 49 Idols wood gilt 2375 2458 2460 2378 ?2462 2546 2558 2559 2459 2555

Blue 250


Case 80 250 Hindoo shrine in case wood ?(2560)
Added Blue book entry - Japan [BB]

Blue 251


Case 78 251 Water worn stone with inscription (2403)
Added Blue book entry - 'Om mani padme hum' in Tibetan characters C Asia

Blue 252 – Bllue 258

1884.56.91-95, 97-98

252 - 8 Votive offerings representing various parts of the human body. Cyprian. Gen Cesnola's collection 2420 - 2424 2426 2479

Blue 259 - Blue 266

1884.58.30, 48-49, 71

Part Case 78 259 - 266 Idols representing maternity Egyptian Peruvian Hindoo Chinese and ...ian [sic illegible] (2486 2484 2388)

Blue 268


268 Stone amulet Mexican a man's face (2500)

Blue 269

Not matched

Prayer Relic, belonged to the late Archbishop Amber Salama Abyssinia

Blue 270


Case 78 270 Arm badges (2) (2399 and 2400)

Blue 271


Case 78 271 Crucifix (silver) 13th or 14th century The apron on the figure is of rare occurrence

Blue 272


Case 78 272 Silver crucifix (2477)

Blue 273


Case 78 273 Russian cross (2478)

Blue 274


Case 78 274 Silver cross Portuguese (2477)

Blue 275


Case 78 275 Bronze crucifix Portuguese (2477)

Blue 276


Case 78 Cross inlaid with stones Portuguese

Blue 277 - Blue 282


Case 78 in part 277 - 282 Silver crucifixes (6) (2477 - 2478) no 281 is a Maltese cross

Blue 283


Case 78 283 Crucifix silver and rosary ?English (2482)

Blue 284


Case 78 284 Crucifix wooden rude Galway dated 1769 (2415)

Blue 285


Case 78 285 Crucifix very rude carved in chalk found in Bullyard [sic] Bishopsgate St 1865 (2480)

Blue 286


Case 78 286 Torture cross to wear on the breast (2463)

Blue 287

Not matched

Entry missing

Blue 288


288 Pilgrim's token (8) in tray

Blue 289


Case 78289 Ancient Irish chalice in pewter found in a cavern in the mountain near Killarney (2406)

Blue 290


Case 78 290 Triptych Byzantine (2475)

Blue 291 & 292

1884.58.120 and 121

Case 78 291 - 2 Triptychs Russian modern worn by soldiers in the Crimea (2471 and 2472)

Blue 293 - Blue 295

1884.13.26, 1884.58.21 1884.59.133

293 - 5 Staff Club Breast cloth used in Devil dances in India (3301)

Blue 296


296 Post belonging to a seat on a hearth of an old house in Scarborough. Carved with representations of a cross heart stuck with pins and different ?phases of the moon for the purpose of keeping off fairies'
AdditionalBlue book entry - 'witches'

Blue 297

Not matched

Ancient Font Ireland

Blue 298


Case 88 298 Rush light candlestick iron (3145)

AP, March 2011

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