Owners Marks Series

This series for Owners Marks and Writing is only listed in the black book.

Black book number

PRM Accession book

Black book entry

Black 1959

1884.98.25 & 1884.98.26-36 .1-2

Owners marks and writing. 1959 Bone points arrows (34) Esquimaux Flint pointed arrow Iron pointed arrow Owners mark

Black 1960

Not matched

Owners marks and writing. 1960 Owners Mark and Writing Esquimaux bone-pointed arrows (6) Owners Mark

Black 1961


Owners marks and writing. 1961 Kaffir's spoon Owners mark

Black 1962


Owners marks and writing. 1962 Club Demerara Owners mark

Black 1963


Owners marks and writing. 1963 - 1964 Australian throwing sticks Scoring on edge

Black 1964


Owners marks and writing. 1963 - 1964 Australian throwing sticks Scoring on edge

Black 1965


Owners marks and writing. 1965 Australian waddy ... [sic illegible] and 2 oblique lines constituting the owners mark

Black 1966


Owners marks and writing. 1966 Australian stick with scoring

Black 1967


Owners marks and writing. 1967 Australian stick with scoring partly ornamented and apparently having some other significance

Black 1968


Owners marks and writing. 1968 Club Fiji with three marks noting the number of victims killed with it 2362

Black 1969

1884.98.23 or 1884.98.38

Owners marks and writing. 1969 Club Fiji with seven marks 2361

Black 1970


Owners marks and writing. 1970 North American leather waist belt with picture writing ornamented with beads

Black 1971


Owners marks and writing. 1971 North American leather waist belt with hieroglyphics of various kinds

Black 1972


Fragment of ogham Aghabulloge, Co. Cork

Black 1973


Owners marks and writing. 1973 Ogham from Aghabullog [sic] Co Cork
Added Black book entry - Description found in a box '(? No) Ogham stone found in a pagan cemetery near the church of St Olans [sic] at Aghabulloge, 16 miles from Cork, in the direction of Macroom, purchased from Mr Wendell by Col Fox Mar '64. As it stands it reads DINIS with a cross above, but as it is evidently a fragment and probably the top of an inscription it may perhaps have been the remains of MAGI. NIS. Col Fox sent a copy to Mr R Brath of Cork who said he had never seen the fragment before.'

Black 1974


Small fragment of ogham, Co. Cork

Black 1975-1978

Not matched

Egyptian hieroglyphics

Black 1979


Owners marks and writing. 1979 Stick notched in groups of 5 recording the number of Patero or Aves. Said to have been found on an island in the centre of lake Gongan Barra (sic) near Cork

Black 1980


Owners marks and writing. 1980 Runic calendar
Added Black book entry - At BM shewn some long sticks with Runic characters They are Norwegian Calendars similar to those of 17th cent

Black 1981


Owners marks and writing. 1981 Pen for writing on wax tablets Assyrian
Added Black book entry - palm leaf writing ?Brahmin

Black 1982


Owners marks and writing. 1982 Stick probably New Zealand

Black 1983

1884.117.28 .11884.117.28 .2

Case 74 1983 Siphon shaped object discovered in a mine Co Cork with funnel figured in proceedings of Soc of Antiquaries 3038
Added Black book entry - Copper mine
Added Black book entry - Skyll [sic] near Skibbereeen
Added Black book entry - Ser II vol V 222-3
Added Black book entry - [Stuck in piece of paper] 1871 Proc. Soc. Antiq. Ser II vol v pp. 222-3 "Col. A. Lane Fox V.P. exhibited a wooden instrument [a tube of yew wood] of unknown use, found in an ancient copper-mine in the parish of Skull, near Skibbereen, which is now figured (ie on p. 223] The length of the longer arm is 17 inches, of the shorter 13 inches. The diameter at the small end 1 1/2 inch, at the larger end, where a terminal piece is inserted, (shown detached in the small figure)  2 1/2 inches. (p. 223) This curious object was exhibited, in 1848, by Dr Allman in the Royal Irish Academy. He notices [Proc. R. Irish Academy IV 65] that the antiquity of the mine at the bottom of which it was found may be judged of by the fact that some of the old rubbish lies near the mouth of the cuttings, covered by two feet of naturally formed peat." PR coll [3038](black 1983)

Black 1984


1984 and 5 Two back scratchers African and Persian

Black 1985


1984 and 5 Two back scratchers African and Persian

Black 1986


1986 Iron pointed object with wooden ball and brass pendants use unknown

Black 1987


1987 Tray containing 2 iron caltrops Dyaks of Borneo (3180)

Black 1988

1884.140.946 .1-21

Case 88 1988 Twenty one small spikes of wood pointed at both ends found by Col Fox at Com-an-are mountains near Dingle beneath 3 ft of peat Believed to be caltrops 3180

Black 1989

Not matched

1989 Wooden spikes as above [ie Black 1988: Twenty one small spikes of wood pointed at both ends found by Col Fox at Com-an-are mountains near Dingle beneath 3 ft of peat Believed to be caltrops 3180]

Black 1990


Case 88 1990 Caltrop Thames St May 1803 (3157)

Black book page 85a [1 or 2]


Ag 21.1.74 Turkish tomb stone with carved characters (broken in two and base off) and Ditto (base missing)

Black book page 85a [Ag 7456d]


Ag 7456d Grass writing tape (3380) No locality
Additional Black book entry - Grass writing tapes of about 2 inches breadth are used in Burmah The writing is done by means of a brass style

AP, March 2011

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