Pitt-Rivers virtual gallery 2

Add.9455vol2_p444 /11

Contents of the second portion for volume 2 and on, images of the drawings are placed at the bottom of this page.

See here for the first part of the virtual gallery.

Add.9455vol2_p386 /5-9: same date 'Bought of Messrs Dowdeswell New Bond St. London ... Japanese Kakémonos' £15.15.0; £3.3.0 (x2), £5.5.0 [no images]

Add.9455vol2_p425 /1-2: 1888 'Japanese Kakemonos (continued)... 797 “Strojo Painted by Itcho and not in printed catalogue' £2.2.0 x 2 [no image]

Add.9455vol2_p425 /3: 1888 'Japanese Kakemonos (continued)... Set of 4 pictures representing Heaven and Hell. Painter not stated' £10.10.0 [no image]

Add.9 455vol2_p425 /4: 1888 'Japanese Kakemonos (continued)... Buddhist picture' £8.8.0 [no image]

Add.9455vol2_p425 /5: 1888 'Japanese Kakemonos (continued)... Set of 11 drawings (Japanese) all mounted on large cards' £5.5.0 [no image]


Add.9455vol2_p425 /6: 1888 'Japanese Kakemonos (continued)... Set of 9 smaller drawings all mounted on cards' £4.4.0 [no image]

Add.9455vol2_p426 /4: 10 July 1888 'Objects bought of W.D. Cutter Gt Russell St. ... Japanese kaimono representing the signs of the Zodiac. 12 animals are shown' £2.10.0 [no image]

Add.9455vol2_p444 /11: Bought of Mr Flinders Petrie the following objects found by him in explorations in Egypt  ... Portrait on wood of ancient Egyptian in oak frame grey mount [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p449 /2: 1888 '301 Juggler Painted by Hana-Busa It-Cho signed, seal eighteenth century ... Ukiyo-Yé-Rin a popular school' £3.3.0 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p449 /3: 1888 '442 Puppies Painted by Okio seal Dated 1772' [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p450 /1: 1888 'Buddhist picture Sixteen Rakhans The Sixteen Rakhans were sixteen apostles of Buddha and are often found depicted in the old temples of Japan. Attributed to Takuma, eleventh century £8.8.0' [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p450 /2: 1888 'C797 Stioje Painter Itcho £2.2.0' [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p450 /3: 1888 '31 General Yoritomo hawking and Hana-Saki-jiji This picture represents the incident where Hana-Saka-jiji a magician, meeting the Japanese general out hunting, causes a tree to blossom by throwing a powder of his own manufacture upon it. Painted by Aimi signed, seal nineteenth century'  [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p451 /1-2, Add.9455vol2_p452 /1-2,: 1888 'Bought of Dowdeswell, 160 New Bond St. Japanese Kakemonos a Set of 4 pictures representing Heaven & Hell £10.10.0 the set of 4' [Drawings]

Add.9455vol2_p453 /1: 1888 '684 Japanese Kakemon Group of animals representing [Words illegible]'  [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p453 /2: 1888 'Takuma School 1. 16 Rakhans These 16 Rakhans were 16 apostles of Buddha and ware often found depicted on its temples of Japan Atributed to Takuma 11th century £8.8.0'  [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p454 /1: 1888 '201 Chinese sage with attendants Painted by Moto-Nobu seal sixteenth century Kano school' £3.3.0 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p454 /2: 1888 'C396 Shijo School Seven crows Painted by Kei-bun signed, seal 19th cent £6.6.0' [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p454 /3: 3 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p457 /1: 1888 '177 God of the winds and FUJI-YAMA in background Painted by KANO-TSUNE-NOBU, signed TSUNE-NOBU seal 17th cent KANO school' £5.5.0 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p500 /2-3: 13 May 1889 'Bought at Japanese Fine Art Depot 15 Duke Street Manchester Sq W ... 2 Kakemonos' £6.6.0 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p503 /4: 6 June 1889 'Bought at Japanese Fine Art Depot ... Old Kakemono' £12.12.0 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p506 /10: Bought of Button 2 Pall Mall Pl: Oil Painting in Panel in Tortoiseshell Frame Subject Virgin & Child £3.10 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p512 /5: [Bought at a sale of Antiquities Coins & Anc. Pottery collected by Canon don Luigi Sciaro J.C. Stevens Auctioneer 38 King St. Covent Garden W.C.] ... [Gold ornaments from the excavations at Tharros Sardinia Carthaginian Egyptian & Phoenician epochs 600 years before Christ] ... Sclaro collection (Contin ... Lot 90 471 Oval minature on copper in  black frame 2 ins long Virgin & child Byzantine style 12/- [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p571 /11: 25 July 1889 'Bt at Fosters Lot 176 Very large Japanese wall hanging 9 ft 7 x 4 ft 4' 38/-

Add.9455vol2_p573 /3: Antiquities &c from Egypt bought of the Rev Greville Chester 2 Russell Chambers Bury St W. ... Frame of Pictures consisting of portions of mummy portraits from the Fayoum Egypt £6.0.0 [Drawing]

Add.9455vol2_p636 /6 & Add.9455vol2_p638 /1-7: 16 April 1890 'Bt of Inman, 17 Ebury Street London S.W. Set of seven miniature East Indian Paintings on ivory. Mounted in Black & Gold [Words illegible] & set in Black and Gold Frame' £5.16.6 [Drawings]

See here for the third part of the virtual gallery.

Add.9455vol2_p449 /2

Add.9455vol2_p449 /3













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