Pitt-Rivers virtual gallery
According to Michael Thompson, Pitt-Rivers' first biographer, Pitt-Rivers divided his accounts into several sub-headings, including
II Furniture and Art Objects bought
XIX Scientific expenses including subscriptions to societies, purchase of objects, excavations and explorations
We suspect that most of the contents of Pitt-Rivers' second collection came under the latter heading but the catalogue does contain a few descriptions of objets d'art and even some 'fine art' paintings. It is not clear why some such items were included whilst the majority were not. [Thompson, 1977: 78]
See here for one painting thought to have been in his collection prior to 1880. Nothing is known of paintings of this kind because there is not known to have been any catalogue of his art collection acquired (or owned) before 1880. Nor is there any known catalogue of the art he inherited in 1880 from Lord Rivers or the art he acquired after 1880 that was not catalogued into the second collection catalogue held by Cambridge University Library. King John's House was used by Pitt-Rivers to display some of his art collection, a description of the paintings that were displayed there is given here.
This page is a virtual gallery of these paintings about which relatively little is known. Some of them are listed elsewhere in this section of web pages about Pitt-Rivers' art collections. Please note that the catalogue page numbers match description and image. If you know anything more about any of these paintings then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
First part of the virtual gallery:
Add.9455vol1_p3 /9: Sims [sic] Geo Enamel Plaque representing the Last Supper (in ebony frame)[no image]
Add.9455vol1_p55 /3: Objects removed from South Kensington Museum 1 Picture Martyrdom of Christians [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p85 /3: ... obtained by Genl. Pitt Rivers during the months of July, Aug and Sept. In Austria 1882 ... Head of Jesus on Vellum obtained at Nuremberg 1882 (In frame). 5” x 3 1/2 (measured to edge of frame
Add.9455vol1_p85 /4: ... obtained by Genl. Pitt Rivers during the months of July, Aug and Sept. In Austria 1882 ... 4 Pictures on Parchment. In colours &c Black wood frames. One of them a copy of a Picture by Van Oslade Inside 5 1/2 x 3 1/2. Also listed as Add.9455vol1_p100 /3 2 small Pictures on Parchment in black and fold frames Obtained at Nuremberg Sept 1882 A.P.R. Outside measurement 6” by 7 3/4 ... 4 Pictures in all [crossed out in red with ‘Entered before on page 85] and Add.9455vol1_p100 /4 Picture on Parchment same size and frame as above, a copy of picture by Van Ostade. Obtained at Frankfurt 1882 A.P.R. and Add.9455vol1_p100 /5 Picture on Parchment obtained at Frankfort 1882. [These pictures were framed by Flack on 29 Novembere 1882] [no images]
Add.9455vol1_p87 /1: ... obtained by Genl. Pitt Rivers during the months of July, Aug and Sept. In Austria 1882 ... Oval picture in Gilt Frame Joh: Tzerklas von Tilly 1632 Obtained at Munich Aug 1882 6” x 4 1/2” (inside)[no image]
Add.9455vol1_p87 /2: obtained by Genl. Pitt Rivers during the months of July, Aug and Sept. In Austria 1882 ... Ditto ditto [Oval picture in Gilt Frame] Maximilian I 1598-1651 Obtained @ Munich Aug 1882 6” x 4 1/2” (inside) [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p87 /3: ... obtained by Genl. Pitt Rivers during the months of July, Aug and Sept. In Austria 1882 ... Head in Relief (Red Wang?)[??] of Maria Theresa. Obtained at Brussels 1882 Circular 5 inches diam (In black frame [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p135 /2: Vases, china, &c purchased from Willson, 193 Strand ... Painting on silk. Birds flowers &c on pale yellow ground, blue marquis figures silk. On rollers. Length 6,,4 x 2,,4 Chinese [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p135 /3-5: Vases, china, &c purchased from Willson, 193 Strand ... 3 Japanese Painting[s] on silk. . 6,,6 1/2 x 2,,0 3/4 inches. Two storks & foliage. Pale yellow ground Blue and gold margins No. 2 6,,3 3/4 x 1,,8 1/5 in No. 3 6,,6 1/2 x 2,,0 1/2 in [no images]
Add.9455vol1_p135 /6: Vases, china, &c purchased from Willson, 193 Strand ... Japanese Painting on silk Cocks, Flowers &c. Length 6,,9: 1,,9 1/4 inches wide [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p136 /1-2: Vases, china, &c purchased from Willson, 193 Strand ... Japanese Painting on silk Landscape and Rocks, Birds (Pitha tribe) bullfinches Pale yellow ground dark grey margin Length 6 ft Width 1,,7 1/4; Japanese Painting on silk Two Birds of Paradise on tree Light yellow ground Brown silk margin figured 5,,7 1/2 inches width 1,,10 1/8 NB The above two to hang as a pair [no images]
Add.9455vol1_p136 /3: Vases, china, &c purchased from Willson, 193 Strand ... Japanese Painting [Insert] on silk [End Insert] Yellow ground Tree and blossoms in Pink Blrd (blue) Light green margin figured silk Dark blue top and bottom Length 5,,10 1/2 inches width 1,,3 NB Ivory roller [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p137 /1: Vases, china, &c purchased from Willson, 193 Strand ... Japanese Painting on silk Satin 5,,8 1/2 inches long by 1,,10 1/4 inches. Pale yellow ground. Flock of cranes foliage Nine in all [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p182 /6: Antiquities purchased at Messrs Sotheby’s Wellington Street ... Lot 65 A very Highly finished portrait in Oil of William Sixth Earl of Derby, A.D. 1613, richly habited in the costume of the time, deep lace ruff, high hat and feather, jewels and badges, in a carved and gilt frame of the period £3.10.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p183 /2: Antiquities purchased at Messrs Sotheby’s Wellington Street ... Lot 66 A Very highly finished Portrait of Jeanne de Halluin Baronne D’Alluye, A.D. 1563 [[??] 1663], in the costume of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, wife of the Baron, who was Ambassador from the French Court to England in her reign, in a carved and gilt frame to match the preceding Size in the clear “quiches x 7 1/8” £2.17.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p191 /1: Objects purchased at Pickert, Albrecht Durer Platz, Nuremberg, July to October 1882. They arrived at Rushmore 12 October 1882, and were unpacked there 1 April 1882 [sic] ... Corporation Triptych panel with folding doors. Painted with coats of arms and figures inside. Right door on inside has figure with left hand resting on hilt of sword, beneath Ändreas Wolff”. Left Door;- Figure (male) holding gilt goblet in Right hand, beneath “Hans Frisch” On outside of doors, a figure on each with date 1830. Surmounting whole the date 1589. Total height 2 ft 9 in Total width 2 ft 3 3/4” Depth 5 inches Cost £15.0.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol1_p192 /2: Objects purchased at Pickert, Albrecht Durer Platz, Nuremberg, July to October 1882. They arrived at Rushmore 12 October 1882, and were unpacked there 1 April 1882 [sic] ... Nuremberg (continued) ... Oil Painting on Wood, illustrating a fable (?) Subject. 2 men with boy having clubs, pick, chasing fox. Houses in background. 10 3/4” x 7 1/4” 2/- Obtained at Nuremberg 1882 [no image]
Add.9455vol1_p193 /5: Objects purchased at Pickert, Albrecht Durer Platz, Nuremberg, July to October 1882. They arrived at Rushmore 12 October 1882, and were unpacked there 1 April 1882 [sic] ... Painting on Parchment of Crucifixion, obtained at Nuremberg 1882 (In gold and black frame) Measures 9 1/2” x 6 inches £5.0.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol1_p213 /19: China &c from sale at Foster’s Friday 27 April 1883 ... Two Miniatures, Henry VIII and Sir Philip Sydney [crossed out] [Insert] of Spain [End Insert] in black circular frame 4 1/2 in diam & 5 1/8” diam [no images]
Add.9455vol2_p115 /1: Pictures bought at sale at Foster’s Pall Mall ... Lot 44. School of Raffaelle. Portrait of Lord Murray, Regent of Scotland [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p115 /2: Pictures bought at sale at Foster’s Pall Mall ... Lot 58. Alessis Baldovinetti The funeral of St Catherine panel, from the Rinneline [??] Gallery [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p115 /3: Pictures bought at sale at Foster’s Pall Mall ... Lot 59. Paolo Uccello St George and the Dragon Panel [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p116 /5: Bt. at [blank] ... Lot 172 Portrait of Mary Queen of England. From a picture by Lucas De Heere, belonging to the Society of Antiquaries of London. In ornamental frame having coat of arms at top and date 1554 at side [no image][1]
Add.9455vol2_p116 /6: Bt. at [blank] ... Lot 173 Portrait of Mary Queen of Scots from a picture in the possession of the late Patrick Fraser Tytler Esq Author of The History of Scotland. in ornamental frame similar to above portrait [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p117 /1-2: Bt of Willson 393 Strand ... 6 miniatures of copies of old pictures of Henry VIII wives (6) in black and gold frames 5 3/4” x 6 3/8” 1 miniature of Henry VIII in black and gold frame 6 3/4” x 7” £25 the 7 pictures [no images]
Add.9455vol2_p125 /1: [Arms purchased at sale at Christies formerly the property of the Marquis of Breadalbane] ... .... - Lot 344 Portrait on panel of Philip II of Spain with inscription “Philipus Dei Gra filius Caroli princips Hispaniarum Anno 1549. [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p125 /2: [Arms purchased at sale at Christies formerly the property of the Marquis of Breadalbane] ... .... - Lot 378 Portrait of George Earl of Cumberland on panel with date 1608 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p125 /3: [Arms purchased at sale at Christies formerly the property of the Marquis of Breadalbane] ... .... - Lot 375 Portrait of Frederick King of Bohemia on panel [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p125 /4: [Arms purchased at sale at Christies formerly the property of the Marquis of Breadalbane] ... .... - Lot 397 Picture Subject a Lady writing, with porcelain vase on table in front. In distance buildings, water with boats
Add.9455vol2_p125 /5: [Arms purchased at sale at Christies formerly the property of the Marquis of Breadalbane] ... .... - Lot 403 The Birth of St John Interior with female in bed on right girl waiting on her. In foreground group of 4 women with infant. St John (?) seated at table on left
Add.9455vol2_p126 /1: Objects bought at sale of English and Foreign China and other works of Art forming the entire stock of Mr Button of Regent Street ...Lot 118 Bust of gilt metal, crowned, face formed of pearls, diamonds &c in carved frame [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p134 /1: Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street ... Lot 49 Oil painting “A Banker and his wife Q. MATSYS Size 36 1/2 in by 27 in. On panel. 2 figures seated at a table counting money. Male in red hat and black coat edged with fur? right hand holds a pen with wh: he is writing in a book. Left ditto raised and holding a coin. The female figure in red jacket brown hood. Her left hand supporting her chin while the right holds a coin. [no images]
Add.9455vol2_p134 /2: Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street ... Lot 69 Portrait of a Lady in a black and gold dress with lace sleeves and ruff, holding a fan. Dated 1635 42 in by 31 1/2. By Ravenstein Mr Denison gave 320£ for it [no images]
Add.9455vol2_p135 /1: [Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street] ... Lot 75 A pair of Hunting Subjects by Rubens (?)[crossed out in red] 12 1/2 in by 20 in on panel No 1: In the centre on a white horse rearing, a man in red jacket holding knife in right hand. To right on brown horse huntsman with back to spectator in control of bear (or boar). To left bear and dogs. Wounded dog and bear in foreground .... Both pictures are painted in tones of brown and appear to be sketches only [no images]
Add.9455vol2_p138 /5: [Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street] ... Beckett Denison Sale (continued) ... Lot 850 Large picture by [Insert] after [End Insert] Murillo “The coronation of the Virgin” In the centre of the picture is the virgin supported by cherubs and being crowned by two figures on her right and left. Beneath numerous figures cherubs Above the Virgin are groups of ascending and descending angels and Cherubs. Inside measure of canvas :- [blank] [no images]
Add.9455vol2_p138 /6: [Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street] ... Beckett Denison Sale (continued) ... Lot 900 Pair of paintings on panel by Jean Cousin “The Last Judgement” in black and gold frames. From Hamilton Palace Collection (Lot 1123) No 1 Seated figure of Death under cloak with 3 female nude figures standing and numerous others. At top seated figure of Christ surrounded by angels. This picture apparently represents those saved. No 2 group of figures, monsters, devils illustrating those cast into Hell. [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p139 /3: [Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street] ... Beckett Denison Sale Friday June 26 1885 ... Lot 1830 Miniature of the Empress Marie Louise in chased metal gilt frame with oval centre size of frame 7” x 6” [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p139 /4: [Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street] ... Beckett Denison Sale Friday June 26 1885 ... Lot 1846 Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, as Diana by Sir P. Lely whole length from Hamilton Palace Collection. Mr Denison gave 42 gs for it. In black frame 8 1/4” by 10 5/8 outside measurement, 5 1/2” by 8” inside [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p140 /1: [Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street] ... [Beckett Denison Sale Friday June 26 1885] ... Lot 1848 La Royne D’Espagne, in crimson and gold dress, the left hand holding a parchment and resting on a table covered with a green cloth. At top in gilt letters on a black background “LA ROYNE D’ESPAIGNE”. From the Hamilton Palace Collection No 1626 at sale of which Mr B. Denison gave 59 £ 0.0 In gilt frame 5 1/4” by 6 1/4” (inside measure) [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p140 /2-3: [Objects bought at sale of Works of Art &c the property of Christopher Beckett Denison Esq late of Upper Grosvenor Street] ... [Beckett Denison Sale Friday June 26 1885] ... Lot 1847 Oil painting on panel, portrait of Louis XV in circular gilt frame 5 5/8” diam and companion Portrait of Marie Leszcznska in same size frame and style. At Hamilton Palace Sale the pair went for £17.0.0 [no images]
Add.9455vol2_p157 /2: Miniature of a lady in evening dress & red shawl. Col signed D Du Caju pt Bought of Tessier, Silver Bond Street in circular frame studded with glass [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p202 /3: Miniature of a Lady in Oval Gilt Frame. With verse around as follows: Early, bright, transient; chaste as morning [Word illegible] . She sparkled; was exha [Word illegible] and went to Heaven; What though short her date, virtue (not rolling time) the mind matures Orbit 11 Oct 1790 [Word illegible] 24 yrs [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p236 /4: Pictures bt. of Christie Foster 14th July 1886 ... Greuze [Insert] Unknown [End Insert] 89 Two children [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p236 /5: Pictures bt. of Christie Foster 14th July 1886 ...Unknown 100 Orpheus [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p236 /6: Pictures bt. of Christie Foster 14th July 1886 ... G. Morland 160 Robert Burns [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p237 /1: Picture bt. at Christies July 10th 1886 Richard Sackville, Earl of Dorset by M. Garrard 1580-1635. An ancestor of Sackville Lane Fox He was the Sackville who died in 1760 & who succeeded to the Sackville estates at East Horsley through his mother, Vicountess Lanesborough Through him the Christian name of Sackville was introduced into the Fox family. Sackville Lane Fox was great grandfather of General Lane Fox-Pitt Rivers [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p258 /2: August or September 1886 'Objects bt. of Cools-Theysseus Brussels ... 1 water colour drawing framed' [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p293 /5-9: October 1886 'Objects from Basuta & Kaffir Land S. Africa ... 5 sheets of Kaffir drawings & some pieces of the colour used by the Kaffirs' [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p327 /2 : 13 June 1887 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales col lect ion C hristie’s June 13.87 ... Miniature (oil painting) Duchess of Marlboro’ in brass ornamental frame in oils in ormulu frame chased with figures, cherubs heads, and festoons of foliage Lot 524G' £40.0.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p327 /3: 13 June 1887 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales collection Christie’s June 13.87 ... Lot 524 A Portrait of a lady with flowers in hair Miniature on ivory In chased brass frame' £8.8.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p327 /4: 13 June 188 7 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales collection Christie’s June 13.87 ... Miniature of Mdm Carlini a celebrated actress In gilt frame in green dress, with blue scarf holding a domino' £9.0.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p328 /1: 13 June 1887 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales collection Christie’s June 13.87 ... Lot 491 Portrait of a lady (young) in gilt frame 2 1/4 x 2 3/4 in green dress and black scarf, holding a rose oblong enamel' £11.0.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p328 /2: 13 June 1887 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales collection Christie’s June 13.87 ... Lot 477 Miniature portrait of Robespierre In gilt frame 2 1/4 x 2 1/2' £4.0.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p328 /3: 13 June 1887 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales collection Christie’s June 13.87 ... Lot 476 Miniature portrait of the Duchess of Portsmouth In gilt frame 1 3/8 x 2 1/4 in.' £7.10.0 [Drawing]
Add .9455vol2_p328 /4: 13 June 1887 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales collection Christie’s June 13.87 ... Lot 474 Miniature Catherine Duchess of Buckingham Daughter of James II In gilt frame 1 2/5 x 1 7/10 in' £36.15.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p328 /5: 13 June 1887 'Miniatures bought at sale of Lord Lonsdales collection Christie’s June 13.87 ... Lot 576 [??] Miniature Queen Anne In gilt frame 1 2/5 x 1 1/2 in.' £3.15.0 [Drawing]
Add.9455vol2_p331 /13: 18 June 1887 'Lord Lonsdale’s collection con’td Lot 938 Portrait of The Young Pretender oval 5 1/2” x 4 1/2” In gilt frame and flat' £6.16.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p332 /1: Lot 98A The Madonna and Child - oval, by SASSO FERRATO From the Collection of the late Charles Meigh Esq £43.1.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p332 /2: Pictures bought at Christie’s July 9 1887 ... Lot 117 A Highland Loch by F. Powell. Formerly the property of James Anning Esq £11.11.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p332 /3: 11 July 1887 'Bought at Christie’s July 11th at sale of works of John Constable R.A. the property of Captain Constable ... Lot 1 Sketch of Old Sarum dated 1829 drawing in pencil by J. Constable R.A.' £8.8.0 [no im age]
Add.9455vol2_p332 /4: 'Bought at Christie’s July 11th at sale of works of John Constable R.A. the property of Captain Constable ... Lot 12 Near Salisbury dated 1820 drawing in pencil by the same [J. Constable R.A.]' £7.17.6
Add.9455vol2_p332 /5: 'Bought at Christie’s July 11th at sale of works of John Constable R.A. the property of Captain Constable ... Lot 21 A distant view of Stonehenge dated 1820 Pencil drawing by the same artist [J. Constable R.A.]' £4.14.6 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p334 /2: 22 July 1887 'Bt of Colnaghi & Company Portrait of William Beckford Lord Mayor by Dixon Mezzotint (?) In oak & gold f rame 1’9 1/4” x 1’ 3 1/2”' £1.16.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p334 /3: 23 July 1887 'Bt at Christie’s King St St James ... Lot 43 Oil painting on panel by L. De Vinci. Four persons singing. One of the figures holds a baton in his right hand and a scroll of music in his left, and is wearing spectacles Size of panel 6 1/4” x 4 1/2 In ornamental gilt frame 10” x 8 1/2”' £19.0.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p334 /4: 23 July 1887 'Bt at Christie’s King St St James ... Lot Companion panel in oil colours consisting of 5 figures singing. On the right of the panel is a woman holding a scroll of music, child in foreground; The principal figure is holding a scroll in his right hand and is blowing with his nostrils through a flute which is being held and played by a man opposite to him' £19.0.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p343 /2: 10 September 1887 'Objects from Wilson’s, Strand cont’ from p. 338 ... Old English painting of a sportsman' £6.0.0 [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p372 /1: 21 February 1888 'Bt of Southeby [sic] Feb 21st 88 ... Lot 183 Twelve curious coloured Political Caricatures, published by Thos. Tegg, 111 Cheapside, June 21st 1816' 6/- [no image]
Add.9455vol2_p386 /4 & Add.9455vol2_p449 /1: 19 May 1888 'Bought of Messrs Dowdeswell New Bond St. London ... Japanese Kakémonos ... a cock with chrysanthumums 1 [in red] [p. 449] Cock with Chrysathemums Painted by Ho-Itsu signed, seal nineteenth century Price £6.6.0 [no image]
See here for the second portion of the virtual gallery.
AP, August 2010
[1] A copy of this image can be seen here. This painting is now attributed to Hans Eworth. The site gives this information about the image: 'Mary I, portrait by Hans Eworth (c 1520–1574), 1554, oil on oak panels Society of Antiquaries of London, LDSAL 336 This portrait of Mary I, Queen of England from 1553 to 1557, was painted around Mary's 38th birthday and finished before she was married in July 1554 to the Catholic Philip (later King Philip II) of Spain. Mary wears three conspicuous items of jewellery: a cross, a brooch with a large pearl pendant and a reliquary of the four Evangelists which hangs from her waist.’ According to here Portraits of Mary were lent by the Queen (Victoria), the Society of Antiquaries, and Mr. W. B. Stopford, to the National Portrait Exhibition (1866). The two latter were painted by Lucas de Heere. To find out more about Hans Eworth fl 1540-73, see here.
Bibliography for this article
le Schonix, R. 1894. 'The Museums at Farnham, Dorset, and at King John's House, Tollard Royal', The Antiquary 30, 166-71
Thompson, M.W. 1977. General Pitt Rivers: Evolution and Archaeology in the Nineteenth Century Bradford-on-Avon: Moonraker Press.