Students of Pitt-Rivers' life and work are lucky that a catalogue of his library is available, a glimpse into the books he read and which presumably influenced his thoughts.
The catalogue is now held by Cambridge University Library [CUL], MS Add.9455/10. It is described by the Library as,
'Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, General Fox-Pitt-Rivers: catalogues of his collections., MS Add.9455/10: Catalogue of library, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Farnham, presented by G. Anthony Pitt-Rivers, 2004.'
See here for more information from Cambridge University Library.
CUL's description does not give many details so it is not clear either how complete a catalogue this is, nor when it was created, and why. The many blank pages or gaps in the catalogue suggest that it was a work in progress, prepared as books were noted or perhaps received, as does the different handwritings. However partial a glimpse it gives into Pitt-Rivers' complete library it does at least allow us to know some of the books that were available to him at Rushmore.
A database has been created for most the entries from the catalogue (volunteer time ran out so some entries have not been transcribed), and these rather rough bibliographic references can be fleshed out to current academic standards. Two bibliographically checked lists of books relating to artand historyare available (follow links).
Meanwhile below is an edited overview of the more interesting or obviously relevant books that are listed, as they are entered in the catalogue, with regard to ethnography and collecting. Note that these have been presented in alphabetical order [not they appear on the pages of the catalogue where a rather uncertain order is maintained, both as regards to which relevant information is used to determine alphabetical order (mostly, but not always, the author's name), but also in initial letter order]. The references have been bibliographically checked.
A more complete list of all the books that have been transcribed and scans of all the pages are available here.
REMINDER: This list is not comprehensive but merely illustratative of the kinds of books he had in his library that he might have used in his anthropological musing and when thinking about his collections, for a full list see the catalogue held at Cambridge University Library or return to this site when the database of the library catalogue has been completed.
Academie Royale de Belgique. 'Exposition de la Caisse de Maitres Ancien organisée au profit de la Caisse centrale des Artistes Belges par la Classe des Beaux Arts' Catalogue Explicatif F. Haiges Bruxelles 1886 [cannot be bibliographically checked, hereafter marked with an *]
Adeline, Jules. 1884 Lexique des termes d'Art Paris: Maison Quantin
Akerman, John Yonge. 1834 Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and ... Roman coins London: Effingham Wilson
Akerman, John Yonge. 1844 Coins of the Romans relating to Britain ... London: John Russell Smith
Akerman, John Yonge. 1853 Wiltshire Tales London [* catalogue says date was 1847, but I cannot find]
Allan, James McGrigor. On the Ape-origin of Mankind TRACTS Vol XIV 800 [*]
'The American Anthropologist' (in course of publication)
Angas, George French. 1847 South Australia, illustrated London: T. McLean
Anthropological Society of London Memoirs read before them 1869 ... Anthropological Review 1863-1870 ... Journal of Anthropology 1870 ... Catalogue of the books in the library of 1867
Anthropological Society of London Fourth Annual Address by James Hunt TRACTS vol 1 1866
Anthropological Institute ... Journal of the, vols I - XV 1872-1883 (in course of publication)
Antiquaries of London, Society of Proceedings (etc) London (in course of publication)
Antiquares des France, Memoirs et Dissertations sur les antiquities Nationales et Étrangeres, publics par La Societe Paris 1817-1878 [*]
Antiquaries of Scotland, Society of, Proceedings
Anderson, William 1886 The Pictorial Arts of Japan ... London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
Anderson, William / British Museum Dept of Prints and Drawings. 1886 Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of a collection of Japanese and Chinese paintings in the Brit: Museum London: Longmans
The Antiquary Stock London 1860 [*]
Amherst, Alicia 1895 A history of gardening in England London: Bernard Quaritch
1892 Catalogue of the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland Edinburgh: Printed for the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
Archaeological Institute of, Proceedings etc London: Longmans [*]
Instructions for the Arctic Expedition, by committee of the Anthropological Institute TRACTS vol VIII [*]
Armstrong, William George, Baron Armstrong of Cragside 1874 A visit to Egypt, in 1872 Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Carr
Arnott, Neil 1861 A survey of human progress ... London: Longmans
1874 The Pictorial Gallery of Arts London: Cox [*]
Wallace, Alfred Russel 1880 Australasia with ethnological appendix by A.H. Keane London: Stanford [*, other editions found]
Royal Asiatic Society Journal 1883-5
Badenoch, James Greig 1881 The art of letter painting made easy London: Lockwood
Balfour, Henry 1893 The Evolution of Decorative Art London, Rivington, Percival & Co.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe 1875 The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America London
Barlow, Alfred 1878 The History and Principles of Weaving by Hand and by Power London: Sampson Low
Bastian, Adolf und A. Voss 1878 Die Bronzeschwerter des Königlichen Museums zu Berlin Berlin: Weidmann
Beddoe, John 1885 The Races of Britain, a contribution to the Anthropology of Western Europe Bristol: J.W. Arrowsmith [catalogue says Trubner London]
Beigel, Hermann 1868 Researches on the Nature and Action of Indian and African arrow-poison University Press Journal of Anatomy
Bickmore, Albert S. 1868 Travels in the East Indian Archipelago ... London: John Murray
Birch, Samuel. 1858 History of Ancient Pottery London: Murray
Birdwood, George Christopher Molesworth 1880 The Industrial Arts of India London: Chapman and Hall
Blackmore, William. The North American Indian TRACTS VOL XV [*]
Blanford W.F. On worked agates from Jubbulpoor TRACTS vol v [*]
Bleek, W.H.L. Account of Bushmen Folklore TRACTS vol iv [*]
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich 1865 The Anthropological Treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, London: Longman, Green
Bonomi, Joseph 1857 Nineveh and its Palaces ... 3rd ed. London: Bohn
Bonaparte, Prince Roland. 1885 Les recents voyages des Neerlandais a la Nouvelle-Guinée Versailles: Aubert
Bowen, Thomas Jefferson 1858 Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba language: With an introductory description of the country and people of Yoruba Washington: Smithsonian Institution
Boyne, William 1858 Tokens issued in the seventeenth century in England Wales and Ireland by Corporations, Merchants, Tradesmen ... London
Boutell, 1869 Charles Arms and Armour in Antiquity … London: Cassell
Audsley, George Ashdown & James Lord Bowes, 1881 Keramic Art of Japan London
Breeks, James Wilkinson [ed. Susan Maria Breeks] 1873 An Account of the Primitive Tribes and Monuments of the Nilagiris London: Allen & Co
Brenmer, Robert 1839 Excursions in the Interior of Russia 2nd edition London: Colburn [catalogue says 1840, presumably as it is 2nd edition]
British Museum 1890 A Guide to the Exhibition Galleries of the British Museum London
British Museum 1886 Assyrian antiquities: Guide to the Nimroud Central Saloon London
A.W. Franks [ed], British Museum 1888 Guide to the English Ceramic Ante-Room and the glass and ceramic gallery London
British Museum 1882 Dept of Greek and Roman Antiquities: the Sculptures of the Parthenon London
British Museum 1866 Guide to the Depts of Natural History and Antiquities [*]
British Museum Guide to the Guide to First Vase Room [*]
A.W. Franks [ed], British Museum 1868 Guide to the Christy Collection of Prehistoric Antiquities and Ethnography London
British Museum Guide to the Fossils [*]
British Museum Guide to the Photographs [*]
British Archaeological Association Journal
BAAS Reports for 1852, 1868, 1869, 1872-3, 1876-7 London: Murray
Broca, Paul 1879 Instructions générales pour les recherches Anthropologiques à faire sur le vivant Paris: Masson
Broca, Paul 1876-1883 Revue d’Anthropologie Paris
Buchan, William Paton 1883 Plumbing: a text book to the practice of the art or craft of the plumber London: Lockwood
Burder, Samuel 1839 Oriental Customs ... London: Longman [catalogue says 1831]
Buckland, Anne Walbank 1891 Anthropological Studies London: Ward and Downey
Burnes, Alexander 1839 Travels into Bokhara ... London: John Murray
Burton, Richard 1885 ‘… Arabian Nights …’ Benares: Kama Shastra Society of London
Burton, Richard 1860 The Lake Regions of Central Africa … London: Longman
Burton, Richard 1864 The Nile Basin London: Tinsley
Burton, Richard 1884 The Book of the Sword London: Chatto and Windus
Butler, Captain John Rough Notes on the Angami Nagas and their language TRACTS vol xiii [*]
Catalogues of Museums: South Wilts, Blackmore Museum Salisbury, South Kensington, Bethnal Green 1864 – 72, Musee de Sainte Germain 1869, Belfast, Caeleon, South Kensington (Ancient and Modern Jewellery), South Kensington (Musical Instruments, International Exhibition 1862, South Kensington Indian Art, Mayer Museum Liverpool
Catalogue of sales of Antiquities Art Objects &c 1868-77
Catalogue of Hamilton Palace Collection
Catlin, George 1842 Letters and notes on the manners, customs & condition of the North American Indians 3rd edition London: Tilt & Bogue [3rd edition]
Cesnola General Luigi Palma di 1877 Cyprus Its Ancient Cities, tombs and temples ... London: John Murray
Cesnola Alexander Palma di 1882 Salaminia ... London: Trubner & Co
Chaffers, William 1876 Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain of the Renaissance and Modern Periods London: Bickers
Chancellor, Alfred Ernest 1898 Examples of Old Furniture English and Foreign London: Batsford
Chalmers, James and W. Wyatt Gill 1885 Work and Adventures in New Guinea 1877 to 1885 London: Religious Tract Society
Chesneau, Ernest 1882 La Peinture Anglaise Paris: A. Quantin
Church, Arthur Herbert 1884 English Earthernware … London: Chapman and Hall
Christy, Henry Catalogue of the Collection of Ancient and Modern stone implements … Privately published
Cole, Alan Summerly 1888 A descriptive catalogue of the collections of tapestry and embroidery in the S. Kensington Museum London: Chapman and Hall
Cole, Henry Hardy. 1874 Catalogue of the objects of Indian art exhibited at the South Kensington Museum London: Chapman and Hall
Collier, John 1882 A Primer of Art London: Macmillan
Dammann, C. and F.W. n.d. Photographic Atlas of Anthropology and Ethnology Berlin: Wilgandt
Darwin, Charles 1871 The Descent of Man London: John Murray
Du Chaillu Paul Belloni 1861 Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa London: John Murray
Egerton, Wilbraham 1880 An Illustrated Handbook of Indian Arms … London: W.H. Allen
Cook, Thomas and Son. 1876 Cook’s Tourists Handbook for Egypt, The Nile and the desert’ London
Ellis, William 1831 Polynesian Researches ... in the Society and Sandwich Islands London: Fischer, Son and Jackson
Ellis, Alexander Report of Researches into the Language of the South Andaman Island from the papers of E.H. Man Esq and Lieut R.C. Temple Philological Society TRACTS vol [*]
Ellis, Henry An Account of two ancient Drawings preserved in the British Museum (From the Archaeologist) [*]
Engel, Carl 1874 Descriptive Catalogue of Musical Instruments in the South Kensington Museum … London Science and Art Dept [2nd edition]
Evans, John 1864 The Coins of Ancient Britons Smith London
Evans, John 1872 The Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain London: Longmans
Evans, John 1876 Petit Album de l’âge du Bronze de la Grande Bretagne London: Longman Greens
Evans, John 1881 The Ancient Bronze Implements … London: Longman and Greens
Evans, John 1897 The Ancient Stone Implements … 2nd edition London: Longmans Green & Co
[plus a whole series of papers inTRACTS]
Ujfalvi de Mezo-Kovesd, Károly Jenó 1879 Expedition Scientifique Francaise en Russie, en Siberie, et dans Le Turkistan Paris: E. Leroux
International Exhibition of 1862 London Illustrated Catalogue Her Majesty’s Commission 1862
International Exhibition of 1871 London official catalogue fine arts dep. London 1871
International Exhibition of 1871 London official catalogue London 1873
Fairholt, Frederick William n.d. A dictionary of terms in Art London: Strahan & co.
Fergusson, James 1855 The Illustrated handbook of architecture London
Fillon, Benjamin 1882 Catalogues des objets d’art composant la collection de feu Paris [*]
Fillon, Benjamin 1864 L’Art de Terre chez les Poitevins Paris: Aubry
Fischback, Frederick 1884 Ornament of Textile Fabrics London: Bernard Quaritch
Flavy, C. Barrière 1892 Etude sur les Sepultures Barbares du Midi et de l’ouest de la France industrie Wisigothique Paris: E. Leroux
Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward 1873 Descriptive Catalogue of the Majolica in the South Kensington Museum London: Eyre and Spottiswoode
Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward 1875 Majolica (South Kensington handbook) London: Chapman and Hall
Fortnum, Charles Drury Edward 1896 Majolica a historic treatise … Oxford: Clarendon Press
Franks, Augustus W. Catalogue of Collection of Oriental Porcelain and Pottery lent to Bethnal Green Museum Science & Art Dept 1878
Franks, Augustus W. An account of additions to the British Museum for 1866 TRACTS vol 1 [*]
Franks, Augustus Wollaston 1880 Japanese Pottery London: Chapman and Hall
Fryer, George Edward Pali Studies TRACTS Vol XIII [*]
Fryer, Major G.E. On the Khyong People of the Sandoway District, Arakan TRACTS Vol XIII [*]
Gardner, John Starkie 1893 Ironwork, from the earliest times to the end of the Medieval period (SKM Handbook) London: Chapman and Hall
Gardner, C.J. On the Chinese Race, their language, government, social institutions and religions TRACTS vol ix [*]
Gasnault, Paul & Edouard Garnier 1884 French Pottery (SKM Art Handbook) London: Chapman and Hall
Gason, Samuel The Dieyerie Tribe of Australian Aborigines TRACTS vol ix [*]
Gatty, Mrs Alfred, Horatio K.F. Gatty Eden, Eleanor Lloyd, J. Richardson 1889 The Book of sun-dials London: George Bell and Sons
Gatty, Charles Tindal 1883 Catalogue of Medieval and later antiquities contained in the Mayer Museum, Liverpool Liverpool
Gibbs, George Smithsonian Instructions for Research in Ethnology and Philology TRACTS vol xiii [*]
Gerspach, Edouard 1885 L'Art de la Verrerie Paris: A. Quantin
Girton, Thomas 1875 Exhibition of the Works of Burlington Fine Arts Club London: Spottiswood [NB there are quite a few catalogues of various exhibitions held at the Club too][*]
Collections des Goncourt Objets d’art du XVIIIe Siecle Paris 1897 [*]
Collections des Goncourt Dessins aquarelle et Pastels du XVIIIe Siecle Paris 1897 [*]
Gonse, Louis 1883 L'Art Japonais Paris: A. Quantin
Gould, Sabine Baring 1892 Strange Survivals, Some chapters in the History of Man London: Methuen & Co
Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor. 1885 Guide de l’amateur de Porcelaine et de Poteries au Collection ... Dresde: Schoenfeld
Gray, John Henry 1878 China - a history of the laws, manners and customs of the people London: Macmillan
Grose, Francis 1801 Military Antiquities respecting a History of the English Army from the Conquest to the Present Time London
Greenwood, Thomas 1888 Museums and Art Galleries London: Simpkin
Griffiths, John 1896 The Paintings in the Buddhist Cave-Temples of Ajanta Khandesh India London
Guillaumot, Auguste Costumes Anglais du Temps de la Revolution et du Premier Empire [*]
Haddon, Alfred C. 1895 Evolution of Art … London: Walter Scott
Haddon, Alfred C. 1894 The Decorative Art of British New Guinea Dublin
Hammer, Christian 1876 Synopsis of Christian Hammer's Museum of Art and Antiquity Stockholm Stockholm [catalogue says 1871]
Hansard, George Agar 1840 The Book of Archery London: Longman [catalogue says 1845]
Harrison, J. Park Note on Easter Island Writing TRACTS vol xiv [*]
Hamilton, Augustus 1896 The Art Workmanship of the Maori Race in New Zealand ... Dunedin, NZ: Fergusson and Mitchell for Board of Governors [of the NZ Institute]
Havard, Henry ?1881 Histoire de la peinture Hollandaise Paris: A. Quantin
Hartmann, Robert 1880 Les Peuples de l’Afrique Paris: Librairie Germer Baillière
Hawkins, Edward [ed. R.L. Kenyon] 1876 The Silver Coins of England 2nd edition London: Bernard Quaritch
Hilton, James Remarks on Jade Pollard 1888 [*]
Hewitt, John 1860 Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe ... Oxford London: J. Henry and J. Parker
Humphreys, Henry Noel 1855 The origin and progress of the Art of Writing 2nd edition London: Day and Son
Hutchinson, Thomas Joseph 1873 Two years in Peru with exploration of its antiquities London: Sampson Low
Jacquemart Albert 1873 Histoire de la Ceramique … Paris: Hachette et Cie [catalogue says 1884]
Jones, Owen 1856 The Grammar of Ornament ... London: Day & Son
Keane, Augustus Henry 1896 Ethnology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Keary, Charles Francis 1889 The Morphology of Coins London [catalogue says 1886]
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta 1897 Travels in West Africa London: Macmillan
[From page 190 there is a long list of 46 of Pitt-Rivers’ own publications when he was Lane Fox]
Lillie, Arthur 1881 Buddha and Early Buddhism London: Trubner
Litchfield, Frederick 1892 Pottery and Porcelain A Guide to Collectors London: Bickers and Son
Litchfield, Frederick 1892 Illustrated History of Furniture London: Truelove and Shirley
Lubbock, John 1869 Prehistoric Times ... 2nd edition London and Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate
Lubbock, John 1870 The origin of Civilization … London: Longmans
Maskell, William 1872 Description of the Ivories (Ancient and Medieval) in the SKM London: SKM
Meyrick, Samuel 1842 A critical inquiry into Antient [sic] Armour … 2nd edition London: H. Bohn
Mitchell, Thomas Livingstone 1839 Three expeditions into the interior of Eastern Australia ... London: T. & W. Boone
Redesdale, Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford 1871 Tales of Old Japan London: Macmillan [catalogue says 1876]
Moor, Edward 1810 The Hindu Pantheon Johnson London: printed for J. Johnson
Moresby, John 1876 New Guinea & Polynesia: Discoveries and Surveys in New Guinea .. London: J. Murray
Moseley, Walter Michael 1792 An Essay on Archery … Worcester: J & J Holl
Nesbitt, Alexander 1878 Descriptive Catalogue of the Glass Vessels in SKM London: Chapman and Hall
Nesbitt, Alexander 1871 Catalogue of the glass collection of Felix Slade London: printed for private distribution
Newton, Charles Thomas 1865 Travels and Discoveries in the Levant London: Day & Son
Norris, John 1847 Catalogue of Pictures, Models, Busts etc in the Bodleian Library Oxford. Oxford
Garson, John George 1892 Notes and Queries on Anthropology … 2nd edition London: The Institute
Petherick, John Catalogue of Collection of Arms and Implements … TRACTS vol vi [*]
Petherick, John 1861 Egypt, The Soudan and Central Africa Edinburgh W. Blackwood
[Petrie, W.M. Flinders Large number of publications by]
[From page 277 there is a long list of Pitt-Rivers’ own publications when he was Pitt-Rivers]
Pollen, John Hungerford 1875 Ancient and Modern Woodwork Handbook SKM London: Chapman and Hall
Lane-Poole, Stanley 1886 The art of the Saracens in Egypt London: Chapman and Hall
Price, F.G. Hilton 1897 A catalogue of the Egyptian antiquities … London: Bernard Quaritch
Ratzel, Friedrich 1896 The History of Mankind London: Macmillan
Ris-Paquet 1879 Dictionnaire des Marques et Monogrammes des Faiences … Paris: Raphael Simon
Rivers, George Priced catalogue of the sale of furniture, pictures &c the property of the late Lord Rivers … 1828 Rivers [fourth Lord] catalogue of the sale of furniture, pictures &c the property of the 4th Lord Rivers 1865
Robinson, Frederick S. 1897 The Connoisseur: essays on the romantic and picturesque associations of art and artists London: George Redway
Robinson, John Charles 1892 Catalogue of the renowned works of art ... late Hollingworth Magniac … London: Christie Mason and Woods
Robley, Horatio Gordon, 1896 Moko, or, Maori Tattooing London: Chapman and Hall
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. 1883 Catalogue for exhibition at Burlington Fine Arts Club
Roth, H. Ling 1891 The natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo ... London: Truslove and Shirley
Roth, Walter Edmund 1897 Ethnological studies among the NW Central Queensland Aborigines Brisbane: E. Gregory Government Printer
Sampson, Henry 1874 A History of Advertising from the Earliest times … London: Chatto and Windus
Sanders, William Bliss. 1894 Half timbered houses and carved oak furniture of the 16th and 17th centuries London: Bernard Quaritch
Scharf, George 1865 Catalogue of the Pictures belonging to the Society of Antiquaries Bungay
Scharf, George 1876 Notes on the principal portraits of Mary I of England and Mary Queen of Scots London: J. Murray
Schleicher, August. Alexander V W Bikkers transl.; Charles Robert Darwin 1869 Darwinism tested by the Science of Language ... tr. from [Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft] London
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe 1853-1856 History, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo Co.
Schweinfurth, Georg 1875 Artes Africana … Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus
Shaw, Henry 1858 Specimens of Tile Pavements Pickering London: Basil M. Pickering
Simpson, William 1896 The Buddhist Praying wheel ... London: Macmillan
Skelton, Joseph 1854 Engraved illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour from the collection of Goodrich Court Herts … London: Henry G. Bohn
Slade collection 1871 Catalogue of Collection of Glass formed by Felix Slade London: private distribution
Smith, Robert Brough 1878 The Aborigines of Victoria ... Melbourne: J. Ferres Government Printer
Smith, Robert Murdoch 1876 Persian Art London: Chapman and Hall
Solon, Louis Marc 1885 The Art of the Old English Pottery London: Bemrose & Sons
[List of all South Kensington catalogues on page 329 and on]
Spencer, Walter Baldwin [ed] 1896 Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia Part IV anthropology London: Dulaw & Co
Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage 1865 Travels and Researches in Crete London: J. Van Voorst
Squier, Ephraim George 1877 Peru, Incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas London [and several others about US and Peru]
Stanbridge, W.E List of stone implements from Australia TRACTS vol xv [*]
Stephens, John Lloyd 1854 Incidents in Travel in Central America ... London: Hall Virtue etc
Stone, Octavius C. 1880 A few months in New Guinea London: Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington
Strutt, Joseph 1833 The sports and pastimes of the people of England ... London: Tegg [new edition]
Strutt, Joseph 1796 A complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England … London: printed by J. Nichols
Swan, James G. The Indians of Cape Flattery … vol vii Smithsonian Anthropological Papers [*]
Swan, James G. The Haidah Indians … vol vii Smithsonian Anthropological Papers [*]
Taplin, George The Narrinyeri: an account of the Tribes of South Australian Aborigines TRACTS vol ix [*]
Thompson, Stephen. Charles Thomas Newton Sir, [ed] 1873 The antiquities of Cyprus discovered ... by General Palma di Cesnola. Photographed from a selection made by C.T. Newton. … London: Mansel and Co
Thomson, James Park. 1892 British New Guinea London: George Philip and Son
Tresham, Henry et al 1818 The British Gallery of Pictures ... London: Longman, Hurst, Rees etc
Tomlinson, Charles 1868 The Construction of Locks ... London: Virtue
Topinard, Paul 1885 Eléments d’anthropologie générale … Paris: A. Delahaye et E. Lecrosnier
Topinard, Paul 1891 L’homme dans la Nature Paris: F. Alcan
Topinard, Paul 1878 Anthropology London: Chapman and Hall
Topinard, Paul 1876 L’Anthropologie Paris: C. Reinwald
Tredgold, Thomas and E. Wyndham Tarn 1886 Elementary principles of carpentry … London: C. Lockwood
Tweedie, William 1894 The Arabian horse, his country and people Edinburgh: Blackwood
Tylor, Edward Burnett. 1861 Anahuac … London: Longman
Tylor, Edward Burnett. 1871 Primitive Culture … London: J. Murray
Tylor, Edward Burnett. 1881 Anthropology An Introduction ... London: Macmillian
[and papers, page 354]
United Service Institution Catalogue of the Museum of the Armoury Part I 1851 [*]
Wallace-Dunlop Madeline Anne. 1882 Glass in the Old World London: Field and Tuer
Ward, William 1822 A view of the history, literature and mythology of the Hindoos London: Kingsbury
Wardle, Thomas Handbook of the Collections illustrative of the wild silks of India, … SKM London 1881: Eyre and Spottiswoode
Westlake, Nathaniel Hubert J. 1879-82 A history of painted glass London: Parker
Wiener, Charles 1880 Pérou et Bolivie: récit de voyage Paris: Hachette
Wilde, William Robert 1857 Descriptive catalogue of the Antiquities in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy … Dublin
Wilkes, Charles Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition … 1838-1842 New York 1856 [*]
Williams, John 1837 A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands London: Snow
Williams, Thomas et al 1858 Fiji and the Fijians London: A. Heylin
Wise, James The Barat Binyas of Bengal TRACTS vol xiii [*]
Wood, John George 1868-70 The natural history of Man London
Wright, Anne. ?1850. The observingeye; or Letters to children on the three lowest divisions of animallife. : The radiated animals. Sponges, corals, star fishes, &c London: Jarrold and Sons
Yarrow, Henry Crécy 1880 Introduction to the study of Mortuary Customs among the North American Indians Washington: Smithsonian Institute
1886 Handbook to the Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 London: W. Clowes and Son [Published in sections for the various courts, Pitt-Rivers had many of them]
AP October 2011.