B3. Dealers
All these letters are held by Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum, Pitt-Rivers papers.
Note that there are some letters from dealers transcribed here: including letters from the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, G.R. Harding, John Sparks, W. Ogden, Bryce Wright, G.F. Lawrence.
Indian Art Gallery (Procter & Co.)
Correspondence with other dealers A-J
Correspondence with other dealers K-M
Correspondence with other dealers N-Z
Included in the above are letters from Bryce Wright, Carter & Co. Poole, William Cross, W.D. Cutter, E. Cutter, S. Egger, Halstaff & Hannaford, Hann, Hirsch (on behalf of Ludwig Lindenschmit, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum), Hyams, M. Kataoka, A. Kotin, F. Kotin, Landauer & Co., G.F. Lawrence [including copies of correspondence listed under the letter series of S&SWM], The London & Burma Merchandize Company Limited, William Mullins.