This series is only listed in the Blue book, the series appears to have been displayed in Case 70 at Bethnal Green and South Kensington Museums
Blue number |
PRM Accession number |
Blue book entry |
Blue 299 |
1884.63.5 |
Case 70 299 Australian shield ornamented with incised zigzag lines (2910) |
Blue 300 |
1884.63.8 |
Case 70 300 Club. Australian, ornamented with waved lines and zigzags (2900) |
Blue 301 |
1884.12.72 |
Case 70 301 Waddy. Australian, ornamented with sets of elongated punch marks (2825) |
Blue 302 - 304 |
1884.24.205-207 |
C[ase] 70, 302-4. Knives, iron, women's, ornamented with linear designs and rows of punch marks (2887). [insert] W. Africa [end insert]. |
Blue 305 |
1884.63.30 |
Case 70 305 Sword blade, leaf-shaped, ornamented with lines and punch-marks (2888) |
Blue 306 |
1884.63.27 |
Case 70 306 Axe, iron, ornamented with linear design in Vandykes filled in with parallel incised lines and punch-marks Gaboon W Africa (2835) |
Blue 307 |
1884.119.82-84 |
Case 70 307 Bronze celts (3) in tray. Faces ornamented with herring bone pattern and elliptical punch marks. Found in Ireland, Bronze period (2877) |
Blue 308 |
Not matched |
R[eturned] 31.3.84 Lunette, gold, ornamented with vandyke filled in with incised parallel lines and zigzags . Found in a field nr Middleton Co. Cork May 1867 (3288) |
Blue 309 |
1884.63.19 |
Case 70 309 Wooden axe, Society Is. Ornamented with triangles filled with zigzags, checker patterns, and parallel lines (2899) |
Blue 310 |
1884.98.51 |
Case 70 310 Club ornamented with incised lines and bands consisting of lozenge patterns, herring bones, zigzags, concentric circles, and rude representations of men and animals (2821) |
Blue 311 |
1884.98.50 |
Case 70 311 Club with similar ornamentation to 310 [1884.98.51] (2898) |
Blue 312 |
1884.63.12 |
Case 70 312 Spoon, elaborately carved in lozenge patterns and rows of semi-circular (crescent-shaped) lines High Island South Pacific (2902) |
Blue 313 |
1884.6.4 |
Case 70 313 Bowl, similarly carved, High Is. S. Pacific (2834) |
Blue 314 |
1884.63.15 |
Case 70 314 Pattoo pattoo ornamented with zigzag lines and coils with representation(?s) of human figure, New Zealand (2897) |
Blue 315 |
1884.63.32 |
Case 70 315 Box ornamented with parallel incised lines, New Zealand (2896) |
Blue 316 - 317 |
1884.6.22, 1884.63.38 .1-2 |
Case 70 316 - 317 Wooden bottles [sic] ornamented with triangles filled with parallel incised lines, Kaffir, E Africa (?2895 2894) |
Blue 318 |
1884.102.13 |
Case 70 318 Snuff box (small) similar ornament [to 317 - 1884.63.38] ?Kaffir (2881) |
Blue 319 - 321 |
1884.63.37, 39, 1884.98.24 |
Case 70 319 - 321 Three snuff boxes, rhinoceros horn, ornamented with parallel incised lines crossed and waved lines Kaffir [sic] (2853 2874 2851) |
Blue 322 |
1884.3.12 |
Case 70 322 Wooden pillow ornamented with squares, triangles, dots, and concentric circles Kaffir (2872) |
Blue 323 |
1884.63.48 |
Case 70 323 Gourd ornamented with rows of black triangles Kaffir (2873) |
Blue 324 |
1884.63.47 |
Case 70 324 Gourd ornamented with rows of black triangles and filled with white cross lines Africa (2832) |
Blue 325 |
1884.7.20 .11884.7.20 .2 |
Case 70 325 Box, hide, ornamented with rows of lozenge and triangular patterns in red Niger Africa (2876) |
Blue 326 |
1884.140.614 |
Case 70 326 Lamp, black pottery, ornamented with zigzag lines and triangles filled with rows of punch marks Houssa W Africa (2883) |
Blue 327 |
1884.63.64 |
Case 70 327 Cooking pot ornamented with triangles filled with parallel and incised lines Batanga W Africa (2868) |
Blue 328 |
1884.63.44 .1 |
Case 70 328 Gourd bowl ornamented with lozenge patterns triangles and brown bands W Africa (2890 and 2891) |
Blue 329 |
1884.63.45 .11884.63.45 .2 |
Case 70 329 Bowl ornamented with rows of triangles and herringbone patterns and triangle and checker patterns with dots W African (2892) |
Blue 330 |
1884.7.54 .11884.7.54 .2 |
Case 70 330 Gourd for salt box and cover ornamented with squares parallel incised lines and bands Egga tribe Niger River W Africa (2837) |
Blue 331 |
Not matched |
Case 70 330 Gourd for salt box & cover, ornamented with squares, parallel incised lines & bands Egga tribe Niger River W. Africa (2837) |
Blue 332 |
1884.63.61 |
Case 70 332 Lamp pottery ornament with triangles and bands alternately red white and yellow Nupé W Africa (2870) |
Blue 333 |
1884.63.46 |
Case 70 333 Gourd bottle ornamented with bands of triangles lozenge patterns and concentric circles (2884) |
Blue 334 |
1884.62.34 |
Case 70 334 Foot piece of a still (sic) ornamented with linear [?sic illegible] pattern and representations of human figure Marquesas (2911) |
Blue 335 |
1884.63.58 |
Case 70 335 Gourd bottle bound with cords of sennit in a lozenge shaped pattern Marquesas (2846) |
Blue 336 |
1884.63.56 |
Case 70 336 Gourd bottle ornamented with lines representing the strings by which it is carried Sandwich Is (2845) |
Blue 337 |
1884.63.59 |
Case 70 337 Gourd bottle ornamented with triangles and bands representing the strings by which some of them are carried (2885) |
Blue 338 |
1884.63.50 |
Case 70 338 Gourd bottle painted in red and yellow checker pattern representing the basket work in which they are carried (2848) |
Blue 339 |
1884.63.68 |
Case 70 339 Bowl red pottery ornamented with triangular and zigzag patterns Cyprus Obtained by Gen Cesnola (2867) |
Blue 340 |
1884.38.7 |
Case 70 340 Jug ornamented with lozenge shaped patterns filled in with incised parallel lines Cyprus Cesnola coll (2865) |
Blue 341 |
1884.63.69 |
Case 70 341 Black bowl ornamented with zigzag lines filled in with parallel incised lines Cyprus Cesnola coll (2866) |
Blue 342 |
1884.38.6 |
Case 70 342 Black bottle ornamented with zigzag bands Cyprus Cesnola Collection (2863) |
Blue 343 |
1884.63.70 |
Case 70 343 Bottle red ornamented with concentric circles Cyprus Cesnola collection (2862) |
Blue 344 |
1884.63.71 |
Case 70 344 Bottle red similar to 343 [1884.63.70] (2864) |
Blue 345 |
1884.63.78 |
Case 70 345 Leathern pouch ornamented with rectilineal patterns with coloured porcupine quills N American Indians (2879) |
Blue 346 |
1884.63.21 |
Case 70 346 Small case [sic] ornamented with checker pattern and coloured porcupine quills (2836) |
Blue 347 |
1884.63.22 |
Case 70 347 Bow ornamented with row of circles N America (2909) |
Blue 348 |
1884.35.59 .1 - ? |
?Ornamentation Geometrical patterns 348 - Case 70 Fragments (2) of early British pottery ornamented with bands formed by impressions of twisted thongs from the Tumulus of Carnedd Howell Wales. |
Blue 349 |
1884.35.45 |
Case 70 349 Cinerary urn ornamented with zigzag lines filled with parallel incised lines and waved lines N of Ireland (2869) |
Blue 350 |
1884.119.612 |
Case 70 350 Bracelet bronze ornamented with rows of circles (2875) |
Blue 351 |
1884.103.17 |
Case 70 351 Wooden case ornamented with rectilinear pattern Java (2872) |
Blue 352 |
1884.63.35 .11884.63.35 .2 |
Case 70 352 Bamboo lime case ornamented with bands of triangular pattern Timor (2840) |
Blue 353 - 358 |
1884.7.53 .1-2 1884.103.18, 19 1884.63.34 1884.68.83 .1-2 |
Case 70 353 - 8 Bamboo cases various patterns Timor (2841 - 3) 2855 2860 2882 |
Blue 359 |
1884.63.10 |
Case 70 359 Paddle ornamented with concentric circles High Island (2903) |
Blue 360 |
1884.63.13 |
Case 70 360 Paddle ornamented with concentric circles and rows of lozenge and zigzag patterns High Island (2904) |
Blue 361 |
1884.63.31 |
Case 70 361 Sheath of a knife ornamented with checker pattern Akassa Nu... [sic illegible] branch of the Niger (2880) |
AP, March 2011