This series is only listed in the Blue Book. It appears to have been displayed in Cases 64, 78 and 80 at Bethnal Green and South Kensington Museums.
Blue book |
Accession Number |
Blue book description |
Blue 151 |
1884.65.23 |
Case 78 151, Wooden idol, Central Africa (2418). |
Blue 152 |
1884.56.49 .1-9 |
Case 78 152 Prince Ducoqui chief on the Gaboon river a bag of charms for safety on the water (7 charms) (2538 and 2533) |
Blue 153 |
1884.56.50 |
Case 78 153 Bundle of charms including a bell feather teeth of animal goats horn etc W Africa (2529) |
Blue 154 |
1884.57.19 |
Case 78 154 Fetish consisting of iron spear point stuck through the centre of a large seed. Po-po country W Africa (2497) |
Blue 155 |
1884.56.45 |
Case 78 155 War charm of an ivory tusk BaKali W Africa (2419) |
Blue 156 |
1884.56.62 |
Case 78 156 Leather amulets W Africa (2432) |
Blue 157 |
1884.140.257 |
Case 78 157 Band with large stone beads used as an amulet Africa (2433) |
Blue 158 |
1884.140.332 and on |
Case 78 158 Fragments of tree with pieces of rag attached used as votive offerings. [Also white quartz and small fragments of wood used as votive offerings at holy wells at the present time in Ireland for the cure of diseases Also white quartz & small fragments of wood used in votive offerings at Holy wells at the present time in Ireland for the cure of diseases (2532 & 2495) |
Blue 159 |
1884.140.331 |
Case 78 159 Fragments of rag used as votive offerings for the cure of diseases at St Helens Well Thorp Arch Yorkshire at the present time (2496) |
Blue 160 - Blue 172 |
1884.57.5, 9, 1884.58.59, 61, 65, 66, 74, 75, 78 1884.76.123 |
160 - 172 Part in Case 78 no 162 in Case 64 Egyptian idols (12) and amulets (1 broken) 2493 2425 266 2427 2534 2428 2483 2485 |
Blue 173 - Blue 219 |
1884.58.9, 15, 16, 40, 80; 1884.59.4, 11-13, 16, 18, 21, 23-24, 28, 34-36, 38, 40-43, 46-48, 51-53, 56, 60-61 89 |
173 - 219 Bronze Hindoo idols (47) |
Blue 220 |
1884.59.17, 29-30, 49-50 |
Case 80 220 - 224 Five stone Hindoo idols (2382 2395 2396 2397 2391) |
Blue 225 – Blue 232 |
1884.59.72-79 |
Case 80 225 - 232 Stone figures (8) representing Hindoo deities and illustrating Hindu legends (2440, 2439 2441 2438 2442 2443 2437 2436) |
Blue 233 |
1884.59.99 |
Case 80 233 Burmese idol stone (2385) |
Blue 234 |
1884.58.12 |
Case 78 234 Bull stone (2384) |
Blue 235 |
1884.59.44 |
Case 80 235 and 6 Hindoo idols ivory (1 broken) (2447 and 2444) |
Blue 236 |
1884.59.45 |
Case 80 235 and 6 Hindoo idols ivory (1 broken) (2447 and 2444) |
Blue 237 |
1884.59.2 |
Case 80 237 Idol a sleeping figure ivory (2474) |
Blue 238 |
1884.59.5 |
Idol red earthenware (broken) 2398 Added Burma |
Blue 239 |
1884.59.110 |
Case 80 139 Large bronze idol (2552) |
Blue 240 - Blue 249 |
1884.59.3, 20, 64, 69, 102-103, 107, 114, 124, 132, 1884.68.70, 1884.140.185 |
Case 80 240 - 49 Idols wood gilt 2375 2458 2460 2378 ?2462 2546 2558 2559 2459 2555 |
Blue 250 |
1884.59.93 |
Case 80 250 Hindoo shrine in case wood ?(2560) |
Blue 251 |
1884.56.61 |
Case 78 251 Water worn stone with inscription (2403) |
Blue 252 – Bllue 258 |
1884.56.91-95, 97-98 |
252 - 8 Votive offerings representing various parts of the human body. Cyprian. Gen Cesnola's collection 2420 - 2424 2426 2479 |
Blue 259 - Blue 266 |
1884.58.30, 48-49, 71 |
Part Case 78 259 - 266 Idols representing maternity Egyptian Peruvian Hindoo Chinese and ...ian [sic illegible] (2486 2484 2388) |
Blue 268 |
1884.56.1 |
268 Stone amulet Mexican a man's face (2500) |
Blue 269 |
Not matched |
Prayer Relic, belonged to the late Archbishop Amber Salama Abyssinia |
Blue 270 |
1884.58.83 |
Case 78 270 Arm badges (2) (2399 and 2400) |
Blue 271 |
1884.58.94 |
Case 78 271 Crucifix (silver) 13th or 14th century The apron on the figure is of rare occurrence |
Blue 272 |
1884.58.87 |
Case 78 272 Silver crucifix (2477) |
Blue 273 |
1884.58.95 |
Case 78 273 Russian cross (2478) |
Blue 274 |
1884.58.88 |
Case 78 274 Silver cross Portuguese (2477) |
Blue 275 |
1884.58.89 |
Case 78 275 Bronze crucifix Portuguese (2477) |
Blue 276 |
1884.58.96 |
Case 78 Cross inlaid with stones Portuguese |
Blue 277 - Blue 282 |
1884.58.90-93 |
Case 78 in part 277 - 282 Silver crucifixes (6) (2477 - 2478) no 281 is a Maltese cross |
Blue 283 |
1884.58.97 |
Case 78 283 Crucifix silver and rosary ?English (2482) |
Blue 284 |
1884.67.127 |
Case 78 284 Crucifix wooden rude Galway dated 1769 (2415) |
Blue 285 |
1884.58.54 |
Case 78 285 Crucifix very rude carved in chalk found in Bullyard [sic] Bishopsgate St 1865 (2480) |
Blue 286 |
1884.58.24 |
Case 78 286 Torture cross to wear on the breast (2463) |
Blue 287 |
Not matched |
Entry missing |
Blue 288 |
1884.56.66-73 |
288 Pilgrim's token (8) in tray |
Blue 289 |
1884.58.53 |
Case 78289 Ancient Irish chalice in pewter found in a cavern in the mountain near Killarney (2406) |
Blue 290 |
1884.140.186 |
Case 78 290 Triptych Byzantine (2475) |
Blue 291 & 292 |
1884.58.120 and 121 |
Case 78 291 - 2 Triptychs Russian modern worn by soldiers in the Crimea (2471 and 2472) |
Blue 293 - Blue 295 |
1884.13.26, 1884.58.21 1884.59.133 |
293 - 5 Staff Club Breast cloth used in Devil dances in India (3301) |
Blue 296 |
1884.56.80 |
296 Post belonging to a seat on a hearth of an old house in Scarborough. Carved with representations of a cross heart stuck with pins and different ?phases of the moon for the purpose of keeping off fairies' |
Blue 297 |
Not matched |
Ancient Font Ireland |
Blue 298 |
1884.116.76 |
Case 88 298 Rush light candlestick iron (3145) |
AP, March 2011