Algeria -
Main field collectors:
Melville William Hilton-Simpson - 689 objects [as field collector]
Charles or Brenda Seligman - 487
Dorothy Anne Garrod - 119

Main PRM Sources:
Melville William Hilton-Simpson - 651 objects
Charles or Brenda Seligman - 487
Henry Balfour - 605
Rudolf J. Fromholz - 261

Angola -
Field collectors:
The main field collectors from Angola up to 1945 were Antoinette and Diana Powell-Cotton with 605 objects, 86 per cent of the overall Angolan collections
PRM Sources:
Correspondingly the main PRM source was Antoinette Powell-Cotton who donated 477 objects (all collected by her and her sister) [68 per cent of the Angolan collections up to 1945].
Benin Republic -
There does not seem to be any dominating field collectors or PRM sources for Benin Republic material
Botswana -
There is no very dominating field collector of Botswanan objects:
Field collectors:
Edward John Dunn - 19 [11 per cent]
James Sligo Jameson - 40 [23 per cent]
PRM source:
There is no very dominating PRM sources of Botswanan objects:
Pes di Villamarina - 30
British Museum - 19
Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers - 20
Burkina Faso -
5 Burkina Faso objects (just over 25 per cent) were collected and donated by Robert Powley Wild, 3 were collected and donated by Meyer Fortes, 3 more were donated by Arthur Evans, 2 were collected and donated by CH Pemberton
Burundi -
William Alfred Cunnington is the main field collector with 39 objects (100 of the objects are in fact sherds from one pot collected by ACA Wright - another guesstimate) and he is also the main PRM source, via Miss EB Cunnington.
Cameroon Cameroun -
Mervyn David Waldegrave Jeffreys is by far the most dominating field collector of Cameroon objects with 1553 objects in his collection as against a total of 1756 for Cameroon as a whole (and his source for the PRM, the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum is therefore the single most dominating PRM source for objects from this country. This is 88 per cent of the total Cameroons collections up to 1945
Cape Verde -
131 of the 133 Cape Verde objects were collected and obtained from Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford
Central African Republic -
There is no dominating field collector or donor but Cornelius Marinus Pleyte gave 7 of the 36 objects
Chad -
Field collectors and PRM sources:
Olive Temple - 47 [26 per cent]
Anthony John Arkell - 67 [37 per cent]
Percy Amaury Talbot - 26 [14 per cent]
R. Hottot - 18 [10 per cent]
Comoros -
The pair of shoes from the Comoros came to the PRM via the Ashmolean and may have been part of the Tradescant collection
Congo, Democratic Republic of -
The major field collectors appear to be:
Emil Torday: 393 [24 per cent]
F.O. Stohr: 148 [9 per cent]
Melville William Hilton-Simpson : 142 [9 per cent]
PRM sources (amongst others):
Emil Torday: 368
F.O. Stohr: 148
Melville William Hilton-Simpson : 141
Congo, People's Republic of -
There does not appear to be any dominating field collector or donor from PR of Congo, NB most of the items in any case could be from the Congo DR
Ivory Coast -
There does not appear to be any dominating field collector or donor from Cote d'Ivoire
Djibouti -
11 of the 25 Djibouti objects came from Wilfred Patrick Thesiger who also collected them.
Egypt -
Major Field Collectors:
Charles or Brenda Seligman - 1,963
Francis Llewellyn Griffith - 2,144
Flinders Petrie - 874

Major PRM Sources:
Charles or Brenda Seligman - 2,146
Francis Llewellyn Griffith - 2,112
Egypt Exploration Fund - 1,072

Equatorial Guinea -
8 of the 19 Equatorial Guinea objects were collected by Lieutenant Cole and came via the Ashmolean
Eritrea -
3 of the 8 Eritrean objects were collected by L. Gorringe
Ethiopia -
The only major field collectors and donors of Ethiopian objects appears to Wilfred Patrick and Wilfred Gilbert Thesiger who collected over a third of the objects (68 out of 172) between them.
Gabon -
304 of the 356 Gabon objects came via the founding collection, of these 92 (nearly a quarter of the entire Gabon collection up to 1945) was field collected by Robert Bruce Napolean Walker .
The Gambia -
9 of the 55 objects were collected by W.D. Canol, 9 were also collected and donated by George Chardin Denton, 14 were collected and donated by Emilius Hopkinson.
Ghana -
Main field collectors:
Rattray - 1,215
Robert Powley Wild - 1,639

Main PRM Sources:
Rattray - 1,154
Robert Powley Wild - 1,776

Guinea -
The only prominent field collector or donor is William Winwood Reade who collected 6 Guinea objects which came to us via Arthur Evans
Guinea-Bissau -
The vast majority of possible Guinea-Bissau objects came to us via the founding collection and are not clearly provenanced as Guinea-Bissau
Kenya -
Field collectors [and donors] include:
William Scoresby Routledge - 191 [18 per cent]
Alfred Claud Hollis - 128 [12 per cent]
EE Evans-Pritchard - 75 [7 per cent]
Lesotho -
9 of the 22 objects were collected and donated by Winifred Brunton, 3 were collected and donated Henry Reade Woodroofe
Liberia -
8 of the 30 Liberian items came from EF Martin and were collected by him
Libya -
PRM sources and field collectors:
William Boyd Kennedy Shaw - 37 [15 per cent]
Christopher Musgrave - 100? [42 per cent]
MHA Boyd - 60 [25 per cent]
The last two's figures are guesstimates
Madagascar -
The dominating field collector and donor of Madagascan objects up to 1945 was James Sibree, a missionary who collected and donated 82 of the 147 objects (55 per cent)
Malawi -
The Universities Mission to Central Africa collected 318 of the 546 items from Malawi [58 per cent], of these William Coleman Piercy collected 232 [72 per cent of the UMCA donation, 42 per cent of the Malawi collections up to 1945]. Sheffield Airey Neave collected 43 [nearly 8 per cent].
Mali -
The most dominating field collector (and donor) of objects from Mali was Samuel P Powell who donated 60 of the 77 objects (NB a good proportion of this 60 objects are not certain to be from Mali but may come from another country)[78 per cent]
Mauritania -
All the Mauritanian collections came from Louis Didon (via HEP Breuil) and were field collected by him
Mauritius -
All 3 Mauritian objects were donated by Beatrice Braithwaite Batty and do not have a named field collector
Morocco -
Seligman - 79 objects [12 per cent]
Moseley - 64 [10 per cent]
Balfour - 59 [9 per cent]
Canziani - 131 [21 per cent]
seem to be the major field collectors and donors
Mozambique (Moçambique) -
DF Stowell - 73 [28 per cent]
GA Turner - 79 [31 per cent]
seem to be the two main field collectors and donors, the other objects came to the museum from a variety of sources
Namibia -
Charles Longman collected and donated 8 items [15 per cent], AP Dodds-Parker donated 7 items, EM Andrews collected and donated 5 items
Niger -
Samuel P Powell collected and donated 70 items [23 per cent] , Francis James Rennell Rodd collected and donated 217 [70 per cent]
Nigeria -
Mervyn David Waldegrave Jeffreys collected 3,110 objects (they came to us via the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum). This is 44 per cent of the Nigerian collection. He was the major single collector of Nigeria objects, there are a number of other collectors who collected large numbers of objects from Nigeria but in the light of thelarge number of overall objects from there, their contributions do not form more than 5 per cent [eg Talbot, GI Jones]
Rwanda -
The two principal field collectors and donors of Rwandan (or possible Rwandan) objects were JET Philipps 28 objects [15 per cent] and Armine Charles Almroth Wright with 129 objects [70 per cent]
Senegal -
9 of the Senegalese objects came from GC Denton (he collected them also) (just under a third of the entire collection), 12 came from the founding collection (field collector mostly unknown)(more than a third of the collection).
Seychelles -
All but two of the 5 Seychelles objects came from William Allan or Allen, a missionary who also collected the objects
Sierra Leone -
Dr Sims or Simms - 45 seems to have been the single largest field collector [a quarter of the Sierra Leone collection] his objects were given via the Ashmolean Museum. AC Hollis also collected and gave 16 objects [around 10 per cent]
Somalia -
Diana Powell-Cotton collected and donated 217 objects [50 per cent of the Somali collections] HW Seton-Karr gave 132 objects [30 per cent]
South Africa -
Henry Balfour [fc] 430 [prms] 441
James Swan 756
Penelope Ward [fc] 1,272
The remainder of the collections are made up of smaller donations / collections.

Sudan -
Seligmans = 409 [9 per cent]
F.L. Griffith - 2,782 [59 per cent]
The above are the principal field collectors though of course a lot of other famous Sudan people eg Evans-Pritchard and Arkell gave sizeable collections but they are not over five per cent of total Sudanese collections
Swaziland -
Half of the Swaziland collection of 4 objects came from Henry Reade Woodroofe
Tanzania -
AC Hollis collected and donated 82 objects [10 per cent of the Tanzania collections] there does not appear to be another dominating collector or donor
Togo -
Rattray donated over half of the Togo collections [47 objects], RP Wild gave 13 objects [14 per cent]
Tunisia -
Garrod - 67 [17 per cent]
Seligmans - 50 [13 per cent]
John Abercromby - 50 [13 per cent]
Louis Didon - 35 [9 per cent]
Marius Latapie - 119 [30 per cent]
The above are the larger field collectors from Tunisia
Uganda -
J Roscoe - 381 [31 per cent]
EJ Wayland - 195 [16 per cent]
ACA Wright - 104 [8 per cent]
Zambia -
Balfour donated 224 Zambian objects [31 per cent], TS Fox Pitt gave 267 [36 per cent], both collected there as well as donating objects
Zimbabwe -
Balfour donated 573 Zimbabwean objects [49 per cent] , EM Andrews gave 263 [22 per cent] , both collected and donated from there
Overall Africa
Africa Field Collectors of note:
MDW Jeffreys - 4,671
Henry Balfour - 1,955
F Ll Griffith - 2,872
Seligmans - 3,288
RP Wild - 1,665
Rattray - 1,218
P Ward - 1,277

Note that as a consequence of the different way in which this database is worked out from the way we worked out field collectors information, Leakey who is a prominent African field collector does not have a significant field collection according to this database (because the majority of his items were not accessioned by 1945). If he had been included his collection is larger than Jeffreys (of course he is not included in the total African count either so the percentages if he were included for all collectors would change).
Significant PRM sources of African material:
Wellcome - 4,692
Pitt Rivers - 1,686
Balfour - 2,849
Seligman - 3,503
Griffith [and wife] - 2,840

As with field collectors Arkell's and Leakey's very significant collections are not included because most of it was accessioned after 1945
Relational Museum project team