Hottot's expedition diary, showing entries for 10 and 11 April 1908 describing the measurement of local Kango people at Lake Tumba. The Kango were of interest to Hottot since they were considered a 'pygmy' race. Underneath he has recorded a list of objects collected, including three women's belts (no.99), nine units of the local copper currency (no.93), and forty poisoned arrows (no.97).
Pitt Rivers Museum, Manuscript Collections, Hottot Papers 1/7a
Source: Philip N. Grover and Christopher Morton, Congo Journey: Photographs and Documents from Robert Hottot's Expedition to Central Africa, 1908-9 [website], (published online September 2005, last updated 8 February 2006) <http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk/congojourney>.