BMH.COL.29.1 (Transparency colour)
Arthur Hopkinson
A. J. Hopkinson
Gyantse > Kumbum
69 x 69
Transparency Colour
A. J. Hopkinson's Tour of Duty as Indian Political Officer 1947-48
Notes on print/mount - 'Gyantse Gompa - Hlagang' has been written on the top edge of the slide [MS 24/08/2006]
Manual Catalogues - The index list in the original box in which the slides are still contained identifies this image as 'Gyantse Gompa Hlagang'] [MS 24/08/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Kumbum at Palkhor Chode, Gyantse"
05 Dec. 2006. The British Museum.
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© The British Museum