BMH.B.21.1 (Film negative)
Arthur Hopkinson
A. J. Hopkinson
March 4th 1927
Chumbi Valley Region >
110 x 85
Negative film nitrate
A. J. Hopkinson's Tour of Duty as British Trade Agent, Gyantse, 1927-28
In Negative - The negative has been cut very crudely along both the top and bottom edges [MS 29/06/2006]
Manual Catalogues - [Caption in A. J. Hopkinson's negative album 'Tibet B']: '21 - Khamba dog' [MS 21/04/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Dog in Khampa camp near Yatung"
05 Dec. 2006. The British Museum.
For more information about photographic usage or to order prints, please visit the The British Museum.
© The British Museum