2001.35.299.1 (Print Black & White)
Frederick Spencer Chapman
Evan Yorke Nepean
October 4th - 5th 1936?
104 x 70 mm
Print silver
Loaned August 2002
Judy Goldthorp
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37
Lady Nepean
CX.35 [view film roll]
Notes on print/mount - 'Lhama artists making Christmas cards for us; ink no: 35; pencil no: CX/35; , blue no: 33'. From an envelope marked 'Scenes during journeys around Lhasa'. [KC 07/08/2006]
Notes on print/mount - Caption in Chapman's hand-written list of negatives made whilst on the Mission to Lhasa, 1936-7 [See PRM Manuscripts Collection]: 'Artists at work thin [i.e.: under exposed]' [MS 07/08/2006]
Research publication - Clare Harris and Tsering Shakya (eds.) 2003 'Seeing Lhasa: British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947' (Serindia Publications, Chicago). Page 67.
Exhibition - This image appeared in the 2003 Temporary Exhibition at the Pitt Rivers "Seeing Lhasa: British Depictions of the Tibetan Capital 1936-1947"
Other Information - Setting: A group of Tibetan artists seated on the floor painting Christmas cards for the 1936 Gould Mission. The cards were to be sent to British and Tibetan friends and colleagues as the majority of British Mission members stayed in Lhasa for Christmas and both British and Tibetan New Year. Gould instructed that a Christmas party should be held for Tibetan children at the Dekyi Lingka. The Mission house was decorated with a Christmas tree and Norbhu Dhondup was disguised as Santa Claus. The party was a great success and the children reportedly requested that Christmas would become an annual event in Lhasa. [CH 2003]
Other Information - Related Images: Images prefixed with 'CX.' taken on the British Mission to Lhasa of 1936-37 comprise a group of negatives containing images of Phendong and his house, grinding grain, officials (5th rank), Rupon, doctors, artists at work, official’s at Regent’s departure. They all seem to have been taken between October 2nd - 6th 1936 [MS 07/08/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Artists making Christmas cards"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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© The Pitt Rivers Museum