Phari Dzong

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1998.285.372 (Glass negative)

Image for comparison

Key Information


Sir Charles Bell or his assistant Rabden


Sir Charles Bell

Date of Photo



Chumbi Valley Region > Phari

Accession number


Image Dimensions

120 x 163 mm

Phari Dzong, with water in foreground and people with animals standing close to the fort in the distance

Further Information

Photographic Process

Negative glass plate gelatin , Negative Half Plate

Date Acquired

Donated 1983

Donated by

St Antony's College, Oxford.

Copy difference

Varnish Intensifier


Sir Charles Bell

Photo also owned by

Royal Central Asiatic Society

Previous Catologue Number


Previous Pitt Rivers Museum Number



'Tibet Past & Present', Sir Charles Bell, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1924 [view list of illustrations]

Manual Catalogues -

Manual Catalogues - Bell's List of Illustrations entry: "[No. of chapter] VIII. [Subject of Chapter] The Provincial Officials [Subject of Illustration] (H.342 cdu) Ditto [cross reference to H.95/1998.285.107: Phari Jong in ruins, nearer view]. [Where placed - book page] I,66"

Contemporary Publication -

Contemporary Publication - Published in 'Tibet Past & Present', Bell, C. A., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924, facing p.66:"Phari Dzong, at the head of the Chumbi valley, captured and dismantled by the British Expedition"

Other Information - Historical Background: Phari Dzong was captured and nearly destroyed by the British troops during the Younghusband Expedition of 1904 [MS 21/9/2004]

In Negative - A transparent glossy varnish or intensifying mask has been placed over the emulsion on the glass plate. The particular kind of varnish used seems to have been preferred by Bell during the earlier years of his official career in the region before c.1912. The earliest dateable example of this technique in Bell's collection at the PRM is 1903 (1998.285.270) and the latest is that of this image c.1912 (1998.285.25). [MS 21/6/2004]

For Citation use:
The Tibet Album. "Phari Dzong" 05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum. <>.

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