1998.131.127 (Film negative)
Frederick Spencer Chapman
Frederick Spencer Chapman
February - March 1937
Chumbi Valley Region > Gautsa > Mint
60 x 95
Negative film nitrate
Donated 1994
Faith Spencer Chapman
British Diplomatic Mission to Lhasa 1936-37
Frederick Spencer Chapman
H.15 [view film roll]
In Negative - 'H.12' has been scratched into the negative on the bottom edge [MS 10/03/2006]
Other Information - Related Images: A group of negatives prefixed with 'H' that contain images of the route from Lhasa including Phari, Gautsa, Gyantse, all of which seem to have been taken in late February - early March 1937 [MS 10/03/2006]
Other Information - Description: Philip Neame wrote a brief description of the Mission's first encounter with this site when they travelled to Lhasa in August 1936: August 4th - "A couple of miles further on [from Lingmathang] we passed quite a remarkable collection of buildings on one of which was a big water wheel, this used to be the Tibetan Government mint, where paper was made, bank notes printed, and also coins struck. It is now out of use; one understands that the Tibetan Government prefer their mint nearer at hand in Lhasa where they can keep an eye on it" ['Lhasa Mission, 1936: Diary of Events', part II] [MS 10/03/2006]
For Citation use:
The Tibet Album.
"Former Government Mint"
05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum.
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