The official diary of the Gould mission to Lhasa sent by the British government. Read more about the mission diary.
The opening Meet of the Lhasa Vale Hunt "Mr. Gould's Hounds", hunted by Nepean, started - rather surprisingly perhaps - by hunting Gould who laid a red-hot trial or paper for several miles. The 'kill' occurred within a mile of our house. This was such a success that in future "Mr. Gould's Hounds" will hunt twice a week. The Tibetans, by the way, could not understand what we had lost. They also have a tiresome habit of sweeping up any odd bits of paper they find.
Author: Frederick Spencer Chapman [see handwritten annotations in Diary by Hugh Richardson in MS. Or. Richardson 2, Bodleian Libary, Department of Oriental Collections, University of Oxford]
Page Reference: Pt VIII p.3