S&SWM PR papers L2316
Ansd Feb 20/99
Mr H. Clayton Manisty presents his compliments to General Pitt-Rivers and begs to enclose a Roman coin found last summer (1898) in Silchester Camp.
As Mr Manisty understands that Genl. Rivers is interested in coins & has a splendid Museum at the Larmer Tree (which he hopes to visit) he offers the coin at such sum as Genl. Rivers shall consider a fair value as Mr Manisty is not a collector.
Hayling Island
10th Jany 1899
Ansd Feb 8/99 Coin not received at all | Manisty
Mr H. Clayton Manisty presents his compliments to General Pitt-Rivers and wishes to mention that some weeks ago, he sent to General Rivers a note, enclosing a Roman coin taken last summer out of the Roman city at Silchester, Hants Hearing that General Rivers was a Collector & had a Museum in Dorsetshire Mr Manisty offered it at such price as might be deemed reasonable.
Mr Manisty fears the letter must have miscarried
Hayling Island
5th Feby 1899
Manisty | Ansd Feb. 10/99
Mr H. Clayton Manisty begs to thank General Pitt-Rivers for his letter of the 8th inst.
Mr Manisty foolishly did not register his letter posted some weeks ago from here (Hayling Island) [insert] addressed "Rushmore, Dorset" [end insert] & enclosing a Roman coin in good state of preservation bearing a Roman Head inside with laurel [insert] or other [end insert] leaves on the side & several letters on the other "Vot." in the centre
Mr Manisty is making inquiries but fears nothing can be made out satisfactorily.
Mr Manisty had fully intended to leave the coin in person, when residing in Wiltshire last & had obtained the coin within two miles of Silchester by mere accident Mr Manisty would be extremely obliged if General Pitt-Rivers could instruct his Clerk to kindly send him a "Guide" which he saw when in Wiltshire and will remit stamps on learning the amount.
The guide [insert] to Tollard Royal &c [end insert] was written by General Pitt-Rivers
Hayling Island
9th Feby 1899
Ansd. Feb 23/99 1/- sent for Coin
Mr H. Clayton Manisty begs to thank Genl Pitt Rivers for his note of the 20th inst and while regretting that the Roman Coin is of so little value hopes that Genl. Pitt Rivers will add it to his Collection.
Mr Manisty has handed part of Genl. Pitt Rivers letter to the Postal Authorities with whom he was in communication. If a copy of Genl. Pitt Rivers Guide to the Larmer Tree &c (any old copy will do) can be found, Mr Manisty would be extremely obliged by its being sent to him at this address and Mr Manisty hopes to visit Tollard Royal in the Summer & obtain the new guide.
Hayling Island
21st Feby 1899
This is Add.9455vol9_p2335 /10, no cost is given in the catalogue. Note that this is definitely the right object despite the second letter as the catalogue records:
Description of Object: Brass Roman Coin of Crespius found in 1898 in Silchester camp
Measurement]: 3/4
[Date given]: Feby 99
[Who obtained from]: [Word illegible] Clayton [Words illegible]
Transcribed by AP for the Rethinking Pitt-Rivers project in July-August 2011