Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History

photograph scan of PRM number 1998.349.27.1

1998.349.27.1 (Film negative)

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Key Information


Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard


Evans-Pritchard's note for this photo was 'man hunt at Sichamoth' - referring to sich Amoth. Siro in Luo means market and sich Amoth means the market of Amoth. Amoth was the title of the African colonial chief in Alego area, and the market named after him was in his home village at Boro. To date the market is still known as Boro ka Amoth (Boro, the Amoth's place). It seems that a criminal, an offender or somebody who had broken the law was being hunted in the market place. One can see two administrative persons in helmet hats standing by the market entrance and curious onlookers milling around. [Gilbert Oteyo 9/9/2004]

Cultural Group



Nyanza Alego Boro

Pitt Rivers Source

Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard

Date of Photograph


Accession number


Further Information

Photographic Process

Negative film nitrate

Date Acquired

Donated 1988

For citation use:
Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History "1998.349.27.1" 6 Jun. 2008. Pitt Rivers Museum. Accessed 19 Nov. 2015 <http://photos.prm.ox.ac.uk/luo/photo/1998.349.27.1/>.

© Pitt Rivers Museum