1998.349.260.1 (Film negative)
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
A Luo man holding up to the camera two old spear blades, described as the tong of Kaluo, or the spears of Kaluo, the founder of the sub-clan of Alego location. The man holding the spears is likely to be the designated clan custodian of these revered objects. The fact that there are two spears fits with Luo practice, most elders owning one wide short bladed spear (tong' dindo) for cultural ceremonies, and one long narrow bladed for war, hunting and general protection. [Gilbert Oteyo 9/9/2004]
Nyanza Alego
Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard
Alego location was once composed of one clan under the leadership of a man called Alego. Alego's spear (tong) of leadership was revered. After him many other Luo clans were formed by his children or wives and other followers and because of disputes, claims and counter claims about leadership, each sub-clan decided to have their own leadership spear. Each made their spear blade in a distinctive style and any clan elder or man who made his own personal spear tried to copy this blade form. [Gilbert Oteyo 9/9/2004]
Negative film nitrate
Donated 1988
For citation use:
Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History
6 Jun. 2008. Pitt Rivers Museum.
Accessed 19 Nov. 2015
© Pitt Rivers Museum