Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History

photograph scan of PRM number 1998.349.16.1

1998.349.16.1 (Film Negative 120mm)

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Key Information


Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard


A portrait of a Luo girl, her arm holding the shoulder of a woman (out of frame) with a child below her elbow, at Gangu village. The village scene is typical with a homestead vegetation fence and banana plants in the background, while a sisal plant is at the bottom right corner. The woman on the left is mostly out of frame but one can see part of her bead necklace (tick ngut) probably of glass beads and a wrist ring (minyonge) on her left wrist. [Gilbert Oteyo 9/9/2004]

Cultural Group



Nyanza Gangu

Pitt Rivers Source

Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard

Date of Photograph


Accession number


Further Information

Photographic Process

Negative film nitrate

Date Acquired

Donated 1988

For citation use:
Pitt Rivers Museum Luo Visual History "1998.349.16.1" 6 Jun. 2008. Pitt Rivers Museum. Accessed 19 Nov. 2015 <http://photos.prm.ox.ac.uk/luo/photo/1998.349.16.1/>.

© Pitt Rivers Museum